Ulmus 'Den Haag'

Ulmus hybrid

'Den Haag', Preston Park, Brighton
Hybrid parentage U. pumila × 'Belgica'
Cultivar 'Den Haag'
Origin The Netherlands

The hybrid cultivar Ulmus 'Den Haag' is a Dutch development derived from a crossing of the Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila and the Belgian Elm Ulmus × hollandica 'Belgica' in 1936 by S. G. A. Doorenbos (1891-1980), Director of Public Parks in The Hague.[1]


The tree is distinguished by its pendent branches, and its foliage, which is creamy-white on emergence but turning lime-green and ultimately deep green by midsummer.[2]

Pests and diseases

Although reputed to be moderately resistant to Dutch elm disease, drought, and frost, the tree has brittle branches, and is vulnerable to Coral-spot Fungus Nectria cinnabarina [3]


The tree remains in commerce in the Netherlands and New Zealand. 'Den Haag' is not known to have been introduced to North America.

Notable trees

The UK TROBI Champion grows at Preston Park in Brighton, measuring 14 m high by 77 cm d.b.h. in 2009. [4]


The tree is named for the city of Den Haag (known as The Hague in English).







  1. Santamour, F. S., & Bentz, S. E. Updated checklist of elm (Ulmus) cultivars for use in North America. Journal of Arboriculture, 21(3): May, 1995
  2. 'Den Haag' in Handbuch der Ulmengewächse, www. ulmen-handbuch.de
  3. Heybroek, H. M. (1986). Tuin en Landschap, 8(12): 19, 1986
  4. Johnson, O. (2011). Champion Trees of Britain & Ireland, p. 168. Kew Publishing, Kew, London. ISBN 9781842464526.
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