Y-DNA haplogroups by populations of Near East

Listed here are notable ethnic groups and populations from Western Asia, North Africa and South Caucasus by human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups based on relevant studies. The samples are taken from individuals identified with the ethnic and linguistic designations in the first two columns, the third column gives the sample size studied, and the other columns give the percentage of the particular haplogroup. (IE = Indo-European, AA = Afro-Asiatic)

Population Language (if specified) n E1b1a E1b1b G I  J L N R1a R1b T Reference
Arabs (Algeria) AA (Semitic) 35 0 54 0 0 35 0 0 0 13 0 Arredi2004[1]
Arabs (Algeria - Oran) AA (Semitic) 102 12.8 50.9 0 0 27.4 0 0 1 10.8 0 Robino2008[2]
Arabs (Bedouin) AA (Semitic) 32 0 18.7 0 6.3 65.6 0 0 9.4 0 0 Nebel2001[3]
Arabs (Egyptians) AA (Semitic) 147 2.8 36.7 8.8 0.7 32 0 0 2.7 4.1 8.2 Luis2004[4]
Arabs (Iraq) AA (Semitic) 0.9 8.3 0 0 50.6 0 0 0 0 0 Semino2004[5]
Arabs (Palestine) AA (Semitic) 143 0 20.3 0 6.3 55.2 0 0 1.4 8.4 0 Nebel2001[3]
Arabs (Jordan) AA (Semitic) 146 0 26 4.1 3.4 43.8 0 0 1.4 17.8 0 AbuAmero2009[6]
Arabs (Lebanon) AA (Semitic) 31 0 25.8 3.2 3.2 45.2 3.2 0 9.7 6.4 0 Semino2000[7]
Arabs (Libya) AA (Semitic) 63 0 52 8 1.5 24 1.5 0 1.5 3 5 Immel2006[8]
Arabs (Morocco) AA (Semitic) 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.8 0 Pericic2005[9]
Arabs (Morocco) AA (Semitic) 49 0 75.5 0 0 20.4 0 0 0 0 0 Semino2004[5]
Arabs (Oman) AA (Semitic) 121 7.4 15.7 1.7 0 47.9 0.8 0 9.1 1.7 8.3 Luis2004[4]
Arabs (Qatar) AA (Semitic) 72 2.8 5.6 2.8 0 66.7 2.8 0 6.9 1.4 0 Cadenas2008[10]
Arabs (Saudi Arabia) AA (Semitic) 157 7.6 7.6 3.2 0 58 1.9 0 5.1 1.9 5.1 AbuAmero2009[6]
Arabs (Syria) AA (Semitic) 20 0 10 0 5 30 0 0 10 15 0 Semino2000[7]
Arabs (Sudan) AA (Semitic) 102 0 16.7 0 3.9 47.1 0 0 0 15.7 0 Hassan2008[11]
Arabs (Tunisia) AA (Semitic) 148 1.4 49.3 0 0 35.8 0 0 0 6.8 0.7 Arredi2004[1]
Arabs (UAE) AA (Semitic) 164 5.5 11.6 4.3 0 45.1 3 0 7.3 4.3 4.9 Cadenas2008[10]
Arabs (Yemen) AA (Semitic) 62 3.2 12.9 1.6 0 82.3 0 0 0 0 0 Cadenas2008[10]
Armenians IE (Armenian) 89 0 3.4 0 0 29.2 0 3.4 5.6 24.7 0 Rosser2000[12]
Armenians IE (Armenian) 100 0 6 11 5 24 0 0 6 19 0 Nasidze2004[13]
Armenians IE (Armenian) 734 0 5.4 0 0 0 1.6 0 5.3 32.4 0 Weale2001[14]
Ashkenazi Jews IE (Germanic) 79 0 22.8 0 0 43 0 0 12.7 0 0 Nebel2001[3]
Ashkenazi Jews IE (Germanic) 442 0.2 19.7 9.7 4.1 38 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 Behar2004[15]
Assyrians (Iran) AA (Semitic) 48 0 4.2 8.3 0 29.2 0 0 8.3 29.2 8.3 Grugni 2012[16]
Azerbaijanis Altaic (Turkic) 72 0 6 18 3 31 0 0 7 11 0 Nasidze2004[13]
Azerbaijanis Altaic (Turkic) 97 0 4.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Baloch IE (Iranian, NW) 25 0 8 0 0 16 24 0 28 8 0 Sengupta2006[18]
Berbers (Moyen Atlas) AA (Berber) 69 0 87.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Berbers (Marrakesh) AA (Berber) 29 0 92.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Berbers (Mozabite) AA (Berber) 20 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Berbers (Morocco) AA (Berber) 64 4.7 79.6 0 0 6.3 0 0 0 0 0 Semino2004[5]
