Willie Cullinane

Willie Cullinane, clerical student, 1901 - 23 November 1920.

Cullinane was a native of Cahernashilleeny, Lackagh, County Galway. He was studying for the priesthood. He attended a match at Croke Park on 21 November 1920, later known as Bloody Sunday (1920). He and his friends escaped uninjuried but were later halted and lined up against the wall and shot by the Black and Tans. This apparently took place at Lincoln Place.

A newspaper report stated:

Wm. Cullinane died in Mercher's Hospital today from the effects of gunshot wounds received in a street in Dublin on Sunday night. The deceased, it is said, was a native of Galway and was a student who was prepareing from the priesthood.

No definitie information can be obtained as to the scene of the shooting, nor as to the nature of his wounds, but it is learnt that his principal injury was to the body. He was about nineteen years of age and after receiving absolution shortly before his demise, he expressed his deep gratitude to the medical staff for the treatment which he received and proceeded to pray for them. After an inquiry at Mercer's Hospital one of our representatives was informed that in the absence of the house surgeon, full details as regards the case of Wm. Cullinane were not available. It was learned, however, that the deceased was admitted to the hospital at 9.30 on Sunday night, suffering from a gunshot wound in the stomach.


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