Quartiere Varesina

Quartiere Varesina
Quartiere of Milan
Coordinates: IT 45°29′44.08″N 9°8′57.3″E / 45.4955778°N 9.149250°E / 45.4955778; 9.149250
Country  Italy
Region Lombardy
Province Milan
Comune Milan
Zone 8
Time zone CET (UTC+1)
  Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2)

Quartiere Varesina is a small district, quartiere, of Milan, located in the suburban north-west part of the city. It belongs on the Zone 8 administrative division of the city.

Its name derived from Strada della Varesina, meaning Road for Varese, the pre-alpine city 50 km. at north of Milan.


Quartiere Varesina is the district located to east of Via Varesina, having Viale Espinasse as central axis that extends from Piazzale Accursio up to the Svincolo of Viale Certosa. It's a highly urbanized area consists of a set of uninterrupted houses, buildings, small and medium-sized enterprises, medium-sized offices, old and recent. The district does not have a definite urban plan, developed as the industrial outskirts of the city with green spaces practically nil. Still today, the industrial part of the neighborhood is changing.

Quartiere Varesina name is unknown to most people, because the name is derived from a road, Strada della Varesina, fully incorporated into the city, and this road is less important than in the past when it was the only connection from Milan to the outside in the direction of Varese, even if, the name, Via Varesina, remained. Furthermore Via Varesina is the demarcation of a side of the neighborhood and not its axis. The neighborhood for his difference is often indicated with the name of one of its streets, Espinasse, or with known locations or areas that are located in its vicinity, Certosa, Highway for Lakes, Viale Certosa, Musocco, Garegnano or pairs of names Varesina-Espinasse, Certosa-Musocco and so on.

A bit of numbers:

From the quarter you are accessing strategic areas:


Border to the city

Quartiere Varesina occupies part of the surface of the Musocco municipality abolished in 1923 which began from Strada della Varesina and bordered to Milan along Cagnola. The boundary of the district to the city is similar to that subdivision, despite the transformations that have occurred, indicated as Piazzale Accursio perimeter and the adjacent streets connecting to the beginning of Via Varesina.

Three new main roads

The driveway for Lakes Highway in 1930.[1]

The area takes shape in the second half of the nineteenth century with the construction of three great ways that change the geography, clearly separating the old centers:

Strada della Varesina was of ancient age. This four roads delimite the district.

The new driveway for Lakes Highway, bisects Garegnano, leaving the Certosa di Garegnano on one side and the village of houses on the other. In fact, the old village of Garegnano, Garegnano Marcido, in the new geography then becomes part of Quartiere Varesina. This division between the two areas is even more clear with the construction of the flyover del Ghisallo in 1960.

Quartiere Varesina encompasses, at the time of the dissolution of Musocco municipality, Garegnano Marcido village, the houses along Strada della Varesina from Cagnola to the railway, the historic core around the current Piazzale Santorre of Santarosa, up to the driveway of the newly inaugurated Lakes Highway, becoming an industrial suburb of Milan.

Analysis of the area

In the development of the area between these main roads, you can find a division at the height of Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa:

Via Ludovico di Breme built in the early nineteens can be considered as a dividing line between these two areas.

Center of the district

The center of the neighborhood can be considered Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa which is the junction of the district and the nearby church of Viale Espinasse, 85.

The church, dedicated to Saint Marcellina and Saint Joseph, was commissioned in 1958 by Cardinal Montini as reads a plaque inside the church and dedicated to St. Marcellina by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Archbishop of Milan, December 9, 1983 and then also dedicated to St. Joseph, to which was added the suffix to the Certosa, with clear reference to the nearby Certosa di Garegnano. The square in front of it was used for parking until the end of the 90s was placed in the garden. It's a recreational point with the attached oratory equipped of football field, locker room, small green area.

The commercial activities of shops gravitate around Viale Espinasse, has always crossed by the passage of trams, currently with 19 line. The old shops are now extinct, remain bar, call centers, real estate agencies, ethnic clubs, hairdressers, a hotel, a pharmacy, a bank and the shopping center Billa.