Berbers (north-central Morocco) AA (Berber) 63 9.5 74.6 0 0 3.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bosch2001[19]
Berbers (southern Morocco) AA (Berber) 40 2.5 85 0 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Bosch2001[19]
Copts (Sudan) AA (Semitic) 33 0 21.2 0 0 45.5 0 0 0 15.2 0 Hassan2008[11]
Cypriots IE (Greek) 45 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 0 Rosser2000[12]
Druze AA (Semitic) 28 0 14.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Egyptians AA (Semitic) 92 3.3 43.5 2.2 1.1 22.8 0 0 0 5.4 7.6 Wood2005[20]
Egyptians AA (Semitic) 147 2 36 9 1 31 0 0 3 2 8 AbuAmero2009[6]
Egyptians (North) AA (Semitic) 43 0 53.5 7 0 18.2 0 0 2.3 9.3 2.3 Zalloua2008[21]
Egyptians (South) AA (Semitic) 29 0 31 17.2 3.4 24.1 0 0 0 13.8 10.3 Zalloua2008[21]
Georgians Caucasian (South) 63 0 0 30.1 0 36.5 1.6 0 7.9 14.3 1.6 Semino2000[7]
Georgians Caucasian (South) 66 0 3 31.8 1.5 36.4 1.5 0 10.6 9.1 1.5 Battaglia2008[22]
Iranians (North Iran) IE (Iranian, West) 33 0 0 15.2 0 33.3 3 6.1 6.1 15.2 0 Regueiro2006[23]
Iranians (South Iran) IE (Iranian, West) 117 1.7 5.1 12.8 0 35 6 0.9 16.2 6 3.4 Regueiro2006[23]
Iranians IE (Iranian, West) 130 0 4.6 5.4 24.6 13.8 0 0 19.2 4.6 0 Nasidze2004[13]
Iranians IE 938 1.8 7 11.7 0.5 31.4 5 0.1 14.3 10.1 3.4 Grugni 2012[16]
Iraq 203 1 10.8 2.5 0.5 57.6 1 1 6.9 10.8 5.9 Abu A. 2009[6]
Kurdish Jews AA (Semitic) 95 0 12.1 0 0 37.4 1 0 4 20.2 0 Nebel2001[3]
Kurds (Muslim)(Northern Iraq) IE (Iranian, NW) 95 0 7.4 4.2 16.8 40 3.2 0 11.6 16.8 0 Nebel2001[3]
Lebanon 916 0.7 16.2 6.5 4.8 46 5.2 0 2.5 8.1 4.7 AbuAmero2009[6]
Nubians (Sudan) Nilo-Saharan (Eastern Sudanic) 39 0 23.1 0 5.1 43.6 0 0 0 10.3 0 Hassan2008[11]
Saharawish (Morocco) AA (Semitic) 29 3.4 79.3 0 0 17.2 0 0 0 0 0 Semino2004[5]
Sephardic Jews IE (Italic) 78 0 19.2 0 11.5 28.2 0 0 3.9 29.5 0 Nebel2001[3]
Soqotra AA (Semitic) 63 0 9 [24] 0 0 85.7 0 0 1.6 0 0 Cerny2009[25]
Turks Altaic (Turkic) 523 0.2 11.3 10.9 5.4 33.3 [26] 4.2 3.8 6.9 16.1 2.5 Cinnioglu2004[27]
Turks Altaic (Turkic) 741 0 0 0 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rootsi2004[28]
Turks Altaic (Turkic) 167 0 10.2 0 0 32.9 0 2.4 4.8 20.4 0 Rosser2000[12]
Turks Altaic (Turkic) 59 0 13.6 8.5 6.8 30.5 0 0 11.9 20.3 1.7 Sanchez2005[29]
Turks (Central Anatolia) Altaic (Turkic) 61 0 6.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pericic2005[9]
Turks (Istanbul) Altaic (Turkic) 0 13 0 0 24.7 0 0 0 0 0 Semino2004[5]
Turks (Konya) Altaic (Turkic) 0 14.5 0 0 31.8 0 0 0 0 0 Semino2004[5]
Turks (Cypriot) Altaic (Turkic) 46 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Turks (Southeastern) Altaic (Turkic) 24 0 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]
Turks (Erzurum) Altaic (Turkic) 25 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cruciani2004[17]

See also


  1. 1 2 Arredi, B; Poloni, E; Paracchini, S; Zerjal, T; Fathallah, D; Makrelouf, M; Pascali, V; Novelletto, A; Tylersmith, C (2004). "A Predominantly Neolithic Origin for Y-Chromosomal DNA Variation in North Africa". The American Journal of Human Genetics 75 (2): 338–45. doi:10.1086/423147. PMC 1216069. PMID 15202071.
