Yala National Park

Yala National Park
IUCN category II (national park)

Patanangala, a rock outcrop in the Yala beach
Map showing the location of Yala National Park

Location of Yala National Park

Location Southern and Uva Provinces, Sri Lanka
Nearest city Hambantota
Coordinates 6°22′22″N 81°31′01″E / 6.37278°N 81.51694°E / 6.37278; 81.51694Coordinates: 6°22′22″N 81°31′01″E / 6.37278°N 81.51694°E / 6.37278; 81.51694
Area 97,880.7 hectares (377.919 sq mi)
Established 1900 (Wildlife sanctuary)
1938 (National park)
Governing body Department of Wildlife Conservation
Website www.yalasrilanka.lk

Yala National Park is the most visited and second largest national park in Sri Lanka. The park consists of five blocks, two of which are now open to the public, and also adjoining parks. The blocks have individual names such as, Ruhuna National Park (block 1) and Kumana National Park or 'Yala East' for the adjoining area. It is situated in the southeast region of the country, and lies in Southern Province and Uva Province. The park covers 979 square kilometres (378 sq mi) and is located about 300 kilometres (190 mi) from Colombo. Yala was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1900, and, along with Wilpattu was one of the first two national parks in Sri Lanka, having been designated in 1938. The park is best known for its variety of wild animals. It is important for the conservation of Sri Lankan elephants, Sri Lankan leopards and aquatic birds.

There are six national parks and three wildlife sanctuaries in the vicinity of Yala. Among the largest is Lunugamvehera National Park. The park is situated in the dry semi-arid climatic region and rain is received mainly during the northeast monsoon. Yala hosts a variety of ecosystems ranging from moist monsoon forests to freshwater and marine wetlands. It is one of the 70 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Sri Lanka. Yala harbours 215 bird species including six endemic species of Sri Lanka. The number of mammals that has been recorded from the park is 44, and it has one of the highest leopard densities in the world.

The area around Yala has hosted several ancient civilisations. Two important pilgrim sites, Sithulpahuwa and Magul Vihara, are situated within the park. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused severe damage on the Yala National Park and 250 people died in its vicinity. The number of visitors has been on the rise since 2009 after the security situation in the park improved.


In 1560 Spanish cartographer Cipriano Sanchez noted Yala in his map "is abandoned for 300 years due to insalubrious conditions."[1] Chief Justice Sir Alexander Johnston wrote a detailed account on Yala in 1806 after travelling from Trincomalee to Hambantota. On March 23, 1900 the government proclaimed Yala and Wilpattu reserves under the Forest Ordinance.[2] Initially the extent of the reserve was 389 square kilometres (150 sq mi) between the Menik and Kumbukkan Rivers. At that time the reserve did not bear the name Yala. The Game Protection Society (now the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society) was instrumental in establishing the reserve. The forest area between Palatupana and Yala was declared a hunting site reserved only for the resident sportsmen.[2] Henry Engelbrecht was appointed as the first park warden.

Map of Yala National Park

On 1 March 1938, Yala became a national park when the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance was passed into law by D. S. Senanayake, the minister of agriculture. The park consists of five blocks.[3] Subsequently four other blocks were incorporated to the park. There are six national parks and three wildlife sanctuaries in the vicinity of Yala. Kumana National Park, Yala Strict Nature Reserve and Kataragama, Katagamuwa, and Nimalawa sanctuaries are continuous with the park.[2]

Block Extent Date added to the park
Block I 14,101 hectares (54.44 sq mi) 1938
Block II 9,931 hectares (38.34 sq mi) 1954
Block III 40,775 hectares (157.43 sq mi) 1967
Block IV 26,418 hectares (102.00 sq mi) 1969
Block V 6,656 hectares (25.70 sq mi) 1973
Source: Sri Lanka Wetlands Information and Database[3]

Physical features

A dead tree by a body of water
Surface water becomes critical in the dry season

The Yala area is mostly composed of metamorphic rock belonging to the Precambrian era and classified into two series, Vijayan series and Highland series. Reddish brown soil and low humic grey soil are prominent among six soil types. Yala is situated in the lowest peneplain of Sri Lanka, which extends from Trincomalee to Hambantota. Topographically the area is a flat and mildly undulating plain that runs to the coast with elevation is 30 metres (98 ft) close to the coast while rising in the interior to 100–125 metres (328–410 ft). The national park is situated in the dry semi-arid climatic region and rain is received mainly during the northeast monsoon. The mean annual rainfall ranges between 500–775 millimetres (19.7–30.5 in) while the mean temperature ranges between 26.4 °C (79.5 °F) in January to 30 °C (86 °F) in April. It is windier in Yala, during the southwest monsoon compared to the wind during the northeast monsoon with wind speeds from 23 kilometres per hour (14 mph) to 15 kilometres per hour (9.3 mph).[3]

