List of Tenochtitlan rulers

This is a list of the tlatoque of the pre-Columbian altepetl of Tenochtitlan.

Under the Tepanec suzerainty

1376 – 1395
Son of Opochtli Iztahuatzin and Atotoztli I 1 Reed (1395)
Five Snake (22 January)
3 Reed (1396) – 5 Snake (1417)
Son of Acamapichtli and Tezcatlan Miyahuatzin 5 Snake (1417)
3 Serpent (21 July)
1 Reed (1417) – 12 Rabbit (1427)
Son of Huitzilihuitl and Ayauhcihuatl 12 Rabbit (1427)
His wife was Matlalatzin.

Emperors of the Triple Alliance (Aztec Empire)

Tlatoani Picture Birth Death Notes
13 Water (22 June)
13 Reed (1427) – 13 Flint (1440)
Son of Acamapichtli and a commoner from Azcapotzalco 13 Flint (1440)
His wife was Huacaltzintli.
Moctezuma Ilhuicamina
(Moctezuma I)
3 Serpent (22 May)
13 Flint (1440) – 3 house (1469)
Son of Huitzilihuitl and Miahuaxihuitl of Quauhnahuac 3 House (1469)
His wife was Chichimecacihuatzin I.
2 Rain (2 August)
3 House (1469) – 2 House (1481)
Son of Tezozomoctli and Atotoztli II 2 House (1481)
6 Vulture (2 June)
2 House (1481) – 7 Rabbit (1486)
Son of Tezozomoctli and Atotoztli 7 Rabbit (1486)
10 Rabbit (15 April)
7 Rabbit (1486) – 10 Rabbit (1502)
Son of Tezozomoctli and Atotoztli II 10 Rabbit (1502)
Moctezuma Xocoyotzin
(Moctezuma II)
9 Deer (14 April)
10 Rabbit (1502) – 2 Flint (1520)
Son of Axayacatl 2 Flint (1520)
5/8 Wind (16 September)
2 Flint (1520)
Son of Axayacatl and a noblewoman of Itztapalapan 2 Flint (3 December)
2 Flint (1520)
3 House (1521) – 7 House (1525)
Son of Ahuitzotl 7 House (27 February 1525)

Colonial rulers

Tlatoani Picture Birth Death Notes
Juan Velázquez Tlacotzin
7 House (1525)
Grandson of Tlacaelel II, grandson of Tlacaelel 7 House (1525)
Installed by Hernán Cortés in Huey Mollan. Died before returning to Tenochtitlan.
Andrés de Tapia Motelchiuh
7 House (1525) – 12 Rabbit (1530)
12 Rabbit (1530)
Installed in Huey Mollan. A quauhtlatoani ("interim ruler").
Pablo Xochiquentzin
1 Flint (1532) – 5 Flint (1536)
5 Flint (1536) A quauhtlatoani ("interim ruler").
Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin
7 Rabbit (1539) – 10 House (1541)
Son of Tezozomoctli Aculnahuacatl, grandson of Axayacatl 10 House (1541)
Diego de San Francisco Tehuetzquititzin
10 House (1541) – 10 Rabbit (1554)
Son of Tezcatl Popocatzin, grandson of Tizoc 10 Rabbit (1554)
Esteban de Guzmán
10 Rabbit (1554) – 13 House (1557)
Xochimilco Not a tlatoani, but a judge (juez).
Cristóbal de Guzmán Cecetzin
13 House (1557) – 5 Rabbit (1562)
Son of Diego Huanitzin 5 Rabbit (1562) Installed by Esteban de Guzmán.
Luis de Santa María Nanacacipactzin
6 Reed (1563) – 8 House (1565)
8 House (1565)

See also

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