Time in Norway
In Norway the standard time is the Central European Time (UTC+01:00). Norway observes Summer Time (sommertid, daylight saving time). The transition dates are the same as for other European countries.
Svalbard and Jan Mayen observe the same time as the mainland.
Norway stretches more to the west and east than it might look like on a map. The westernmost point in Norway proper is on 4°29′E longitude, meaning 42 minutes difference between mean solar time and official time. The easternmost point in Norway proper is on 31°10″E longitude, meaning 64 minutes difference between mean solar time and official time.
IANA time zone database
The IANA time zone database contains one zone for the area with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code NO (Norway) in the file zone.tab, where it is named "Europe/Oslo".
Svalbard and Jan Mayen are covered by the zone Arctic/Longyearbyen.
Daylight saving time
Norway follows the European Union in this matter.
External links
- http://met.no/met/met_lex/q_u/sommertid.html
- There is a Norwegian law saying that the time zone of Norwegian territory is UTC+1, except for a part of year (daylight saving time) "LOV 2007-01-26 nr 04: Lov om målenheter, måling og normaltid.(Law about measurement, units and standard time)". Norwegian Government, NHD. 2008-01-01..