Water is abundant after the northeast monsoon, but during the dry season surface water becomes an important factor. The bodies of surface water appear in the forms of streams, tanks, waterholes, rock pools, and lagoons. Waterholes occur in low lying places while rock pools of varying size are capable of containing water year-round, and are hence an important source of water for elephants. For many water birds and water buffaloes natural waterholes are ideal habitats. Such reservoirs are largely concentrated to the Block I followed by Block II. Several tanks are there including, Maha Seelawa, Buthawa, Uraniya, and Pilinnawa tanks.[2] Many rivers and streams flow in a southeasterly direction, originating in the highlands of adjacent Uva and central hills. Kumbukkan Oya in the east and Menik River and its tributaries in the west flow across the park, and provide an important water source in the dry season to wild animals of the park. Normally the streams of the park are dry during the drought season. These rivers and streams exhibit a degree of runoff fluctuations between wet and dry seasons. Kumbukkan Oya discharges seven times as much water in the rainy season than in the dry season. A number of lagoons are situated along the coast line of the park.[3] There are several routes to get to Yala from Colombo, while the route via Ratnapura and Tissamaharama is the shortest with 270 kilometres (170 mi).[2]

Impact of 2004 tsunami

Yala lay in the direct path of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which impacted Sri Lanka 90 minutes after its generation.[4] The tsunami caused severe but localised damage on the park,[5] with around 250 people being killed.[6] The tsunami wave was reported to be 20 feet (6.1 m) high. The tsunami waves reached inland only through the river-mouth gaps in the coastal dunes.[7] Inundation distances from ranged up to 392 to 1,490 metres (429 to 1,629 yd). The main habitats affected were scrub forest and grasslands. About 5,000 hectares (19 sq mi) of grassland, forest and wetland are directly affected by the tsunami. The satellite images revealed that mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) range from 0.245-0.772 in the Block I and II. After the disaster the NDVI value fell dramatically to 0.2111. Around 60% of the area along the coastline has changed. The damage was worse close to the sea.[5] The movement patterns of two radio collared elephants were analyzed. The study found out that their movements were consistent with behaviour prompted by immediate cues generated by the tsunami waves rather than a response to a "sixth sense".[8]


A water stream and dead trees in a wetland
Wetlands are one of habitat types of Yala

Yala National Park has a variety of ecosystems including moist monsoon forests, dry monsoon forests, semi deciduous forests, thorn forests, grasslands, fresh water and marine wetlands, and sandy beaches.[3] The area under forest cover mainly consists of Block I and rangelands of open parkland (Pelessa grasslands) including some extensive grasslands. The forest area is restricted to around the Menik River while rangelands are found towards the sea side. Other habitat types of the Block I are tanks and water holes, lagoons and mangroves and chena lands. The mangrove vegetation in the Buthuwa lagoon is largely Rhizophora mucronata while Avicennia spp. and Aegiceras spp. are less abundant. The vegetation of Block II is similar to those of Block I, and Yalawela, once a fertile paddy field, represents Pitiya grasslands. The mangroves of Block II occur around the estuary of Menik River, which extent to 100 hectares (0.39 sq mi). The common mangrove plants are Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia caseolaris, Avicennia spp., and Aegiceras corniculatum. The lagoons of Pilinnawa, Mahapothana, and Pahalapothana are also located in this block.[3] The other common mangrove species are Sonneratia caseolaris, Acanthus ilicifolius, Excoecaria agallocha, and Lumnitzera racemosa. In the bare sand Crinum zeylanicum is found.[9]

