Yosef Qafih

Yosef Qafiḥ (Hebrew: יוסף קאפח), widely known as Rabbi Kapach (27 November 1917 – 21 July 2000), was a Yemenite-Israeli authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), a dayan of the Supreme Rabbinical Court in Israel, and one of the foremost leaders of the Yemenite Jewish community, first in Yemen and later in Israel where he was sought after by non-Yemenites as well.[1] He is widely known for his editions and translations of the works of Maimonides, Saadia Gaon, and other early rabbinic authorities (Rishonim), particularly his restoration of the Mishneh Torah from old Yemenite manuscripts and his accompanying commentary culled from close to 300 additional commentators[2] and with original insights. He was the grandson of Rabbi Yiḥyah Qafiḥ, a prominent Yemenite leader and founder of the Dor Deah movement in Yemen. Qafih was the recipient of many awards, as well as an Honorary Doctorate from Bar-Ilan University.


Yosef Qafiḥ was born in (27 November 1917) in Sana’a in Yemen.[3] His father was Rabbi David Qafiḥ, who died when his son Yosef was one year old. At the age of five Yosef also lost his mother, and was raised by his grandfather Rabbi Yiḥyah Qafiḥ, under whom he studied Torah. When Yosef was 14 his grandfather died and he inherited his position as rabbinic authority and teacher of the Sana’a community. In his early years he worked as a silversmith. He married Bracha.

In 1943 he immigrated to Palestine, studied at the Merkaz HaRav yeshiva and qualified as a dayan at the Harry Fischel Institute. In 1950 he was appointed as a dayan in the Jerusalem district court. After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was invited to serve on the Jerusalem beth din in 1958, beside Rabbi Qafih and Rabbi Waldenberg, Rabbis Qafih and Yosef together would constitute a non-Ashkenazic majority in the beit din of three.[4] In 1970,[5] Qafih was appointed as a dayan in the Supreme Rabbinical Court. Throughout the course of more than half a century numerous rabbis sat on various rabbinical courts with him, including Rabbis Tzvi Pesach Frank, Yosef Shalom Eliashiv,[6] Ovadia Yosef, Avraham Shapira, Mordechai Eliyahu, and the Tzitz Eliezer.[7] He was a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council of Israel and president of the Yemenite community in Jerusalem. He died on 21 July 2000 at the age of 82.


His main work in the field of Torah literature was his translation and publication of manuscripts of numerous works by Sephardic Rishonim, including HaNivchar BeEmunot UVa-Deot of Saadia Gaon, the Torat Chovot HaLevavot by Bahya ibn Pakuda, the Kuzari by Judah ha-Levi and many other works in Judaeo-Arabic. The prime place in his oeuvre is reserved for the writings of Maimonides: he translated the Guide for the Perplexed, Commentary on the Mishnah, Sefer Hamitzvot, letters and Beiur M'lekhet HaHiggayon and edited a 24-volume set of the Mishneh Torah (posthumously divided into 25). His works and translations received recognition from the academic and Rabbinic world alike. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef wrote that the seven years he sat with "the great Gaon Rabbi Yosef Kapach ZT"L" in the beth din were "seven good years"[8] and that Rabbi Kapach toiled over his Torah day and night.[9]

He wrote extensively about the heritage of Yemenite Jews. He published a book under the title of “Halichot Teman”, and edited the “Shivat Tzion” tiklal, a Yemenite prayer book reflecting the views of Maimonides in three volumes. In 1993 he published a new version under the title of “Siaḥ Yerushalayim” in four volumes (posthumously edited to six). Qafiḥ identified with the Dor Dai tendency, except that he did not publicly express opposition to the Zohar beyond saying that it was preferable to draw sustenance from the teachings of Maimonides. In his leadership of the Yemenite community in Israel he endeavored to maintain peace between the main factions in the community and worked to preserve Yemenite customs. In matters pertaining to Yemenite customs, even where later customs conflict with the earlier custom, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu regarded the opinion of Rabbi Kapach, who he called Mori Yusef (Hebrew: מארי יוסף),[10] to be decisive.[11]

Some of Rabbi Kafih's Arabic-to-Hebrew translations have, in turn, been translated into English. Examples of English translations based on Kafih's editions include Saadia on Job by Dr. Lenn E. Goodman, Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies, and Maimonides' Sefer Hamitzvot (albeit lacking Maimonides' Introduction and Principles) by Rabbi Berel Bell, Dayan of Kehilas Lubavitch on the Beth Din of Montreal and the founding dean of Chaya Mushka Seminary.