Prominent buildings

Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa

In Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa we find:

Few meters further at Via De Rossi, 2 there is the primary school Alfredo Cappellini.

In Viale Espinasse, corner Viale Certosa, in 1951 was built the service station Agip, designed by the architect Mario Bacciocchi, which still exists but only partially used. The structure of the station, which combines the right angle of the two boulevards, looks like a ship that rises from the road surface, giving a sense of dynamism and plasticity, a work considered to be of architectural merit.[3]

20th century

The history and growth of the district is related to its position as a crossroads for the North-West of the province and the region to Novara, Varese, Como and its distance from the center of Milan, about 6–7 km.


The part of the district along the axis of Viale Espinasse up to Piazzale di Santorre Santarosa is rapidly built for residential use from the 30s. The passage of the tram along the way, if on the one hand contributes to the noise, on the other gives rise to shops and stores for the visibility of the road. In the streets that intersect it, Via Marcantonio dal Re, Via Casella, Via Mola, Via Nuvolone, arise a mixture of small businesses, buildings, small houses still partly standing. Engine of development of the area is also nearby, just a few hundred meters, automobile factory Alfa Romeo at Portello which employs thousands of workers, reducing activity from the 60s onwards, until the end of the 80s. Over time, small companies in the area gradually give way to new homes, meanwhile shops and stores are anyway replaced by new businesses, such as Standa opened a shopping center, Fiat and Opel a dealership. At the end of the 90s is completely redone the road surface, uneven for years for the passage of trams.

The old farmhouse of Via Barnaba Oriani, 44-48

The expansion of housing for the part of the quarter in proximity of Svincolo Viale Certosa, is later for industrial presence in its territory, and since the 60s and 70s onwards. The ancient road connecting to the Charterhouse of Garegnano, Via Barnaba Oriani, changes its appearance. The latest farms, in the half way, in the 70s and 80s are replaced from buildings of 7-9 floors with the adjacent Via Pannunzio, gradually erasing any memory of the old village Garegnano Marcido. No trace remains today of the birthplace of Barnaba Oriani and the villa of Petrarch origin.

Even the gardens of Via Trapani in time disappear and only the farm house numbers 44 and 48 with the Osteria del 48 and some home degraded reminiscent of the old village. The traffic changes, the one-way between Viale Espinasse and Via Luciano from the direction toward the Certosa, has been directed to Viale Espinasse to alleviate traffic along the inhabited part.

In the 90s the shrine with the painting of The Virgin and Child of the old oratory at No. 29 was replaced with a copy, moved a few feet and placed between two concrete walls.

In 1994 in Via Perin del Vaga, Villapizzone CDA, a little football team, transferred its home in a new soccer center with stands and locker rooms.

The municipal building of Via Ludovico di Breme, 59 which in the past had been a nursing home was demolished at the end of the 90s and the space is now lying unused.

Viale Certosa, traditional access to the city and close to the Fieramilanocity, is the ideal place to be able to welcome tourists or people engaged in business. Arise at the intersection of Via Casella, Hotel Casella, 104-106, which becomes enlarged Hotel Mirage and Hotel Raffaello, 108. At 184-200 you instead build the barracks popular, local residents grow considerably. Towards the avenue of plane trees a series of windows of buildings, are largely catering facilities or service centers and at the intersection with Via Polidoro da Caravaggio, numbering 150, a Buffetti Group shop, office products.

Via Varesina still houses the living quarters with older buildings, and here time seems to stand still. Commercial spaces see bars, pizzerias and dining establishments. Post office at Via Varesina, 161-163 closes at the end of the 80s.

The district does not have green spaces: the only public flowerbed is on the side of house numbers in Piazzale Accursio. The trees in the neighborhood are only the sycamores in Viale Certosa.

Foreign immigration is relevant as in the rest of the periphery of the city, mainly concentrated in Via Varesina and Viale Certosa.

The interior of the district as a whole is a collection of buildings of businesses and homes in most recent, built after 1980, while the area around Viale Espinasse has undergone the least change.


