Vergulde Draeck

The Vergulde Draeck or Gilt Dragon was a 42-metre, 260-tonne 'Jacht' constructed in 1653 by the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch East India Company or Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC)[1][2][3]

The wrecking of the Vergulde Draeck

Image believed to be the Vergulde Draeck. Discovered by the Gilt Dragon Research Group in 2015.

In 1656, the Vergulde Draeck set sail from the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) for the VOC's trading headquarters at Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia)[1][2]

On the night of the 28th of April 1656, the Vergulde Draeck struck a submerged coral reef midway between what are now the coastal towns of Seabird and Ledge Point, Western Australia. On board were 193 crew, eight boxes of silver coins worth 78,600 guilders and trade goods to the value of 106,400 guilders[1][2]

Of the 193 crew, 118 are believed to have perished. Of the survivors, 75 people, including the ships Captain, Captain Pieter Albertszoon and the Under Steersman (name unknown), made it alive to shore. They had with them the ships boat, a schuyt, along with a small amount of provisions and stores washed upon the shore.[1][2]

Arrival in Batavia

On 7 April 1656, approximately nine days after the loss of the Vergulde Draeck, the Under Steersman and six crew members were dispatched to Batavia to summon help. They carried with them letters written by the crew which described the loss of the schuyt, the crews decision to await rescue from Batavia, and their steadfast faith in the Lord God.[4]

After a journey of some 1400 nautical miles, lasting 41 days, with little water, little food and suffering from exposure, the Under Steersman arrived at Batavia, the alarm was raised and the search for the survivors of the Vergulde Draeck and cargo began.[3]

Historic Rescue Attempts

A number of rescue attempts were conducted by the Dutch East India Company or Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie(VOC) once the loss of the Vergulde Draeck was reported[3]

Beardman Jug found on the wreck of the Vergulde Draeck

The Goede Hope & the Witte Valck (1656)[1][3]

On 7 June 1656, two rescue vessels, the Goede Hope and the Witte Valck, were dispatched from Batavia. Large storms off the West Australian coast meant that both ships were unsuccessful.

The Witte Valck failed to land men on the coast.

On 18 July 1657, the Goede Hope managed to disembark men upon the shoreline, however they lost three men along the coast who had wandered into the bush, before losing another eight men who went in search of them.

No sign of the survivors or wreckage were found.

The Vinck (1657)[1][2][3]

On 23 April 1657, the Vinck in the process of setting sail from the Cape of Good Hope was instructed to search for the survivors on its passage to Batavia.

No sign of the survivors or wreckage were found.

The Waeckende Boey & The Emeloordt (1658)[1][3]

On 1 January 1658, the Waeckende Boey and the Emeloordt were dispatched from Batavia. This time the rescue attempt was made in the more favourable summer months.

On 23 February 1658, Captain Volkersen of the Waeckende Boey sighted the Western Australian coastline, perhaps being the first European to sight what is today Rottnest Island, though it is possible Houtman way have sighted it in 1619.

Coin from the Vergulde Draeck

On 26 February 1658, a shore party from the Waeckende Boey returning from the coast noted the discovery of wreckage believed to be from the Vergulde Draeck. Most notable was a plank circle, a collection of some 12 – 13 planks placed in a circular fashion, dug into the beach sand with their end facing skyward.

During the various searches, a small shore party from the Waeckende Boey led by Abraham Leeman became separated. Bad weather prevented Leeman from returning to the Waeckende Boey and after four days Leeman and his party were assumed lost. The modern Town of Leeman, Western Australia is named after this Dutch explorer.

On the 9 March 1658, Captain Jonck of the Emeloordt managed to send a small party to land. Upon returning the shore party reported seeing three Aboriginal natives of large stature who attempted to communicate with them using basic hand signals. This story of ‘first contact’ was a peaceful exchange, likely with the Yuet people of Western Australia.

The Emmenhorn (1659)[1][2][3]

A further rescue attempt was made in 1659 by the vessel Emmenhorn however no sign of survivors or wreckage was found.

Location of the Vergulde Draeck

The wreckage Gilt Dragon was discovered the following location:

Latitude: 31°13'25.76"S

Longitude: 115°21'27.27"E

Discovery of the Vergulde Draeck

The Vergulde Draeck was discovered on 13 April 1963.

The identity of the official discovers of the Vergulde Draeck has been a contentious issue over many years, however it is generally accepted that the wreck was found by John Cowen; Jim, Alan and Graeme Henderson; and Alan Robinson. An alternative claim was made in the publication entitled In Australia Treasure is nor for the Finder[5] by Alan Robinson.

Gilt Dragon Survivors Letter (7 May 1656) Located by Gilt Dragon Research Group

Letters written by the survivors of the Vergulde Draeck

In March 2015, Steve Caffery of the Gilt Dragon Research Group rediscovered copies of two letters carried by the seven Gilt Dragon survivors to Batavia in 1656[4][6]

The letters dated 5 May 1656 and 7 May 1656 indicate the presence of two separate camp sites.

Copies of the Gilt Dragon Survivors Letters can be seen on the Gilt Dragon Research Group Facebook Page

Gilt Dragon Survivor Letter - 05 May 1656[6]

Gilt Dragon Survivor Letter - 07 May 1656[4]

Fate of the survivors of the Vergulde Draeck

The fate of the remaining 68 survivors of the Gilt Dragon shipwreck remains unknown.

Investigation into the fate of the Vergulde Draeck survivors continues with groups such as The Gilt Dragon Research Group making several major archival finds in recent years.

Continued investigation is important as the arrival of the Vergulde Draeck survivors may represent the first permanent large scale settlement of Europeans on the Australian mainland[7]

Further reading


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Henderson, James (1982). Marooned: the wreck of the Vergulde Draeck and the Abandonment and Escape from the Southland of Abraham Leeman in 1658. Perth: St. George Books. ISBN 0-86778-018-5.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Green, Jeremy (1977). "The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Jacht VERGULDE DRAECK, Western Australia 1656: An historical background and excavation report with an appendix on similar loss of the Fluit LASTDRAGER Part i & Part ii". BAR Supplementary Series 36(i).
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Caffery, Steve. "GILT DRAGON HISTORY".
  4. 1 2 3 Caffery, Steve (22 March 2015). "Gilt Dragon Survivors Letter (07 May 1656)". Gilt Dragon Research Group Facebook Page. Gilt Dragon Research Group. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
  5. Robinson, Alan (1980). In Australia Treasure is not for the Finder. Perth, Western Australia: Vanguard Service Print. ISBN 0-9594957-0-3.
  6. 1 2 Caffery, Steve (19 October 2015). "Gilt Dragon Survivors Letter (05 May 1656)". Gilt Dragon Research Group Facebook Page. Gilt Dragon Research Group. Retrieved 19 October 2015.
  7. Van Zanden, Henry (2012). The Lost White Tribes of Australia 1656 Part One: The First Settlement of Australia. The Publishing Queen. ISBN 978-1-921673-67-2.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Vergulde Draeck.

Coordinates: 31°13.36′S 115°21.48′E / 31.22267°S 115.35800°E / -31.22267; 115.35800

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