In the Blocks III, IV, and V, forests are more widespread. The canopy of the forest mainly contains Drypetes sepiaria and Manilkara hexandra plant species. The Pitiya grasslands are important for grazing animals. The Cynodon barberi is the common grass in Pitiya grasslands while Zoysia matrella becomes dominant near the beach. Among 300 odd floral species are Manilkara hexandra, Drypetes sepiaria, Ceylon Satinwood, Terminalia arjuna, limonia, Berrya cordifolia, Randia dumetorum, Pleurostylia opposita, Gymnema sylvestre, Bell mimosa, Neem, Banyan, Toothbrush tree, Schleichera oleosa, Vitex pinnata, Indian blackberry, Gmelina asiatica, Carissa spinarum, Euphorbia antiquorum, and Acacia eburnea.[2] In the seasonally flooded areas of Block II, a wild species of rice (Oryza sp.) is found. The Glenniea unijuga is an endemic plant species found around the wetlands of the park. The Munronia pumila, Salacia reticulata, and Asparagus racemosus are the medicinal plants.[3]



 A large black and white bird in a grassy field
The great stone-curlew (great thick-knee) is a waterbird found in the park

Yala is one of the 70 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Sri Lanka.[10] Of 215 bird species of the park, seven are endemic to Sri Lanka.[2] They are Sri Lanka grey hornbill, Sri Lanka junglefowl, Sri Lanka wood pigeon, crimson-fronted barbet, black-capped bulbul, blue-tailed bee-eater and brown-capped babbler. The number of waterbirds inhabiting wetlands of Yala is 90 and half of them are migrants.[3] Waterfowl (lesser whistling duck, garganey), cormorants (little cormorant, Indian cormorant), large waterbirds (grey heron, black-headed ibis, Eurasian spoonbill, Asian openbill, painted stork), medium-sized waders Tringa spp., and small waders Charadrius spp. are among the common waterbirds. Black-necked stork and lesser adjutant are the rare birds that can be seen in the park. The migrant great white pelican and resident spot-billed pelican are also have been recorded. Other waterbirds attracted to the Yala lagoons include lesser flamingo, and pelicans, and rare species such as purple heron, night herons, egrets, purple swamphen, and Oriental darter. Thousands of waterfowls migrate to the lagoons of Yala during the northeast monsoon. They are northern pintail, white-winged tern, Eurasian curlew, whimbrel, godwits, and ruddy turnstone. The visiting species mingled with residing lesser whistling duck, yellow-wattled lapwing, red-wattled lapwing, and great stone-curlew. Rock pigeon, barred buttonquail, Indian peafowl, black stork, black-winged stilt, and greater flamingo are among the other bird species. Crested serpent eagle and white-bellied sea eagle are the raptors of the park. The forest birds are orange-breasted green pigeon, hornbills, Old World flycatchers, Indian paradise flycatcher, Asian barbets, and orioles.[9]


Streams in the park can sustain a large herd of Sri Lankan elephants
Yala has the highest leopard concentration in the world

Including Sri Lankan elephant, 44 species of mammals are resident in Yala National Park,[2] and it has one of the highest leopard densities in the world.[11] 25 individual leopards are estimated to roam in Block I.[12] The elephant herd of Yala contains 300350 individuals.[13] Sri Lankan sloth bear, Sri Lankan leopard, Sri Lankan elephant, wild water buffalo are threatened species that Yala is harbouring. Although water buffaloes are indigenous to Sri Lanka, most populations contain genes of the domestic stock or are descended from feral stock. Toque macaque, golden palm civet, red slender loris, and fishing cat are among the other mammals that can be seen in Yala. The elephant population of the park varies seasonally.[9]


Crocodile in Yala National Park

The reptile fauna recorded from the park is 47 and six of them are endemic. Sri Lankan krait, Boulenger's keelback, Sri Lankan flying snake, painted-lip lizard, Wiegmann's agama and Bahir's fan-throated lizard are the endemic species.[2][14] The coastal line of the park is visited by the all five globally endangered sea turtles (leatherback turtle, olive ridley, loggerhead sea turtle, hawksbill turtle, and green turtle) that visit Sri Lanka.[2][3] The two breeding crocodile species of Sri Lanka, mugger crocodile and saltwater crocodile inhabit the park. The Indian cobra and Russell's viper are among the other reptiles.[9]


There are 18 amphibians species that have been recorded from Yala while Bufo atukoralei and Adenomus kelaartii are endemic to Sri Lanka.


In the water courses of Yala, 21 fresh water fishes are found.[2] The fish population in the perennial reservoirs contain mostly exotic food fish Mozambique tilapia.[3] The stone sucker and Esomus thermoicos are endemic among other species. The blackspot barb, olive barb, orange chromide and common spiny loach are the common fish species.


