Vasili Oshchepkov

Vasili Oshchepkov
Born Vasili Sergeevich Oshchepkov
(1893-01-07)7 January 1893[1]
Sakhalin, Russia
Died 10 October 1938(1938-10-10) (aged 45)
Nationality Russian
Style Sambo
Teacher(s) Kanō Jigorō
Rank Merited Master of Sports of the USSR
Notable students Anatoly Kharlampiyev

Vasili Oshchepkov (January 7, 1893 – October 10, 1938) was a researcher of various kinds national wrestling and martial arts, Merited Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR. He was one of the founders of Sambo, a martial art developed in the Soviet Union.[2][3] Oshchepkov died in prison as a result of the political purges of 1937 after accusations of being a Japanese spy.[4]


Mother - Mary Semionovna Oshchepkova (1851-1904) , endured 60 lashes and 18 years hard labor for Sakhalin escape from hard labor in the Perm region and translated into ssylnoposelenki only when Basil was 8 years old . Father - concluded civil marriage to convict Sergey Z. Plisak , the peasant class , a carpenter , died in 1902.

Education at the Kodokan

After the transfer in 1905 of South Sakhalin to the Japan under the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1904, Vasili by this time an orphan was sent to study in Japan. Starting in September 1907 he studied at the Theological seminar in Tokyo.[5] in the Orthodox mission , organized by the future St Nicholas of Japan. In the seminary he studied judo, and, on the recommendation of the coach as the best judoka at the Seminary Vasily was admitted to the entrance examinations and admitted to the Kodokan Judo Institute in Tokyo , founded by Jigoro Kano, on October 29, 1911.[6] On June 15, 1913 Oschepkov received the first degree black belt - shodan ( first dan ); in October 1917, during a trip to Japan, he passed the exams to receive his second degree black belt, becoming the first Russian and the third European to get a nidan in judo. It should be noted that ranks in judo did not go to tenth degree, as now, but only fifth degree.

Work in intelligence

After finishing seminary in 1913, he returned to Russia . Worked as a translator in counterintelligence first Zaamurskogo County border guards in the city of Harbin , and then - in the Department of Counterintelligence Staff Vladivostok Fortress Amur Military District in Vladivostok. In 1914 , he founded there existed until 1920 , Russia's first judo and the world's first international competition held in judo in 1915 and 1917 . Repeatedly went on business trips to Japan. In 1918 he taught judo police Vladivostok.

In 1919 he was mobilized Kolchak and seconded to the Office of the Japanese military field communications, where he worked as an interpreter ; During this period he was through a colleague , fellow countryman and fellow student at the Tokyo seminary Trofim Jurkevich[7] established contact with the department of news of the underground Communist Party (b).

After the withdrawal of Japanese troops from Primorye Oschepkov received an offer of cooperation with Soviet intelligence, and September 1, 1923 had given a written cooperation with the Division of human intelligence of the 5th Army of the Red Army, and was then sent to the North Sakhalin until 1925 still remained under Japanese occupation .

In 1924 Oschepkov returned to Japan under the guise of the owner inherited from his father houses in Alexandrovsk and Booker: under Japanese law film distributor was obliged to arrange preferential sessions for military personnel. His reports in the Soviet Union had an important practical meaning, for example, allowed to withdraw Japanese troops from the north of Sakhalin, but because of disagreements with his incompetent superiors in 1926 had to return to the USSR, where he was accused of embezzling state-owned assets. To compensate for 3140 yen spent on agents, but not backed by receipts, he had to sell almost all private property, including the projector.

Work in the Siberian Military District

At the headquarters of the Siberian Military District were not going to lose highly yaponista and VS Oschepkov was left Vladivostok as a translator. January 27, 1927 order of the number 26 Revvovensoveta USSR "Oschepkov Vasily Sergeyevich determined to serve in the Red Army." Then on this basis, "the order of the Siberian Military District for the number 19" VS Oschepkov "shall be appointed interpreter of the 7th District Headquarters Branch" in Novosibirsk, with the appointment has been issued retroactively - from 15 April 1926, with the payment of all laid during this period allowance.

