Speculative multithreading
Speculative multithreading (SpMT), also known as thread level speculation (TLS), is a dynamic parallelization technique that depends on out-of-order execution to achieve speedup on multiprocessor CPUs. It is a kind of speculative execution that occurs at the thread level as opposed to the instruction level.
Further reading
- Yiapanis, Paraskevas; Rosas-Ham, Demian; Brown, Gavin; Lujan, Mikel (2013). "Optimizing Software Runtime Systems for Speculative Parallelization" (PDF). ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 9 (4). doi:10.1145/2400682.2400698.
- Johnson, Nick P.; Kim, Hanjun; Prabhu, Prakash; Zaks, Ayal; August, David I. (2012). "Speculative separation for privatization and reductions" (PDF). PLDI. pp. 359–370.
- Bhowmik, Anasua; Franklin, Manoj (2002). "A General Compiler Framework for Speculative Multithreading". SPAA. pp. 99–108.
- Bruening, Derek; Devabhaktuni, Srikrishna; Amarasinghe, Saman (2000). "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism". FDDO-3. pp. 1–10.
- Chen, Michael K.; Olukotun, Kunle (1998). "Exploiting Method-Level Parallelism in Single-Threaded Java Programs". PACT. pp. 176–184.
- Chen, Michael K.; Olukotun, Kunle (2003). "The Jrpm System for Dynamically Parallelizing Java Programs". ISCA. pp. 434–446.
- Cintra, Marcelo; Llanos, Diego R. (2003). "Toward Efficient and Robust Software Speculative Parallelization on Multiprocessors". PPoPP. pp. 13–24.
- Cook, Jonathan J. (2002). "Reverse Execution of Java Bytecode". The Computer Journal 45 (6): 608–619. doi:10.1093/comjnl/45.6.608.
- Quinones, Carlos Garcia; Madriles, Carlos; Sanchez, Jesus; Marcuello, Pedro; Gonzalez, Antonio; Tullsen, Dean M. (2005). "Mitosis Compiler: An Infrastructure for Speculative Threading Based on Pre-Computation Slices". PLDI. pp. 269–279.
- Hu, Shiwen; Bhargava, Ravi; John, Lizy Kurian (2003). "The Role of Return Value Prediction in Exploiting Speculative Method-Level Parallelism" (PDF). JILP 5: 1–21.
- Kazi, Iffat H. (2000). "A Dynamically Adaptive Parallelization Model Based on Speculative Multithreading". Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota. pp. 1–188.
- Pickett, Christopher J.F.; Verbrugge, Clark (2005). "SableSpMT: A Software Framework for Analysing Speculative Multithreading in Java". PASTE. pp. 59–66.
- Pickett, Christopher J.F.; Verbrugge, Clark (2005). "Software Thread Level Speculation for the Java Language and Virtual Machine Environment". LCPC. pp. 304–318.
- Porter, Leo; Choi, Bumyong; Tullsen, Dean M. (2009). "Mapping Out a Path from Hardware Transactional Memory to Speculative Multithreading". PACT. pp. 313–324.
- Rundberg, Peter; Stenstrom, Per (2001). "An All-Software Thread-Level Data Dependence Speculation System for Multiprocessors" (PDF). JILP 3: 1–28.
- Steffan, J. Gregory; Colohan, Christopher; Zhai, Antonia; Mowry, Todd C. (2005). "The STAMPede Approach to Thread-Level Speculation". TOCS 23 (3): 253–300. doi:10.1145/1082469.1082471.
- Whaley, John; Kozyrakis, Christos (2005). "Heuristics for Profile-driven Method-level Speculative Parallelization". ICPP. pp. 147–156.
- Jose Renau, Karin Strauss, Luis Ceze, Wei Liu, Smruti Sarangi, James Tuck, and Josep Torrellas (2006). "Energy-Efficient Thread-Level Speculation on a CMP" (PDF): 12.
- Yoshizoe, Kazuki; Matsumoto, Takashi; Hiraki, Kei (1998). "Speculative Parallel Execution on JVM". UK Workshop on HPNC. pp. 1–20.
- Oancea, Cosmin E.; Mycroft, Alan; Harris, Tim (2009). "A Lightweight In-Place Implementation for Software Thread-Level Speculation". SPAA '09. pp. 1–10.
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