1972 Harlem mosque incident

A two-story brick building on a city street with arched windows, a green dome atop in the center and storefronts at street level
Mosque No. 7 today, known as Malcolm Shabazz Mosque.

The 1972 Harlem mosque incident occurred on April 14, 1972, when a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer was shot and fatally wounded at the Nation of Islam Mosque No. 7 in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City. The officer responded to a fake 9-1-1 call, but was shot and died from his wounds six days later. The incident sparked political and public outcry about mishandling of the incident by the NYPD and the administration of Mayor John V. Lindsay.

The incident

On April 14, 1972, a 10-13, or NYPD officer's call for assistance, from a man claiming to be a Detective Thomas was received by police. The call came from 102 West 116th Street, the Nation of Islam Mosque No. 7, where Malcolm X was once minister before his conversion to orthodox Islam. Officer Phillip Cardillo and his partner Vito Navarra of the 28th Precinct responded, entering the mosque.[1] When they arrived at the mosque, they heard scuffling on the floor above. As they made their way to the staircase they were intercepted by 15 to 20 men who forced the officers to retreat down the stairs and back into the hallway. Police officers Victor Padilla and Ivan Negron, of the 25th Precinct, arrived and entered the premises. The officers were outnumbered and were then attacked. Cardillo's partner was able to escape as a steel door was closed, trapping officers Cardillo, Padilla and Negron.[2][3][4]

According to the New York Police Department, the officers were attacked by around 15 to 20 congregants, were beaten, and stripped of their guns. Padilla was then beaten and blackjacked into semi-consciousness while his partner fought off several men who were trying to grab his revolver. With his back to the door, officer Negron suddenly heard shots. Negron turned and saw a man with a gun in his hand who seemed to be getting up from the floor where officer Cardillo now lay shot.[3][4] During the incident, Officer Cardillo was assaulted, stripped of his firearm and was shot at point-blank range. Negron, managing to free himself from his attackers, drew his revolver and fired three shots. It is not known if the man with the gun was hit; he escaped. Officer Rudy Andre of the 28 Pct., broke the glass on the front metal door and saw the patrolmen inside on their backs. He fired several shots through the broken glass into the hallway which scattered the men who had been assaulting the officers, thus enabling officer Negron to unbolt the double metal door. During the melee, officers Cardillo and Padilla were seriously injured.[2][5] Mosque representatives maintained that the officers entered with guns drawn and interrupted prayer despite repeated requests to leave their guns outside. During the initial attempt to enter the mosque, police officers, including Cardillo's partner Officer Vito Navarra, claimed that prior to being forced out, they witnessed a man named Louis 17X Dupree standing over the dying Cardillo with a gun in hand. After reinforcements arrived, allowing police to retake the mosque, Dupree and several others were initially arrested at the scene. However, before Dupree could be taken into custody, Louis Farrakhan and Congressman Charles B. Rangel arrived at the scene, threatening a riot if Dupree was not released.[6]

The NYPD's chief of detectives, Albert Seedman, was the ranking officer at the scene. He said years afterwards that he called Chief Inspector Michael Codd from the basement and asked for two busloads of police cadets, to be armed only with nightsticks, to keep the peace outside. Codd, Seedman said, refused, hung up and would not take Seedman's subsequent calls.[7]

Soon after, more officers arrived on the scene. An angry mob began to form around the police barricade, and began pelting officers with projectiles and calling them "pigs". Several high ranking police officials ordered all officers out of the mosque and sent away all white officers.[1] It was hours later before 300–500 people were able to peacefully exit from the mosque after negotiations.[8] Due to the lower police force and a still angry crowd, police abandoned the scene. A promise was made by Rangel and Farrakhan, according to Seedman, that Dupree and the other suspects would turn themselves in to the 24th police precinct the following day, though none ever did. Rangel denies making such a promise. A new police policy was summarily enacted, identifying the mosque as a "sensitive location", thus preventing an investigation into the shooting for two years.[1] Officer Cardillo died six days later at St. Luke's Hospital as a result of his wounds.[9] Neither the Mayor of New York City or the NYPD Police Commissioner attended Police Officer Cardillo's funeral.