Crabs and prawns include the fauna in the lagoons of the park.[9]

A variety of butterfly species is found here. The common bluebottle, common lime butterfly, crimson rose, common Jezebel, and common Mormon are the common species.[2]

Cultural importance

Wild elephants are commonly found in Yala. Elephant Rock is in the background

Yala had been a center of past civilisations.[9] King Ravana, the mythical Hindu anti-hero is believed to have established his kingdom here with Ravana Kotte, now submerged in the sea, as its boundary. Seafaring traders brought Indo-Aryan civilisation with them, as Yala is situated in their trading route. A large number of ancient although disrepaired tanks are the evidence of a rich hydraulic and agricultural civilisation dating back to 5th century BC.[3] Situlpahuwa, which was the home for 12,000 arahants, is situated within the park area along with Magul Vihara, which built in 87 BC and Akasa Chaitiya, which constructed in 2nd century BC. Agriculture flourished in area during the period of Ruhuna Kingdom. According to Mahavamsa, the Kingdom of Ruhuna began to decline by the end of the 13th Century AD. During the colonial period Yala became a popular hunting ground. Yala is annually visited by 400,000 pilgrims.[15]

Threats and conservation

Poaching, gem mining, logging, encroachment by agriculture, and free-roaming domestic livestock entering are the main threats to the park.[9] Three wardens have been killed in clashes with poachers. Gems are mined along the Menik River and holes created by gem mining which extend up to 30 metres (98 ft) can be seen along the Kumbukkan Oya. In Blocks III and IV, the encroachment is severe as chena cultivation and burning, to provide grazing in the dry season, collide with the boundary. A large grove of Sonneratia caseolaris is faced with forest dieback in the Menik River's estuary. Cultivation of tobacco, noise and air pollutions caused by uncontrolled tourism are the other conservation issues. The growth of invasive alien species such as Lantana camara, Opuntia dillenii, Chromolaena odorata is threatening the native plants.[3]

Deep within the forest Ganja is cultivated in cleared areas.[9] The wildlife is poached and disturbed by the fishermen at Patanangala. The turtles are caught in fishing nets and the fishermen also litter the beach with debris. They have also set traps inland and dig up turtle nests. In the absence of hand-weeding which was practiced until the 1950s, the transformation of interior grasslands to scrub jungle is unavoidable. The tourism has created problems in the past, such as vehicles harassing wild animals. The issue is most severe in Sithulpahuwa where thousands of pilgrims are attracted leading to a great degree of commercialisation. Department of Wildlife Conservation has taken some conservation measures such as management of grazing lands, conservation of small water ponds, and irradiation of invasive alien species. A 40 kilometres (25 mi) long electric fence was erected to prevent elephants from moving into nearby villages.[3]


Tourism generates noise and air pollution in the park, but also generates money and therefore helps to justify the National Park

The Yala National Park is the most visited park in Sri Lanka.[3] In 2002 around 156,867 tourists visited the park. Foreigners, especially Europeans, account for 30% of total visitors.[16] Block I is the main area for visits. Block III (main gate in Galge area, on Buttala-Kataragama Road) and the adjoining Kumana Park or 'Yala East' (main gate at Okanda, on the east coast not far from Pottuvil) however are becoming popular in their own right too. See Note that the Situlpahuwa pilgrimage site, geographically in Block III, has kind of an 'enclave' status and is accessible FOC through separate roads from Tissa and Kataragama. Most of the visitors stated that reasons for their visit is to see wild animals, and elephant is the most preferred animal. The visitors like to see bears, leopards, birds as well. In 2000 the income from visitors including lodge fees was approximately US$468,629.[15] Due to security conditions revenue was lost.[17] The Yala National Park has been susceptible to terrorist attacks. On 17 October 2007 a group of LTTE cadres attacked an army detachment in Thalgasmankada in the park.[18] The attack killed six army soldiers and another was caught up in a landmine explosion. On 11 July 2008 four people died in an attack launched by the LTTE.[19] The cadres opened fire at a bus carrying pilgrims to Kataragama. Since the end of the civil war, May 2009, no violence has occurred in Yala area also and it is fully safe for visitors; this was also the main factor in opening blocks III and V for tourists. From January to June in 2008, 9,078 local tourists and 7,532 foreigners have visited Yala. For the same period of time in 2009 the arrivals have risen to 18,031 locals and foreigners to 10,439. Accordingly, the revenue increased to Rs. 27 millions (US$235,000) in 2009 from Rs. 16.6 millions (US$154,000) in 2008. The visitors are allowed to see the wild animals from 5.30 am to 6.30 pm.[2] Due to droughts the park used to be closed to tourists from 1 September, to 15 October annually; however in 2009 and 2010 the closure was skipped and lakes filled with water bowsers for drinking water for the animals, a future strategy on drought handling is not yet clear.


