Telephone numbers in Uzbekistan

Country Code: +998
International Call Prefix: 8~10
Trunk Prefix: 8~

The Uzbek telephone numbering plan describes the allocation of telephone numbers in Uzbekistan.

International dialling format (country code + area code + subscriber number): e.g. +998 BC XXXXXXX

Land Lines

All Uzbek phones have nine numbers, and are composed of a city prefix (from 2 to 4 digits) and a subscriber number (the remaining digits up to 9).

City codes

Locality/Province/Cell phone provider Area code
Andijan 74
Bukhara 65
Chirchik 7071
Djizak 72
Fergana 73
Guliston 672
Karakalpakia 61
Kashkadarya Province 75
Karshi 752
Khiva 6222
Khorezm 62
Navoi 79
Namangan 69
Nukus 61
Samarkand 662
Shakhrisabz 7552
Surkhandarya Province 76
Syrdarya 67
Tashkent 71
Termez 7622
Urgench 62
mobile Beeline 90, 91
mobile UMS 92
mobile Ucell 93, 94
mobile UzMobile 95
mobile UMS 97
mobile Perfectum Mobile 98
mobile UzMobile 99



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