Awards and recognition

Published works

Recorded Lectures

Posthumously, Machon Mishnat HaRambam has, to date, put out the following CDs (in MP3 format) with Rabbi Yosef Kapach's recorded lectures (Hebrew: שיעורים מפי הרה"ג יוסף קאפח):

See also


  1. Professor Moshe Bar-Asher, Peamim 84 (summer 2000), הרב יוסף קאפח – החוקר והמנהיג הרוחני, p. 11 (Hebrew). "אבל אם ירצה הרוצה לצמצם את כוח השפעתו ואת גודל ערכו כמנהיג לעדה אחת, יחטא לאמת. רבי יוסף רבם ומורם של ישראל היה, מורם ברובי תורתו אשר העמיד לרשותם, ורבם במופת האישי שהקרין במעשיו ובהנהגותיו."
  2. http://www.torah.org/learning/rambam/special/kapach.html (English translation). ספר המדע מהדורת הרב קאפח (Hebrew original), p. 15 (p. 13 of linked Otzar HaHochma pagination).
  3. http://www.chayas.com/rabbi.htm
  4. The Life and Scholarship of Hacham Ovadia Yosef, Yehuda Azoulay, chapter 17, by footnote 6.
  5. The Life and Scholarship of Hacham Ovadia Yosef, Yehuda Azoulay, chapter 17, by footnote 23.
  6. I.e., prior to his 1972 resignation from the rabbinate's Supreme Beit Din due to Rabbi Shlomo Goren (Of Books and Bans p. 5, http://www.nevo.co.il/law_html/law10/YALKUT-1875.pdf#page=5 p. 453 [Hebrew]) and the brother and sister verdict.
  7. עדות ביהוסף, פתח דבר (p. 3 of the linked Otzar HaHochma pagination).
  8. Hebrew: שבע שנים טובות. See Genesis 41:26.
  9. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in the Hebrew responsa book שו"ת הריב"ד להרב הגאון יוסף בן דוד קאפח זצ"ל, cited in the Or Hahalichot periodical (Tammuz 5769, p. 3). — שו"ת הריב"ד קאפח זצ"ל, תשובות בהלכה מאשר הורה לשואליו דבר ידיד נפשי המנוח הדגול, שייף עייל שייף נפיק, הגאון הגדול רבי יוסף קאפח זצ"ל. זכרתי ימים מקדם, עת ישבנו עם הגאון זצ"ל בשבת תחכמוני, בבית הדין הרבני האיזורי, שבע שנים טובות, ואחר כך המשכנו בבית הדין הגדול לערעורים, שבת אחים גם יחד, בנעימות וידידות, כתלמידי חכמים שבארץ ישראל המנעימים זה לזה בהלכה... הגאון המנוח זצ"ל בחיים חיותו היה שקוד על תורתו יומם ולילה, לילה כיום יאיר כחשכה כאורה, ובמיוחד התמסר בכל מאודו ונפשו, ויגע בעשר אצבעותיו להפיץ את תורתו של הרמב"ם, וכתב עליה חיבורים רבים המלאים חכמה תבונה ודעת, מתוך דיוק הדק היטב בתורתו של הרמב"ם.
  10. Hebrew source: שתמיד הקפיד בלשונו לכנות את הגר"י קאפח בכינוי: "מארי", על אף שבפי אחינו הספרדים רגילים לומר "חכם"
  11. במחיצת המאורות הגדולים: הגר"מ אליהו והגר"י קאפח (Hebrew) in Or Hahalichot periodical, Tammuz 5770 issue.
  12. "List of Bialik Prize recipients 1933-2004 (in Hebrew), Tel Aviv Municipality website" (PDF).
  13. "Israel Prize Official Site - Recipients in 1969 (in Hebrew)".
  14. "Israel Prize Official Site - Recipients in 1999 (in Hebrew)".
  15. http://www.kedma.org/socialaction.htm
  16. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?23506&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  17. Available online at http://www.hebrewbooks.org/39855 but missing pages 244-245 (pages 100-101 were scanned twice).
  18. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?8066&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  19. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?24835&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  20. Published in the Yale Judaica Series as The Book of Theodicy (1988). Although not exclusively translated per Rabbi Kafih's edition his translation appears to be chief and foremost in Goodman's edition (see p. xiv), which is also noteworthy for numerous scholarly citations of Kafih's comments.
  21. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149875&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  22. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?7871&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free).
  23. 15 years after its publication, owing to an additional manuscript with material that was missing from the manuscripts previously used, a supplement was published—reprinted in Collected Papers, Volume 3, pages 1183-1195 (available at http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?64129&lang=eng).
  24. Save for a portion of commentary to Chapter 43 (translated to Hebrew from the Judeo-Arabic by Kafih) published in Tsohar le-Hasifat Ginze Teman (Hebrew: צֹהַר לחשׂיפת גנזי תימן), Yehuda Levy Nahum, Tel Aviv, 1986, Hebrew page numbers רט-רי.
  25. E.g., in his edition of Iyyov, p. 12, footnote 35; Collected Papers, Volume 1, p. 477, footnote 7; פירושי רבינו סעדיה גאון על התורה (revised new edition, 1984), p. 48 (Genesis 27:28), end of footnote 4.
  26. Kafih's edition of Iyyov, הקדמת רס"ג, p. 15, footnote 54. — "ישעיה מ, י. סב יא. וראה פירושו לפרק סב מהד' דירינבורג עמ' 142."
  27. Presumably "Texte Arabe de l'Isaïe de Saadia," in Stade's "Zeitschrift," ix., x., Giessen, 1889-90 (http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/5105-derenburg-derenbourg; see also The Jewish Quarterly Review, January 1896, Joseph Derenbourg, p. 192 — "He himself published in Stade's Zeitschrift" etc.).
