Zariski's connectedness theorem

In algebraic geometry, Zariski's connectedness theorem says that under certain conditions the fibers of a morphism of varieties are connected. It is an extension of Zariski's main theorem to the case when the morphism of varieties need not be birational.

Zariski's connectedness theorem gives a rigorous version of the "principle of degeneration" introduced by Enriques, which says roughly that a limit of absolutely irreducible cycles is absolutely connected.


Suppose that f is a proper surjective morphism of varieties from X to Y such that the function field of Y is separably closed in that of X. Then Zariski's connectedness theorem says that the inverse image of any normal point of Y is connected. An alternative version says that if f is proper and f* OX = OY, then f is surjective and the inverse image of any point of Y is connected.


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