Almost all means VS Oshchepkova went for treatment sick wife. He began to try to get into Moscow or Leningrad, where they could provide more effective medical care and have a higher salary. As a result, in September 1929, he was summoned to Moscow. His wife by this time had already died.

Popularization of judo in the USSR and the creation of Sambo

In 1914, immediately after his arrival in Russia, VS Oschepkov organized in Vladivostok circle of Judo, which functioned at the address. Ship Embankment. 21 (now - the Sports Club of the Pacific Fleet), what in June 1915, an article appeared in the Moscow magazine "Hercules". In 1917 in Vladivostok, the first in the history of the much-touted international match Judo: VS Oshchepkova students competed with students of Japanese Higher Commercial School Otaru, came to Vladivostok that such an international match was in 1915.

In 1927, at a meeting in Novosibirsk Osoaviahima cell at the headquarters of the Siberian Military District VS Oschepkov made a story about judo, then immediately it was decided to arrange for headquarters staff study group techniques of self-defense. Specialist services rushed to take advantage of a rare and local society "Dynamo".

Immediately after the transfer to Moscow VS Oschepkov opened at the Central House of the Red Army (CDKA) two-month course "dzyuu-up" (writing at the time). After the first demonstrations in CDKA immediately created two groups of military personnel and Army House, as well as the country's first female group.

In 1929 he became a teacher Oschepkov State Central Institute of Physical Culture (Infizkulta). Work at the Institute of Physical Education gave Oschepkov unique insight into the struggle of the peoples of the USSR systems, whose representatives were trained in his chair. He analyzed the bayonet, international sports martial arts, Chinese martial arts and a number of national kinds of struggle in terms of their applicability in a combat encounter. On the basis of this analysis due to judo Oschepkov and create a better application struggle which later became known as Sambo.

In 1930, with the direct participation VS Oshchepkova was prepared and published "Guidelines for the physical preparation of the Red Army," and in 1931 - textbook "Exercise of the Red Army," where for the first time in our country was set out a comprehensive program of training fighting. In parallel with the publication of teaching materials VS Oschepkov held special courses for officers of the Moscow garrison, and then turned the job of instructor-methodological Office of the Moscow garrison committee, directly himself carried the teaching of martial arts in several military units, and also took part in the competitions Moscow garrison commanders on the bayonet, taking first place there.

In 1931, the Soviet Union developed a sports complex "Ready for Labour and Defence of the USSR" (TRP USSR). In 1932, the complex was established by the TRP of the second stage, in which, as one of the rules of self-defense techniques appeared. Development of a set of techniques for the TRP-II on behalf of the Special Commission, chaired by SS Kamenev was engaged VS Oschepkov.

In 1930, on the basis of CDKA, but through the sports committee, VS Oschepkov conducted special training of trainers, which were trained physical education teachers from various regions of the country. Among them was Alexander Rubanchik from Rostov-on-Don, who served in the militia, and on whose initiative Oschepkov held demonstrations in the Central High School militia, which, apart from himself, attended by graduates of the course in its entirety. The demonstration was a great success, then VS Oschepkov immediately was invited to teach at this school police headquarters. In addition to the required course of unarmed combat, VS Oschepkov began to lead in TSVSHM and club work, which continued at the military faculty Infizkulta. The training program Oshchepkova and club activities in TSVSHM were eliminated in 1934 at the request of VA Spiridonov, saying that it was contrary to his own and formally approved by the program.

In 1932, when Infizkulte was established Military Department. Teaching of martial arts and combat clothing as in the faculty and in organized courses carried with him too Oshchepkov. In the years 1933-1934 he also teaches students a two-year school named after N. unions Shvernik. In 1934 Vasily Sergeyevich creates its own section in the newly built Palace of Sports Aviakhim that in 1935 sends his apprentice, intern from Infizkulta AA Kharlampiev. In the summer of 1937 VS Oschepkov achieved specialization opening Judo organized with Infizkulte High School coaches.