The 'Detective Thomas' from the original false alarm 10-13 call was never identified. Many of the officers of the NYPD, including Detective Randy Jurgensen who was the Cardillo case's lead detective, believed the fake call to be either a diversion or a trap, possibly set by elements of the Black Liberation Army, which the NYPD blamed for numerous murders of police officers.[1] Others have suggested that the fake call was a pretext call from an FBI informant, intended to spark dissent under the COINTELPRO program.[10]

According to Cardillo's family, police investigators failed to follow procedure in investigating the shooting.[11] Due to political pressure, officers in the basement directed by Chief Seedman released a dozen suspects in the shooting without identifying them. The release of the suspects severely hampered the investigation.[12] In a decided break with tradition, neither mayor John V. Lindsay nor the police commissioner at the time Patrick V. Murphy attended officer Cardillo's funeral. An unrepentant Farrakhan would later state that the officers "charged into our temple like criminals and were treated like criminals."


Two years after the shooting, prosecutors brought charges against the mosque school's dean, Louis 17X Dupree, after an informant who witnessed the incident testified against him. Subsequent to the first trial culminating in a hung jury, Dupree was acquitted at the second, largely because ballistic evidence could not be recovered and Dupree's attorney's made the argument that either Cardillo shot himself or that he was shot by another police officer.[12]


According to Randy Jurgensen and Robert Cea, Dupree, who later changed his name to Khalid Ali, was arrested in North Carolina on narcotics charges. He is currently serving a fifteen-year sentence in Georgia State Penitentiary. In 2012, local police officers proposed to the Manhattan Community Board 10 that part of the street in front of the mosque be renamed after Officer Cardillo.[13]

Albert Seedman said he decided to retire that day, as he was walking back to his car and dodging bricks being thrown at him. He claimed at the time that his retirement had nothing to do with the incident. In 2012, however, a year before his death, he admitted that his disgust with Codd's refusal to provide the extra officers was his real reason, and he did not want to say so at the time because "I loved the police department so much that I couldn't drag it through the dirt by saying what those bastards did."[7]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 Anne Barnard (11 May 2012). "Harlem Split on Plan to Honor Officer Killed in Mosque in ’72". New York Times. Retrieved 15 May 2012.
  2. 1 2 Circle of Six: The True Story of New York's Most Notorious Cop Killer and the Cop Who Risked Everything to Catch Him. Author: Randy Jurgensen. Publisher: Red Wheel Weiser, 2007; ISBN 1934708852, 9781934708859.
  3. 1 2 NYPD Angels
  4. 1 2 Recognition For Cardillo After Four Decades
  5. "The Untold Story Behind the Harlem Mosque Shooting", by Robert Daley. New York Magazine. June 4, 1973.
  6. Cannato, Vincent J. (2001). The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and His Struggle to Save New York. New York: Basic Books. pp. 485–487. ISBN 0-465-00843-7.
  7. 1 2 Hellman, Peter (April 29, 2012). "Last confession: A former NYPD chief on the cop-killer coverup that forced him out". New York Post. Archived from the original on June 22, 2012. Retrieved May 20, 2013.
  8. "Nation of Islam team defeats police lawsuit filed after mosque stand-off". Finalcall.com. Retrieved 2012-05-15.
  9. Mays, Jeff. "Naming Street for Cop Killed at Mosque Could 'Open Old Wounds,' Locals Say". DNAinfo.com. Retrieved 2012-05-15.
  10. Micah, Morrison (2015-04-19). "Did an FBI call accidentally kill an NYPD officer?". New York Post. Retrieved 2015-04-19.
  11. Gendar, Alison (2009-03-21). "Nation of Islam mosque killing of NYPD cop still a mystery, 37 years later". New York Daily News. Retrieved 2012-05-15.
  12. 1 2 "Remembering Cardillo and the Mosque". Nypdconfidential.com. Retrieved 2012-05-15.
  13. "NYPD officer told to get Muslim leaders' blessing to honor cop killed in mosque". Fox News. 2010-04-07. Retrieved 2012-05-15.

Further reading

Coordinates: 40°48′07″N 73°57′01″W / 40.802014°N 73.950227°W / 40.802014; -73.950227

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