From 1930 onwards, the industrial growth raises in the neighborhood the first companies, small and medium-sized enterprises with buildings and smaller laboratories. The ability to transport goods without entering the city and easy access to the area for workers from outside or from Milan has contributed to its industrial vocation.

Even the Milano Certosa railway station was used to transport goods: a railroad from Alfa Romeo at Portello came in the neighborhood in Via Giovanni da Udine, ran through the present Via Pannunzio to go through the fields in Via Alassio where it entered in the station, time that look far away as slightly different is the geography of the district. Still remains, however, a small stretch of the track of that railroad in Via Giovanni da Udine, Viale Certosa corner.

Over time, especially from the 70s onwards, small industrial activities have been converted, closed or relocated. The industrial goods were replaced by companies that offer industrial services. In this way, there has been a gradual shift to larger buildings and modern.

The perimeter of the streets Via Ludovico di Breme, Via Galliari, Locchi, Via Giovanni da Udine, Via Brunetti, Via Alassio, Via Cantoni are entirely industrial, as well as Via Montefeltro.

Multinational companies settled in the area in the twentieth century are:

Other notable companies:

It's remarkable the presence in the district of activities related to the sale and repair of cars: dealerships, workshops, bodyshops. In 1971, the subsidiary Renault is built in Viale Certosa, 144 on 12,000 m² then closed in the early 2000s. Mitsubishi creates its exhibition space in the 80s in Viale Certosa 146-148, with assistance in the adjacent streets, Via Polidoro da Caravaggio and Giovanni da Udine. In 2012 the branch closes as the Fiat dealership did in Viale Espinasse, 110 at the end of the 90s.

In Viale Espinasse, 137 with an old door entry, you will find a home of Milan Automobile Club d'Italia. Within the same area a historical body of district Carrozzeria Monte Altissimo.

The 2000s

The process of transformation of the neighborhood did not stop for the part of the district closer to Svincolo Viale Certosa.

The industrial crisis has accelerated changes for the neighborhood, creating abandoned areas. Part of the new spaces have been converted into dwellings, other into new offices with a tendency to verticality of the area. In general, the district suffers from the lack of a subway station.

In Via Montefeltro arise new offices of 8-9 floors as at number 6 with Euronics. The historical site of Danielli, with its buildings in Via Montefeltro, 4 is being replaced with a modern glass skyscraper completed in 2005, which houses offices of the Binda Group, watches. The presence of the old company in the district remains by the long-kept flower beds in Via Barnaba Oriani.

The Double Tree hotel owned by the Hilton was built in 2010 in Via Ludovico di Breme, 77 on the spaces vacated by the downsizing of Italtriest, enlivening the neighborhood with a large foreign presence even in passing. Casaforte, a hotel of things, replaces Pelikan in the space of Via Alassio, 10

Many activities with the crisis in the car are closes as branches of Renault and Mitsubishi, while also creating new opportunities. Opel moved to Via Mola, 48 corner Via Ludovico di Breme, with SempionCar that ends in 2012. BMW Motorrad opens in Via Ludovico di Breme, 2.

McDonald's opens at Viale Certosa, 134 in a building that was previously a nightclub and at No. 228 corner of Piazzale dei Laghi, with the renovation of the historic Shell service station is built a Burger King and an Autogrill bar. Also in the first decade are opened a Penny Market in Viale Espinasse, 136 and a Lidl in Via Giovanni da Udine, 28 which replaces a point of sale of Bergamaschi and Vimercati, household items, Billa takes over Standa in Viale Espinasse.

For the road the extension of the tram line 12 from Via Console Marcello to Roserio saw the construction of the tracks in Via De Rossi with new traffic lights in Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa, while the tram line 33 ceases its passage in the district after 50 years with tram type 1928.

In 2005 the Church of Our Lady of Good Help, also called the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a prefab built in 1959 in Via Brunetti corner Piazzale Cacciatori delle Alpi, in which it was not regularly celebrated mass was demolished.