  2. Robino, C; Crobu, F; Di Gaetano, C; Bekada, A; Benhamamouch, S; Cerutti, N; Piazza, A; Inturri, S; Torre, C (2008). "Analysis of Y-chromosomal SNP haplogroups and STR haplotypes in an Algerian population sample". International journal of legal medicine 122 (3): 251–5. doi:10.1007/s00414-007-0203-5. PMID 17909833.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nebel, A; Filon, D; Brinkmann, B; Majumder, P; Faerman, M; Oppenheim, A (2001). "The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East". The American Journal of Human Genetics 69 (5): 1095–112. doi:10.1086/324070. PMC 1274378. PMID 11573163.
  4. 1 2 Luis, J; Rowold, D; Regueiro, M; Caeiro, B; Cinnioglu, C; Roseman, C; Underhill, P; Cavallisforza, L; Herrera, R (2004). "The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors of Human Migrations". The American Journal of Human Genetics 74 (3): 532–44. doi:10.1086/382286. PMC 1182266. PMID 14973781. (Errata)
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Semino, O; Magri, C; Benuzzi, G; Lin, AA; Al-Zahery, N; Battaglia, V; MacCioni, L; Triantaphyllidis, C; et al. (2004). "Origin, diffusion, and differentiation of Y-chromosome haplogroups E and J: inferences on the neolithization of Europe and later migratory events in the Mediterranean area". American Journal of Human Genetics 74 (5): 1023–34. doi:10.1086/386295. PMC 1181965. PMID 15069642.
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  9. 1 2 Pericić, M; Lauc, LB; Klarić, IM; Rootsi, S; Janićijevic, B; Rudan, I; Terzić, R; Colak, I; et al. (2005). "High-resolution phylogenetic analysis of southeastern Europe traces major episodes of paternal gene flow among Slavic populations". Molecular Biology and Evolution 22 (10): 1964–75. doi:10.1093/molbev/msi185. PMID 15944443.
  10. 1 2 3 Cadenas, Alicia M; Zhivotovsky, Lev A; Cavalli-Sforza, Luca L; Underhill, Peter A; Herrera, Rene J (2007). "Y-chromosome diversity characterizes the Gulf of Oman". European Journal of Human Genetics 16 (3): 374–86. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201934. PMID 17928816.
  11. 1 2 3 Hassan, HY; Underhill, PA; Cavalli-Sforza, LL; Ibrahim, ME (2008). "Y-chromosome variation among Sudanese: restricted gene flow, concordance with language, geography, and history". American Journal of Physical Anthropology 137 (3): 316–23. doi:10.1002/ajpa.20876. PMID 18618658.
  12. 1 2 3 Rosser, ZH; Zerjal, T; Hurles, ME; Adojaan, M; Alavantic, D; Amorim, A; Amos, W; Armenteros, M; et al. (2000). "Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language". American Journal of Human Genetics 67 (6): 1526–43. doi:10.1086/316890. PMC 1287948. PMID 11078479.
  13. 1 2 3 Nasidze, I; Ling, EY; Quinque, D; Dupanloup, I; Cordaux, R; Rychkov, S; Naumova, O; Zhukova, O; et al. (2004). "Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome variation in the caucasus". Annals of Human Genetics 68 (Pt 3): 205–21. doi:10.1046/j.1529-8817.2004.00092.x. PMID 15180701.
  14. Weale, ME; Yepiskoposyan, L; Jager, RF; Hovhannisyan, N; Khudoyan, A; Burbage-Hall, O; Bradman, N; Thomas, MG (2001). "Armenian Y chromosome haplotypes reveal strong regional structure within a single ethno-national group". Human Genetics 109 (6): 659–74. doi:10.1007/s00439-001-0627-9. PMID 11810279.
  15. Behar, DM; Garrigan, D; Kaplan, ME; Mobasher, Z; Rosengarten, D; Karafet, TM; Quintana-Murci, L; Ostrer, H; et al. (2004). "Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome variation in Ashkenazi Jewish and host non-Jewish European populations". Human Genetics 114 (4): 354–65. doi:10.1007/s00439-003-1073-7. PMID 14740294.
