Washington Global Health Alliance
Formed in 2007 with initial funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Washington Global Health Alliance connects participants in one of the world's most dynamic centers for global health innovation—Washington state.
Mission WGHA invites and activates every sector in our region to advance global health equity.
Vision WGHA envisions a world in which collaboration leads to global health equity—the ability not only to survive, but thrive
Washington Global Health Landscape Study
In 2015, WGHA commissioned the Washington Global Health Landscape Study to measure and quantify the significance of global health to Washington State.
Washington's global health ecosystem includes 168 global health organizations (nonprofits, biotech companies, research institutions, philanthropies, government agencies and other organizations).
Partnerships and collaboration are a part of Seattle’s business and nonprofit culture, and global health is no exception with 1,959 total partnerships. Washington’s global health organizations have 5,100 projects in 151 countries.[1]
The study was funded by JPMorgan Chase & Company and the City of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development.