Telephone numbers in Iceland

Iceland telephone numbers
Country Iceland
Continent Europe
NSN length 7
Access codes
Country calling code +354
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix none

National numbers in Iceland are seven digits long and generally written in the form xxx xxxx or xxx-xxxx and the E.123 format specifies +354 xxx xxxx from abroad since the country code is +354.

There are no area codes in this closed numbering plan and the international call prefix is 00. Numbers of mobile phones tend to begin with either 6xx xxxx, 7xx xxxx or 8xx xxxx, while land line numbers start with 5xx xxxx (in Reykjavík) or 4xx xxxx (the countryside).

Allocation of numbers

Telephone numbers in Keflavík begin with 421 xxxx
Telephone numbers in Akureyri begin with 462 xxxx
Telephone numbers in the City of Reykjavík, Vesturbær and Miðbær begin with 551 xxxx, 552 xxxx, 561 xxxx or 562 xxxx
City of Reykjavík

Geographic numbers

Land line numbers in and around the capital area generally begin 5xx xxxx.

Land line numbers elsewhere in the country tend to begin 4xx xxxx.

In most places the numbers generally begin with the same three digits, e.g.

Special numbers

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