  28. In a different context Kafih referred to Dr. Derenbourg as having satisfactory translated and published, from and with the Judeo-Arabic, Maimonides' commentary to Taharot (Kafih edition of the Mishnah with Maimonides' commentary, Seder Zera'im, p. 10).
  29. A few years prior to Rabbi Kafih's passing, Tafsir Yeshaʻyah, including the complete introduction, was translated into Hebrew by Professor Yehuda Ratzaby (http://www.virtualgeula.com/moshe/catd1.jpg, Machon MosHe 2003 Catalog List, http://hebrew-academy.huji.ac.il/al_haakademya/haverim/haverimbeavar/Pages/yehudaratsabi.aspx).
  30. Originally published with English translation by S. Atlas and M. Perlmann in Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol. 14 (1944): Saadia on the Scroll of the Hasmonaeans.
  31. Printed at the end of Rabbi Kapach's edition of Daniel (listed above).
  32. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?12163&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  33. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?14197&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  34. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?154065&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  35. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149876&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  36. במבואו לספר כתב הרב יוסף קאפח: מחברנו ר' נתנאל כתב ספרו זה סביבות שנת דתתק"ז ליצירה.
  37. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149871&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  38. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?10900&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  39. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149870&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  40. P. x.
  41. P. 166-168 (endnotes on p. 178-179).
  42. It should be noted that Fred Rosner published an English translation of Maimonides' entire commentary on Tractate Sanhedrin (published as Maimonides Commentary on the Mishnah: Tractate Sanhedrin [New York, 1981]) for which Rabbi Kafaḥ's Hebrew translation was one of two major source works used, his second major source work being "the annotated Hebrew translation of Gottlieb (Hanover. 1906)" (p. xvi-xvii).
    In an earlier translation of his Rosner published Moses Maimonides' Commentary on the Mishnah: Introduction to Seder Zeraim and Commentary on Tractate Berachoth (New York, 1975), but Kapach's translation was not central to this with Al Harizi's Hebrew translation being the major source work used, although Rosner noted that "[c]onsultation with the new Hebrew translation of Kapach was very valuable in many instances" (p. 32-33).
  43. As also noted on p. ix, their English translation made supplemental use of M. Wolff, Acht Capitel (Leipzig: H. Hunger, 1863). As referenced in their endnotes, variants from Wolff are at times accompanied by readings from Ibn Tibbon published in Gorfinkle's edition (available for download in PDF format).
  44. In Otzar HaHochma: סֵפֶר הַמַּדָּע (edition: רביעית תשס"א) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  45. In Otzar HaHochma: ספר אַהֲבָה (edition: רביעית – תשס"ד) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  46. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר זְמַנִּים (edition: רביעית – תשס"ד) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  47. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר זְמַנִּים (edition: שלישית – תשס"ה) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  48. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שלישי של ספר זְמַנִּים (edition: שלישית – תשס"ה) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  49. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר נָשִׁים (edition: רביעית – תשס"ו) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  50. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר נָשִׁים (edition: שנייה מתוקנת – תשס"ב) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  51. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר קְדוּשָּׁה (edition: ראשונה – התשמ"ט ליצירה, ב"ש לשטרות) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  52. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר קְדוּשָּׁה (edition: שנייה – תשס"ו) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  53. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שלישי של ספר קְדוּשָּׁה (edition: שנייה – תשס"ו) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  54. In Otzar HaHochma: ספר הַפלָאָה (edition: שנייה מעודכנת – תשס"ט) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  55. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר זְרָעִים (edition: שנייה – תשס"ח) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  56. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר זְרָעִים (edition: שנייה – תשס"ז) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  57. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר עֲבוֹדָה (edition: שנייה – תשס"ט) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  58. