Tomassoni awards

Tomassoni awards was the overarching name of two prizes for outstanding achievements in physics, the Premio Felice Pietro Chisesi e Caterina Tomassoni and the Premio Caterina Tomassoni e Felice Pietro Chisesi. The two prizes were awarded every one or two years from 2001 to 2011 by the Sapienza University of Rome. The prize values were 80.000€ and 40.000€, respectively.

In 2013 the awards were unified into a single prize, to be known as the Caterina Tomassoni and Felice Pietro Chisesi Prize. The combined prize will be presented each year on April, at the Sapienza University of Rome with a value of Euro 50,000.[1]


Source: Tomassoni Awards

Premio Felice Pietro Chisesi e Caterina Tomassoni

Premio Caterina Tomassoni e Felice Pietro Chisesi

Combined Caterina Tomassoni e Felice Pietro Chisesi Prize


External links

Official homepage:

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