1603 in literature

List of years in literature (table)

This article presents lists of the literary events and publications in 1603.


New books







  1. 1 2 Penguin Pocket On This Day. Penguin Reference Library. 2006. ISBN 0-14-102715-0.
  2. According to a letter which historian William Cory in 1865 claimed to exist.
  3. Cox, Michael, ed. (2004). The Concise Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860634-6.
  4. de Houtman, Fr. (1603). Spraeck ende woord-boeck, in de Maleysche ende Madagaskarsche talen, met vele Arabische ende Turcsche woorden. Inhoudende twaelf tsamensprekeninghen inde Maleysche, ende drie in de Madagaskarsche spraken, met alderhande woorden ende namen, ghestela naer dordre vanden A.B.C. alles int Nederduytsch gestellt: noch zijn hier byghevoecht de declinatien van vele vaste Sterren, staende ontrent den Zuyd-pool. Amsterdam: Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburch. Retrieved 2012-01-02.
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