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר עֲבוֹדָה (edition: ראשונה – התשנ"ב ליצירה, בש"ג לשטרות) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  59. In Otzar HaHochma: ספר הַקָּרבָּנוֹת (edition: ראשונה – התשנ"ב ליצירה, בש"ג לשטרות) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  60. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר טָהֳרָה (edition: ראשונה – התשנ"ג ליצירה, בש"ד לשטרות) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  61. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר טָהֳרָה (edition: רביעית – תשס"ו) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  62. In Otzar HaHochma: ספר נְזִיקִין (edition: רביעית – תשס"ח) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  63. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר קִניָן (edition: רביעית – תשס"ו) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  64. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר קִניָן (edition: שלישית – תשס"ז) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  65. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר מִשׁפָּטִים (edition: שלישית – תשס"ב) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  66. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר מִשׁפָּטִים (edition: שלישית – תשס"ב) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  67. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך ראשון של ספר שׁוֹפְטִים (edition: שלישית – תשס"ב) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  68. In Otzar HaHochma: כרך שני של ספר שׁוֹפְטִים (edition: רביעית – תשס"ז) (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  69. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?155273&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  70. Based on Rabbi Kapach's edition with the original Arabic, Rabbi Berel Bell produced an English translation (Maimonides’ Seminal Work Receives New Translation) of the mitzvot in two volumes (the first volume contains the Translator's Introduction, most of which can be freely accessed online; the second volume is available online); the complete 613 mitzvot are available online. His English translation lacks Maimonides' Introduction and Principles.
  71. See Rabbi Kapach's edition with the original Arabic (1971), p. 10 (p. 5 of linked Otzar HaHochma pagination).
  72. Rabbi Berel Bell's Translator's Introduction, in the subsection "Kapach Translations: 5718 and 5731", p. 6-7.
  73. Volume 1: http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?158009&lang=eng. Volume 2: http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?158010&lang=eng. Volume 3: http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?158011&lang=eng. (First 40 pages viewable for free.)
  74. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?155206&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  75. Note that Fred Rosner published an English translation of Moses Maimonides' Treatise On Resurrection (1982) for which Rabbi Kafaḥ's Hebrew translation was one of three primary source works used (p. 14).
  76. Responsa of the Rambam ed. Blau (Rubin Mass and Makhon Moshe, Jerusalem, 2014), volume one, divrei b'rakhah of Rabbi Ratzon Arusi (Hebrew): "ואליבא דאמת, שהתרגום של מהרי"ק למספר תשובות אינו תרגום במלוא מובנה של המילה, כי יש והוא רק תמצית התשובה,"... "כך שתרגומיו של מהרי"ק לאותן תשובות הן קרובות לעיבוד מאשר לתרגום, ובהן השתמש מהרי"ק לצורך פירושו למשנה תורה."... "הנה נצא ונראה כיצד דקדקו חכמי התלמוד בביאור לשון המשנה, תוך השוואה עם ברייתות, אפילו ברייתות שאין בהן מחלוקת על המשנה אלא שינוי לשון, כי אין שני נביאים מתנבאים בסגנון אחד, וכל שכן המתרגמים, ושינויי לשון, יש בהם כדי לסייע ללומדים לעמוד על הכוונה היותר אמתית של המחבר."
  77. The first three volumes are available online at http://www.hebrewbooks.org/1730, http://www.hebrewbooks.org/1731, and http://www.hebrewbooks.org/1732.
  78. The reprint being three volumes only, with the original volumes 3 and 4 combined into a single "ג-ד" volume. Also appended to the last volume of this new edition is תשובת הרמב"ם בשאלת הקץ הקצוב לחיים (p. 57-82) and האגרת האלגורית ששלח ר' יוסף בן יהודה להרמב"ם ותשובת הרמב"ם (p. 83-84) which were, respectively, referenced (Hilkoth T'shuvah, chapter 3, note 4) and taught by Rabbi Kafich (Yosef Farchi, in vol. 3-4, p. 87, footnote 2-3).
  79. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?155375&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  80. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?155534&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  81. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?154946&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  82. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?103265&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  83. Joshua, Judges (volume 1, 5759): http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?149865&lang=eng.
