Orders of magnitude (numbers)

The logarithmic scale can compactly represent the relationship among variously sized numbers.

This list contains selected positive numbers in increasing order, including counts of things, dimensionless quantity and probabilities. Each number is given a name in the short scale, which is used in English-speaking countries, as well as a name in the long scale, which is used in some of the countries that do not have English as their national language.

Smaller than 10−100 (one googolth)

10−100 to 10−30


(0.000000000000000000000000000001; 1000−10; short scale: one nonillionth; long scale: one quintillionth)


(0.000000000000000000000000001; 1000−9; short scale: one octillionth; long scale: one quadrilliardth)


(0.000000000000000000000001; 1000−8; short scale: one septillionth; long scale: one quadrillionth)

ISO: yocto- (y)


(0.000000000000000000001; 1000−7; short scale: one sextillionth; long scale: one trilliardth)

ISO: zepto- (z)


(0.000000000000000001; 1000−6; short scale: one quintillionth; long scale: one trillionth)

ISO: atto- (a)


(0.000000000000001; 1000−5; short scale: one quadrillionth; long scale: one billiardth)

ISO: femto- (f)


(0.000000000001; 1000−4; short scale: one trillionth; long scale: one billionth)

ISO: pico- (p)


(0.000000001; 1000−3; short scale: one billionth; long scale: one milliardth)

ISO: nano- (n)


(0.000001; 1000−2; long and short scales: one millionth)

ISO: micro- (μ)


(0.001; 1000−1; one thousandth)

ISO: milli- (m)


(0.01; one hundredth)

ISO: centi- (c)


(0.1; one tenth)

ISO: deci- (d)


(1; one)


(10; ten)

ISO: deca- (da)


(100; hundred)

ISO: hecto- (h)


(1000; thousand)

ISO: kilo- (k)


(10000; ten thousand or a myriad)


(100000; one hundred thousand or a lakh).


(1000000; 10002; long and short scales: one million)

ISO: mega- (M)


(10000000; a crore; long and short scales: ten million)


(100000000; long and short scales: one hundred million)


(1000000000; 10003; short scale: one billion; long scale: one thousand million, or one milliard)

ISO: giga- (G)


(10000000000; short scale: ten billion; long scale: ten thousand million, or ten milliard)


(100000000000; short scale: one hundred billion; long scale: hundred thousand million, or hundred milliard)


(1000000000000; 10004; short scale: one trillion; long scale: one billion)

ISO: tera- (T)


(1000000000000000; 10005; short scale: one quadrillion; long scale: one thousand billion, or one billiard)

ISO: peta- (P)


(1000000000000000000; 10006; short scale: one quintillion; long scale: one trillion)

ISO: exa- (E)


(1000000000000000000000; 10007; short scale: one sextillion; long scale: one thousand trillion, or one trilliard)

ISO: zetta- (Z)


(1000000000000000000000000; 10008; short scale: one septillion; long scale: one quadrillion)

ISO: yotta- (Y)


(1000000000000000000000000000; 10009; short scale: one octillion; long scale: one thousand quadrillion, or one quadrilliard)


(1000000000000000000000000000000; 100010; short scale: one nonillion; long scale: one quintillion)


(1000000000000000000000000000000000; 100011; short scale: one decillion; long scale: one thousand quintillion, or one quintilliard)


(1000000000000000000000000000000000000; 100012; short scale: one undecillion; long scale: one sextillion)


(1000000000000000000000000000000000000000; 100013; short scale: one duodecillion; long scale: one thousand sextillion, or one sextilliard)

1042 to 10100

(1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; 100014; short scale: one tredecillion; long scale: one septillion)

10100 (one googol) to 1010100 (one googolplex)

(10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; 100033; short scale: ten duotrigintillion; long scale: ten thousand sexdecillion, or ten sexdecillard)[43]

Larger than 1010100

(One googolplex; 10googol; short scale: googolplex; long scale: googolplex)

See also


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  44. "Richard Eldridge".
  45. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Elliptic Curve Primality Proof at The Prime Pages.
  46. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Twin Primes Archived 2013-01-27 at the Wayback Machine. at The Prime Pages.
  47. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Sophie Germain (p) at The Prime Pages.
  48. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Palindrome at The Prime Pages.
  49. PrimeGrid's Primorial Prime Search Archived 2013-11-26 at the Wayback Machine.
  50. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Factorial primes Archived 2013-04-10 at the Wayback Machine. at The Prime Pages.
  51. From the third paragraph of the story: "Each book contains 410 pages; each page, 40 lines; each line, about 80 black letters." That makes 410 x 40 x 80 = 1,312,000 characters. The fifth paragraph tells us that "there are 25 orthographic symbols" including spaces and punctuation. The magnitude of the resulting number is found by taking logarithms. However, this calculation only gives a lower bound on the number of books as it does not take into account variations in the titles – the narrator does not specify a limit on the number of characters on the spine. For further discussion of this, see Bloch, William Goldbloom. The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2008.
  52. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Generalized Fermat Archived 2014-12-23 at the Wayback Machine. at The Prime Pages.
  53. Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Proth at The Prime Pages.
  54. 1 2 Chris Caldwell, The Top Twenty: Largest Known Primes at The Prime Pages.
  55. Chris Caldwell, Mersenne Primes: History, Theorems and Lists at The Prime Pages.
  56. Zyga, Lisa "Physicists Calculate Number of Parallel Universes" Archived 2011-06-06 at the Wayback Machine., PhysOrg, 16 October 2009.
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