Roads and transports


Viale Certosa is the busiest arterial road of the neighborhood, with its traffic out of the city crossing the Svincolo Viale Certosa access all the directions of Lake Highway and Highway Torino-Venezia.

The other two-way parallel sliding of the district, Via Varesina and Viale Espinasse, along with Via Console Marcello in Villapizzone share the traffic for Via Palizzi Bridge and quarters Quarto Oggiaro and Vialba.

The opening of a new entrance to Svincolo Viale Certosa in the 90s, at the corner of Via Brunetti and Via Alassio, has streamlined the circulation of the district as vehicles coming from Quarto Oggiaro Vialba can access to Svincolo only ran along the neighborhood without going along Via Ludovico di Breme and Viale Certosa. Access to the new entrance is from the end of Viale Espinasse.

In 1995 the old Palizzi bridge that cleared the Torino-Milano railway, allowing the access to the district Vialba and Quarto Oggiaro, has been tear down. The circulation of the old bridge through which passed both trams that private vehicles has been replaced by two new bridges, one for private means one for the trams. The new bridge also has way out for Via Console Marcello at Villapizzone. The viability of the area has improved greatly.


The district is well served by public transport, train, bus or tram. There are no subway lines.


The new Milano Certosa railway station is became base of Milan Passante railway on 1999, and trains are more frequently than before to Novara, Varese and Milan city. No more direct train goes to Torino.

Stazione di Milano Certosa:

Runs every 15 minutes

Via Montefeltro stop:

Viale Certosa, 130 stop:

ATM bus:


Since 2000, we have followed various modifications of terminus: 19 started at Via Cantù and 33 arrived in Remembrance of Lambrate. The outer terminus of the line 33 was first moved to Piazzale Cacciatori delle Alpi, then the line, in 2007, was finally removed with its temporary replacement by line 7, and then 11, became in a short time removed.

The line 12 route in the district is recent, from the 2000s onwards, with the extension of the line from the terminus of Via Console Marcello at Villapizzone up to Roserio.

The tram terminus of Piazzale Cacciatori delle Alpi is currently unused, apart from the two rides of line 1, is sometimes used as a temporary terminus for problems on the movement of trams or when the outer one of Roserio is unreachable. The terminus was a strategic hub for the area, for its proximity to the Milan Certosa station. With the extension of the tram lines in Roserio and the station proximity to the stop of Via Palizzi, in Vialba, its importance has failed.

The area


The district borders:

The odd or even numbers track of the partition belong to a district or other.


District services


The school of the district is the primary school Alfredo Cappellini, at Via de Rossi, 2



The north part of the district refers to Certosa di Garegnano.

Shopping centers:



Service stations:


Services in neighboring districts

The nearest churches are:

These churches belong to the Decanato Cagnola.

Many Kindergartens, primary schools are in Villapizzone, Boldinasco.

Libraries are located at Villapizzone, Vialba, Quartiere Portello

Shopping centers:

Mail Centers:

Municipality and Urban Police: Piazzale Accursio, 5


Hospitals: Ospedale Luigi Sacco, Via Grassi


Sports centers:

Swimming pools:

Subway lines:

Closest subway stops are about 2 km. far: MM1 QT8 (Milan Metro), MM1 Lampugnano, MM1 Uruguay. At Portello is scheduled to stop Milan Metro Line 5, still in construction.

Tram Line 14 passes through the side of Viale Certosa in Boldinasco, but in fact only a few meters from the neighborhood. The route of the line is Lorenteggio - Cimitero Maggiore

List of streets


  1. The photo was taken at the intersection of Via Barnaba Oriani and Piazzale ai Laghi in direction Svincolo Viale Certosa. The street in the foreground is now occupied by the flyover of the Ghisallo. You can see on the left the Certosa of Garegnano.
  2. Da Vicolo Mapelli… a Piazza Santorre di Santarosa, i luoghi dei Croceverdini di ieri e di oggi, Il Croceverdino, aprile 2012
  3. Stazione di servizio AGIP, Viale Espinasse
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