Thomas de Camville

Thomas de Camville (died 1235) was a minor English nobleman and judge. He was the third son of William de Camville, brother of Gerard de Camville, and Albreda, daughter of Geoffrey Marmion. He [was improperly presumed to be a different Thomas De Camvill (son of Hugh) that] held the manors of Westerham in Kent and Senefield and Fobbing in Essex. Having taken the side of the barons in the civil war, he was deprived of his estates in 1215, but obtained restitution of them in 1217 on doing homage to Henry III. He acted as a justice in 1229. He died in 1235, leaving his widow Agnes, and a son Robert, who married a daughter of Hamo de Crevequer.

Family tree I

    Gerard de Camville of Bosworth, 1085-1140.
   =de Vere
    Richard, 1110-1176.
  =(1) Milicent de Rethel                                                                   =(2) Alice
    |                                                                                         |
    |____________________________________________________________                       ______|___________________________________
    |              |                          |                 |                       |                     |                 |
    |              |                          |                 |                       |                     |                 |
    Roger, b.1136  Walter, 1138-after 1167.   Maud, born 1140.  Richard, 1142-1191.     Gerard, 1147-1214     William, d.1209.  Isabel, b. 1153.
                                                                                       =Nicolaa de la Haye   =Aubery Marmion
                                                                                        |                     | 
                                                                                        |                     |___________________
                                                                                        Richard, 1180-1226.   |         |        |
                                                                                       =Eustacia Basset       |         |        |
                                                                                        |                     Geoffrey  William  Thomas
                                                                                        Idonea, c. 1210-52.
                                                                                        William II Longespee

Family Tree II

    William de Camville, died 1209.
   =Aubery Marmion
    |                                                     |                            |
    |                                                     |                            |
    Geoffrey, 1180-1219.                                  William, born 1185.          Thomas, c.1188-1235.
   =(1)Felice de Worchester  =(2) Leuca ferch Gruffydd    =Isend                      =Agnes
     |                         |                           |                           |
     |                         |                           |                           |
     Richard, b. 1203.         William, 1212-60.           Thomas, 1216-after 1270.    Robert
                              =Lucy                       =?                          =dau. of Hamo de Crevequer
                               |                           |
    ___________________________|__________                 |
    |                                    |                 Gerard, 1245-1303.
    |                                    |                =Elizabeth 
    Geoffrey, Lord Camville, 1238-1308.  William, b. 1240. |
   =(1) Maud de Bryan   =(2) Joan                          |
    |                                                      Elizabeth de Camville
    |______________________________                       =Sir Robert Burdett
    |                            |                             (issue)
    |                            | 
    William, 1266-Jul 1338.      Amice, 1269-Feb 1340.
   =Joan                        =Henry de Pomeroy
    |                                (issue)
    |                  |                  |                 |                  |
    |                  |                  |                 |                  |
    Maud, 1293- 1351.  Eleanor, b. 1295.  Isabel, b. 1298.  Nichole, b. 1301.  Katherine, 1304-1334.

External links


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