William Saurin

This article is about the Irish barrister and politician. For the trimaran sailboat, see William Saurin (trimaran).

William Saurin (1757 – 11 February 1839) was an Irish barrister and politician. He was Attorney-General for Ireland from 1807 to 1822, and for much of that period he acted as the effective head of the Irish administration. He was unusual in a Law Officer in that he never became a judge, nor apparently ever wished to be one. As an Ulster Protestant, and determined opponent of Catholic Emancipation, he incurred the enmity of Daniel O'Connell, who called him "the mortal foe", and worked for his removal from office.[1]


Saurin was born in Belfast, second of the four sons of the Reverend James Saurin, Vicar of Belfast (died 1774) and Jane Duff.[2] James Saurin, Bishop of Dromore, was his younger brother.

The Saurins were of French Huguenot descent (Daniel O'Connell called William an "insolent transplanted Frenchman").[3] Originally from Nimes, they left France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Even a century later, this episode, according to his friends, made a deep impression on William. Louis, the first of the family to settle in Ireland, {he was probably a brother of the celebrated preacher Jacques Saurin), was William's grandfather.[4]

Education and early career

He was educated at Duboudien's School, a well-regarded private academy in Lisburn,[5] and at the University of Dublin, where he took his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1777.[6] He entered Lincoln's Inn and was called to the Bar in 1780. After a slow start in his profession he became one of its acknowledged leaders; despite his later eminence he was at first considered something of a "plodder".

Legal and political career

Saurin was a passionate opponent of the Act of Union and endeavoured, without success, to persuade the Irish Bar as a body to oppose it. He then entered the Irish House of Commons as member for Blessington, largely to combat the Union.[7]

His speeches against the Union were considered among the finest on the topic: he-

denied the right of the legislature to alienate its sacred trust. He insisted that it would amount to a forfeiture of that estate which was derived from and held under the people, in whom the reversion must perpetually remain; that they were bound to consult the will of the majority of the nation, and that the will of the majority was the foundation of all law.

Castlereagh denounced the speech as an incitement to rebellion and compared Saurin to Thomas Paine.[8] Others, more shrewdly, noted that by "the nation" Saurin meant the Protestant ruling class with whose interests he wholly identified: never, according to his critics, did he recognise that the Catholic majority had any rights at all.

That he was appointed Attorney-General for Ireland despite his opposition to the Union and his repeated refusal to stand for the post-Union Parliament is a tribute to his legal eminence (although Daniel O'Connell inevitably accused him of political time-serving).

Attorney-General for Ireland

His tenure as Attorney-General is remarkable not only for its length, but also for his effective dominance of the Irish administration, a position never equalled by any other holder of the office (with the possible exception of Philip Tisdall, Attorney General 1760-1777). The fact that the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland was usually an absentee and that the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Lord Manners was not familiar with the Irish political scene gave Saurin the opportunity to direct the Irish Government of which he took full advantage. Sir Robert Peel, while Chief Secretary for Ireland, was said to be wholly in sympathy with Saurin,[9] although Peel later radically altered his view on Catholic Emancipation. As an Ulster Protestant, of Huguenot origin, it was perhaps natural that he should combine sympathy for the Orange Order with hostility to Catholic Emancipation; but his perceived bias against Catholics destroyed his popularity. As early as 1813 his enemy Daniel O'Connell tried to turn the trial of the publisher John Magee for libel into an indictment of Saurin's anti-Catholic bias, although at the time these attacks did not greatly damage him; indeed O'Connell's personal attacks on Saurin, whom he called "stupid and vulgar", may have aroused some sympathy for him.[10] Saurin's prejudice against Catholics, sharpened by his personal feud with O'Connell, grew stronger until it became a serious political liability; and while the Crown succeeded in convicting Magee, it failed in other related cases such as that of Dr. Sheridan.


Saurin's effective control of the Dublin administration was well known to and long tolerated by the British Government; in time however his inflexible opinions and unpopularity made him a political liability. The publication of a letter he wrote to John Toler, the Chief Justice of the Irish Common Pleas, urging him to use his influence with Protestant juries to secure guilty verdicts against Catholics, did great damage to both of their careers. In due course the decision was taken to remove him, but to compensate him by appointment to the Bench. In 1822 the new Lord Lieutenant, Lord Wellesley, offered him the vacant position of Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench for Ireland; when Saurin, who had never shown any interest in the Bench, refused he was dismissed outright, a decision which seems to have come as an utterly unexpected blow.[11] Saurin's anti-Catholic bias is also said to have offended Wellesley's future wife, Marianne Patterson, who was a Catholic.[12] Daniel O'Connell exulted in "the downfall of our mortal foe".[13] Wellesley, who was accused of treating Saurin harshly, said that short of offering him the Lord Lieutenancy itself, he did not see what more he could have done for him. Saurin retained some indirect political influence until the grant of Catholic Emancipation finally ended his political career.[14]

Despite his increasing age he returned to private practice for some years, and became "Father of the Bar" (i.e.it's longest serving member).

Personal life

Saurin married Mary O'Brien, daughter of Edward Dominic O'Brien and Mary Carrick: she was the sister of William O'Brien, 2nd Marquess of Thomond, and the widow of Sir Richard Cox, 4th Baronet: they had four sons. Their eldest son, Edward (died 1878), became an Admiral and married Lady Mary Ryder (died 1900), daughter of the prominent statesman Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of Harrowby.[15] The celebrated Australian actor William Saurin Lyster was William's nephew.

Saurin died at his home at St. Stephen's Green, Dublin in January 1839;[16] his widow died the following year.

Character and appearance

He was described as small and decidedly "French" in appearance (hence O'Connell's gibe about his being a "transplanted Frenchman"); his face was dominated by shaggy eyebrows, under which his black eyes had a piercing but not unkindly expression.[17] His private life was blameless and despite his anti-Catholic bias his character was described as honourable and affectionate.


  1. Geoghegan, Patrick M. King Dan- the rise of Daniel O'Connell Gill and Macmillan Dublin 2008 p.191
  2. Dunlop, Robert William Saurin Dictionary of National Biography 1885–1900 Vo.50 p.333
  3. Geoghegan p.129
  4. Dunlop p.333
  5. Dunlop p.334
  6. Dunlop p.334
  7. Dunlop p.334
  8. Dunlop p.334
  9. Dunlop p.335
  10. Geoghegan pp.127–30
  11. Casey, James The Irish Law Officers Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell, Dublin, 1996
  12. Geoghegan, p.225
  13. Geoghegan p.191
  14. Dunlop p.335
  15. Dunlop p.335
  16. Dunlop p.335
  17. Dunlop p.335
Parliament of Ireland
Preceded by
John Reilly
Richard Annesley
Member of Parliament for Blessington
February–August 1800
With: John Reilly
Constituency ablished
Political offices
Preceded by
William Plunket
Attorney-General for Ireland
Succeeded by
William Plunket
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