Arrest and death

On the night of 1 to 2 October 1937 was arrested. Oschepkov died in the chamber Butyrskaya the official version states that he died of a heart attack.

In 1957, thanks to the efforts of Oshchepkova's widow, Anna Ivanovna, he was rehabilitated.[8][9]

Personal life

Oschepkov was married three times. With his first wife, Catherine Zhuravlevoj he divorced in Harbin in 1924, after being on a business trip, fell in love with 17-year-old countrywoman Maria from Alexander G., who lived at that time in the same city. At 22, Novosibirsk second wife died of tuberculosis. In Moscow Oschepkov married Anna Ivanovna Kazembek.

In recent years began to appear Oshchepkova health problems. Pupils Oshchepkova noted that he never showed before them naked to the waist at least. Some have concluded that it is concealed some skin disease. Trainee Kharlampiev and Oshchepkova AA Budzinskaya told that he was at the home of the teacher at the beginning of 1937 in an alley Medvedev. According to him, "Vasily Sergeyevich lying on the bed and I was sick, he has tormented heart disease, and he never parted with nitroglycerin.[10]


In the 2000s in various regions of Russia were organized clubs and tournaments Sambo memory VS Oshchepkova,[11][12][13] в том числе Всероссийский юношеский турнир по боевому самбо памяти В. С. Ощепкова,[14] including the Russian youth tournament in combat sambo memory VS Oshchepkova . During the meeting, the Board of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC in Vladivostok in September 2012 there was laid monument master .[15]

In order to promote sambo in Russia and the world, as well as the formation of images in the public mind the heroes of the Fatherland on the example of the life and mission of St. Basil Oshchepkova and other worthy devotees on the initiative of a number of sports and public organizations in Russia launched a project named VS Oshchepkova .[16]



  1. "Martial Arts of the World". Retrieved 18 December 2014.
  2. "Mastering Sambo for Mixed Martial Arts". Retrieved 18 December 2014.
  3. "Defending the Motherland". FIGHT! Magazine. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
  4. Andavolu, Krishna (1937-09-29). "Sambo's Gulag Past and MMA Future | FIGHTLAND". Retrieved 18 December 2014.
  5. Православие отличается отсутствием дискриминации незаконнорожденных, каким был сын каторжанки Василий, при поступлении в духовные учебные заведения и посвящении в сан.
  6. При этом он попал в среду официально отправленных российскими военными учиться в эту семинарию русских подданных — обычно детей казаков
  7. Александр Куланов. Агент «Р». Родина, № 8, 2012
  8. Выдержки из решения Басманного районного суда г. Москвы по иску Харлампиева Александра Анатольевича по отношению к Лукашеву Михаилу Николаевичу и ООО «Будо-спорт» о защите чести и достоинства в сфере компенсации морального вреда
  9. Борис, Храмов. "Контрразведчик, придумавший самбо". Archived from the original on 2012-02-25. Retrieved 2015-02-15.
  10. Александр, Куланов (11.12.2006). "Ощепкова сгубила смена вех". — Интересный журнал о Японии. Retrieved 2007-12-12. Check date values in: |date= (help)
  11. Чемпионат Московской области по борьбе самбо памяти В. С. Ощепкова
  12. Во Владивостоке почтили память основоположника дзюдо в России
  13. Командный чемпионат Любительской лиги дзюдо «Кубок В. С. Ощепкова»
  14. Положение о проведении II-го Всероссийского юношеского турнира по боевому самбо памяти В. С. Ощепкова
  15. "Бюст Василия Ощепкова появится во Владивостоке — Новости Владивостока на". Archived from the original on 2013-01-21. Retrieved 2013-01-13.
  16. "Проект "Ощепков"". Archived from the original on 2013-01-05. Retrieved 2013-01-01.
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