  1. Brohier, R. L. (2001). Hewawasam, Abhaya, ed. Brohier dutu Lankawa [The Ceylon that Brohier seen] (in Sinhala) (2nd ed.). Sooriya Publishers. pp. 312–320. ISBN 955-9348-63-9.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Senaratna, P.M. (2009). "Yala". Sri Lankawe Jathika Vanodhyana (in Sinhala) (2nd ed.). Sarasavi Publishers. pp. 22–69. ISBN 955-573-346-5.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 "Ruhuna National Park". Sri Lanka Wetlands Information and Database. International Water Management Institute. Retrieved 15 March 2010.
  4. Fernando, Prithiviraj; Wikramanayake, Eric D.; Pastorini, Jennifer (10 June 2006). "Impact of tsunami on terrestrial ecosystems of Yala National Park, Sri Lanka" (pdf). Current Science 90 (11): 1531–1534.
  5. 1 2 L. Ratnayake, Ranitha. "Impact of tsunami disaster on the integral Yala National Park (Sri Lanka) vegetation cover using remote sensing" (pdf). Sri Lanka.
  6. "Earthquake: Tsunami closes Yala Park". noticias.info. 28 December 2004. Retrieved 18 March 2010.
  7. Moore, A. L.; McAdoo, B. G.; Ranasinghe, N. (December 2007). "2004 South Asia tsunami left little record of its trace near Yala, southeastern Sri Lanka". American Geophysical Union (American Geophysical Union) 31: 0168. Bibcode:2007AGUFMOS31A0168M.
  8. Wikramanayake, Eric; Fernando, Prithiviraj; Leimgruber, Peter (2006). "Behavioral Response of Satellite-collared Elephants to the Tsunami in Southern Sri Lanka" (pdf). Biotropica 38 (6): 775–777. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2006.00199.x.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Green, Micahael J. B. (1990). IUCN directory of South Asian protected areas. IUCN. pp. 242–246. ISBN 2-8317-0030-2.
  10. "Important Bird Area factsheet: Yala, Sri Lanka". birdlife.org. BirdLife International. 2009. Retrieved 18 March 2010.
  11. Kittle, Andrew (May 10, 2009). "Tracking the Lankan Leopard". The Sunday Times. Retrieved 27 February 2010.
  12. Santiapillai, Charles; Chambers, M.R.; Ishwaran, N. (May 1982). "The leopard Panthera pardus fusca (meyer 1794) in the ruhuna national park, Sri Lanka, conservation". Biological Conservation (1982) 23 (1): 5–14. doi:10.1016/0006-3207(82)90050-7.
  13. Perera, B. M. A. Oswin (2007). "Status of Elephants in Sri Lanka and the Human-Elephant Conflict" (pdf).
  14. http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Sitana&species=bahiri&search_param=((taxon%3D'agamidae'))
  15. 1 2 Buultjens, J.; Ratnayake, I.; Gnanapala, A.; Aslam, M (2005). "Tourism and its implications for management in Ruhuna National Park (Yala), Sri Lanka" (pdf). Tourism Management 26 (5): 733–742. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2004.03.014.
  16. Weerasinghe, U. M. I. R. K.; Kariyawasm, Dayananda; De Zoysa, Mangala. "Ruhuna (Yala) National Park in Sri Lanka: visitors, visitation and Eco-tourism". fao.org. Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved 17 March 2010.
  17. Prematunge, Sajitha (26 July 2009). "Revamping national parks in a post-war setting". Sunday Observer. Retrieved 17 March 2010.
  18. "Not a feather in Tiger cap". Sunday Observer. 21 October 2007. Retrieved 18 March 2010.
  19. Wijayapala, Ranil; Yatawara, Daneshi (12 July 2008). "Tigers fire at bus killing four". Daily News. Retrieved 18 March 2010.

External links

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