Universidade de Ribeirão Preto

Unaerp (University of Ribeirão Preto) is one of the largest higher education and technology centers in the state of São Paulo. It is a private, maintained by student fees, entering this through vestibular and the AERP (Ribeirão Preto Teaching Association). Its two campuses are divided into two cities one in Ribeirão Preto and one in Guaruja.

The University of Ribeirão Preto was the first institution of higher education in the region of Ribeirão Preto. Founded in 1. June 1924 as Society School Pharmácia and Ribeirão Preto Dental School, a group of idealistic health professionals, intellectuals and educators, since its implementation was intended to promote the social, educational and cultural development of so rich coffee capital today . main sugarcane Polo Country visionary From that initial project, the trajectory of UNAERP had strong growth from the end of the 1950s, when the teacher Electro Bonini (1913–2011), took over the management.

In the 1920s, the region of Ribeirão Preto already presented itself as one of the most prosperous in the state of São Paulo. Coffee Eldorado attract migrants from various regions of the country and immigrants, mainly Italians. Along with the wealth generated by coffee production, the city grew in all sectors.

In that context, it was founded in 1928 to AERP (Ribeirão Preto Education Association), today, maintains the UNAERP - Campus and Campus Ribeirão Guaruja. From that initial design visionary, consolidated if an institution with strong academic tradition and one of the most important and prestigious universities. In 1959, Professor Electro Bonini took over the administration of the Education Association and implemented advances and new courses. As the Faculty of Law "Laudo de Camargo", created in 1961 and the courses of Social Services, Industrial Chemistry and Business Administration, deployed shortly after. In the 70s, the AERP also offered the Social Communication courses, Physical Education, Chemical Engineering, Fine Arts, Arts Education, Music and various degrees.

With this expansion, the installation of a university campus that housed the existing courses and the new projects that provide for the continued growth of the institution was required. The new campus of UNAERP in Ribeirão Preto was opened in 1971 in Ribeirânia neighborhood, an area of 120 thousand square meters. Along with the campus, were installed more courses culminating in transforming the isolated college system in ensino.Era federation system the embryo of a university

Recognized as University in 1985, UNAERP was named officially as the University of Ribeirão Preto and now has as dean Professor Elmara Lucia de Oliveira Bonini, who has worked in the institution's board and next teacher Electro, had led to the process of recognition. Upon recognition, the University already invested in research in the areas of human, social, health, environmental and biotechnology. These investments have grown along with the UNAERP that from 90s, began to deploy new courses, while fostering the research projects and services to the population. Born there, the medical courses, Nursing, Speech Therapy, Computer Engineering, Tourism, among others.

In 1999, with the support and tradition headquarters campus Guaruja was installed in the coastal city of São Paulo, where the UNAERP was also the first university. The campus was opened in June of that year with the same philosophy to integrate to the social and regional economic demands.

Today, the UNAERP is one of the largest educational centers in the state of São Paulo and has bachelor's, graduate and technology in health, sciences, and technology in the classroom and distance learning modalities, Postgraduate programs recognized stricto sensu level Doctoral and Master and evaluated by CAPES / MEC Concepts with 5:04, and Specializations broad sense. The IES maintains research projects with own funding and major national funding agencies such as CNPq, FAPESP, FINEP and CAPES, has certified groups by CNPq the results of this institutional science policy are the registration of patents and copyright assignment.

Over this nearly century-old history, UNAERP already graduated thousands of young professionals and each year has added some new contribution to its students, faculty, staff and the community. These are initiatives that allow students to improve their professional learning and training, that enable teachers and researchers excellence in academic practice, and extend the care population, services, guidance and support.

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