  16. 1 2 Grugni, Viola et al 2012, Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Iranians PLoS ONE 7(7): e41252. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041252
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cruciani, F; La Fratta, R; Santolamazza, P; Sellitto, D; Pascone, R; Moral, P; Watson, E; Guida, V; et al. (2004). "Phylogeographic analysis of haplogroup E3b (E-M215) y chromosomes reveals multiple migratory events within and out of Africa". American Journal of Human Genetics 74 (5): 1014–22. doi:10.1086/386294. PMC 1181964. PMID 15042509.
  18. Sengupta, S; Zhivotovsky, L; King, R; Mehdi, S; Edmonds, C; Chow, C; Lin, A; Mitra, M; Sil, S; Ramesh, A.; Usha Rani, M.V.; Thakur, Chitra M.; Cavalli-Sforza, L. Luca; Majumder, Partha P.; Underhill, Peter A. (2006). "Polarity and Temporality of High-Resolution Y-Chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists". The American Journal of Human Genetics 78 (2): 202–21. doi:10.1086/499411. PMC 1380230. PMID 16400607.
  19. 1 2 Bosch, E; Calafell, F; Comas, D; Oefner, P; Underhill, P; Bertranpetit, J (2001). "High-Resolution Analysis of Human Y-Chromosome Variation Shows a Sharp Discontinuity and Limited Gene Flow between Northwestern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula". The American Journal of Human Genetics 68 (4): 1019–29. doi:10.1086/319521. PMC 1275654. PMID 11254456.
  20. Wood, ET; Stover, DA; Ehret, C; Destro-Bisol, G; Spedini, G; McLeod, H; Louie, L; Bamshad, M; et al. (2005). "Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA variation in Africa: evidence for sex-biased demographic processes". European Journal of Human Genetics 13 (7): 867–76. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201408. PMID 15856073.
  21. 1 2 Zalloua, P; Platt, D; Elsibai, M; Khalife, J; Makhoul, N; Haber, M; Xue, Y; Izaabel, H; Bosch, E; Adams, Susan M.; Arroyo, Eduardo; López-Parra, Ana María; Aler, Mercedes; Picornell, Antònia; Ramon, Misericordia; Jobling, Mark A.; Comas, David; Bertranpetit, Jaume; Wells, R. Spencer; Tyler-Smith, Chris (2008). "Identifying Genetic Traces of Historical Expansions: Phoenician Footprints in the Mediterranean". The American Journal of Human Genetics 83 (5): 633–42. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.10.012. PMC 2668035. PMID 18976729.
  22. Battaglia, Vincenza; Fornarino, Simona; Al-Zahery, Nadia; Olivieri, Anna; Pala, Maria; Myres, Natalie M; King, Roy J; Rootsi, Siiri; et al. (2008). "Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast Europe". European Journal of Human Genetics 17 (6): 820–30. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.249. PMC 2947100. PMID 19107149.
  23. 1 2 Regueiro, M; Cadenas, AM; Gayden, T; Underhill, PA; Herrera, RJ (2006). "Iran: tricontinental nexus for Y-chromosome driven migration". Human heredity 61 (3): 132–43. doi:10.1159/000093774. PMID 16770078.
  24. May include other clades of Haplogroup E.
  25. Cerný, V; Pereira, L; Kujanová, M; Vasíková, A; Hájek, M; Morris, M; Mulligan, CJ (2009). "Out of Arabia-the settlement of island Soqotra as revealed by mitochondrial and Y chromosome genetic diversity". American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138 (4): 439–47. doi:10.1002/ajpa.20960. PMID 19012329.
  26. Haplogroup J1 = 9.0; Haplogroup J2 = 24.3.
  27. Cinnioglu, Cengiz; King, Roy; Kivisild, Toomas; Kalfoglu, Ersi; Atasoy, Sevil; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L.; Lillie, Anita S.; Roseman, Charles C.; et al. (2004). "Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia". Human Genetics 114 (2): 127–48. doi:10.1007/s00439-003-1031-4. PMID 14586639.
  28. Rootsi, S; Magri, C; Kivisild, T; Benuzzi, G; Help, H; Bermisheva, M; Kutuev, I; Barać, L; et al. (2004). "Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I reveals distinct domains of prehistoric gene flow in europe". American Journal of Human Genetics 75 (1): 128–37. doi:10.1086/422196. PMC 1181996. PMID 15162323.
  29. Sanchez, Juan J; Hallenberg, Charlotte; Børsting, Claus; Hernandez, Alexis; Gorlin, RJ (2005). "High frequencies of Y chromosome lineages characterized by E3b1, DYS19-11, DYS392-12 in Somali males". European Journal of Human Genetics 13 (7): 856–66. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201390. PMID 15756297.

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