Two Red Roses Foundation

The Two Red Roses Foundation (TRRF) is a private, non-profit educational institution located in Palm Harbor, Florida.


The organization was founded in 2004 by a pharmacutical entrepreneur, an art collector, and a philanthropist Rudy Ciccarello. Its mission is to promote an understanding of the American Arts and Crafts movement through the acquisition, preservation, and interpretation of related decorative and fine arts works dating to the period from 1900 to 1930.[1]


The collection of the Foundation includes over 1,800 works created by the leading figures of the movement including Gustav Stickley, Greene and Greene, Frank Lloyd Wright, Newcomb Pottery, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Marie Zimmermann, Byrdcliffe, Saturday Evening Girls, Adelaide Alsop Robineau, Arthur Wesley Dow, Margaret Patterson, Marblehead Pottery, Rookwood, Teco Pottery Company, Robert Jarvie, Roycroft, and many others.

The Foundation's collection will be featured in the forthcoming Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, currently under development in St. Petersburg, Florida and scheduled to open in 2018.[2]


The Foundations has announced a series of publications centered on the collection,[3] beginning with a volume on lamps and light fixtures scheduled for publication in 2016, with books on ceramics, woodblock prints, and photographs planned. The Endless Possibilities: American Arts and Crafts Tile From the Two Red Roses Foundation, by Susan J. Montgomery, was published in 2016.[3]


  1. 1 2 Kahn, Eve (28 January 2016). "A Buddhist Deity Returns to Boston". New York Times. Retrieved 3 February 2016.
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