    Samuel I (volume 2, 5760): http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?149866&lang=eng.
    Samuel II (volume 3, 5762): http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?149867&lang=eng.
    Kings I (volume 4, 5766): http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?149868&lang=eng. (First 40 pages viewable for free.) Samuel II and Kings I volumes were published posthumously, edited for completion from translated, punctuated, and partially referenced manuscript that Rabbi Kapach drafted before his death.
  84. Volume 1: http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149861&lang=eng. Volume 2: http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149864&lang=eng. (First 40 pages viewable for free.)
  85. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/book.aspx?149874&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  86. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?16982&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  87. Published in המאסף שנה ה' חוב' 6, תמוז תשמ"ג, pages 559-564.
  88. Published in קול סיני, volume 3, תמוז התשכ"ד, p. 271.
  89. Published in Kobez Al Yad, new series, book 7 (17), Jerusalem 1968, pages 81-100.
  90. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?16983&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  91. Published in ברקאי קובץ א' (קיץ תשמ"ג), pages 101-130.
  92. 'קורות ישראל בתימן' לרבי חיים חבשוש (Hebrew) in Sefunot, volume 2 (Jerusalem 1958), Hebrew page numbers רמו-רפו (p. 254-294 in PDF pagination). English abstract on p. 14 (p. 387 in PDF pagination).
  93. ספר "דופי הזמן" לרבי סעיד צעדי. קורות יהודי תימן בשנות תע"ז – תפ"ו (Hebrew) in Sefunot, volume 1 (Jerusalem 1956), Hebrew page numbers קפה-רמב (p. 204-263 in PDF pagination). English abstract on p. 13 (p. 345 in PDF pagination).
  94. מצוקות תימן (Hebrew) in Sefunot, volume 5 (Jerusalem 1961), Hebrew page numbers שצז-תיג (p. 405-421 in PDF pagination). English abstract on pages 15-16 (pages 520 and 519, respectively, in PDF pagination).
  95. Originally published circa 1967 in מחניים קי, pages פב-פח.
  96. Originally published circa 1965 in מחניים צה?[צב], pages קל-קלג.
  97. Originally published circa 1966 in מחניים קו, pages קנב-קנז.
  98. Originally published circa 1965 in מחניים צח, pages 68-71.
  99. Published in Peamim 11 (1982), pages 89-93.
  100. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?64129&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  101. Published in Tehuda, issue no. 14 (1994), pages 67-73. (Compare with Collected Papers, volume 3, pages 1399-1406.)
  102. The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive listing of those papers listed in Collected Papers' Bibliography of Rabbi Yosef Kafih's Writings (at the end of volume 2, pages 1125-1139) that were not actually reprinted in Collected Papers. Rather, only material accessible online is listed here.
  103. Published in לַמּוֹעֵד, שבועות ג, קובץ ז' (ירושלים תש"ז), pages 41-42.
  104. Published in Mi-Yetzirot Sifrutiyyot Mi-Teman (Hebrew: מיצירות ספרותיות מתימן), Yehuda Levy Nahum, Holon, 1981, Hebrew page numbers א-מו (of which the first 20 pages are viewable for free, beginning from p. 21 of linked Otzar HaHochma pagination).
    Specifically, included is commentary to Shir Hashirim (Hebrew page numbers א-כז), Torah (Hebrew page numbers כח-לד), Nakh (Hebrew page numbers לה-מב), and Sefer Yetzira (Hebrew page numbers מג-מו).
  105. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?158976&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  106. Hebrew: מהדורה שניה
  107. Hebrew: "הוצאה שלישית מתוקנת"
  108. Pages 3-31 (of approximately 371 total) online: http://www.chayas.com/shabbothHC.pdf (p. 3-9), http://www.chayas.com/roshhashan.pdf (p. 10-12), http://www.chayas.com/kippur.pdf (p. 13-14), http://www.chayas.com/gafpesahpdf.pdf (p. 14-29), http://www.chayas.com/gavshav.pdf (p. 28-31).
  109. Albeit with new errors.
  110. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?104765&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  111. Hebrew: מָסורה ליוסף. (The first few volumes were vowelized מְסורה ליוסף, but this was corrected in subsequent volumes.)
  112. Paper that Rabbi Yosef Kapach edited, for the purposes of a radio broadcast (1949), about Rabbi Yichyei Kapach.
  113. Written for the various speakers. Familial identifying information was censored from Masorah L'Yosef (p. 136).
  114. http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?64190&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free)
  115. Volume 1 (תשל"ד-תשל"ו): http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?172100&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free).
    Volume 2: (תשל"ג-תשל"ו): http://www.otzar.org/wotzar/Book.aspx?180041&lang=eng (first 40 pages viewable for free).

Further reading

External links

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