Étienne-Jehandier Desrochers

Étienne-Jehandier Desrochers (1668, Lyon – 1741, Paris) was an 18th-century French engraver best known for his small portraits[1] of his contemporaries.

Some Engravings

Main illustrated books


  1. The portraits are typically enclosed by an oval, and are about 10cm by 15 cm in size
  2. "Étienne Jehandier Desrochers (1668-1741), Engraver: Artist associated with 21 portraits". National Portrait Gallery: Collections. National Portrait Gallery, St Martin's Place, London, WC2H 0HE. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  3. "Jean-Théophile Desaguliers. Line engraving by E. Desrochers, ca. 1720.". Wellcome Library. Wellcome Trust. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  4. "M. Jean Law / Recueil de portraits". The British Museum: Collections online. Trustees of the British Museum. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  5. "Danae, sprawling semi-nude on a richly draped bed is visited by Jupiter in the guise of a golden rain; a naked winged cupid sitting beside her; two putti, dipping the tip of an arrow in poison, at the foot of the bed". The British Museum: Collections online. Trustees of the British Museum. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  6. "François [E]ugene de savoye chevlier de lordre de la toison d'or genl de l'armee de l'empereur en Italie né 18 Oct. 1663 / Ka. P. gravé par E. Desrochers et sevent chés lui a Paris rue S. Jacque au Mecenas.". Library of Congress: Photos, Prints, Drawings. United States Congress. Retrieved 15 February 2017.

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