Think Like a Freak

Think Like a Freak
The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain

Hardcover edition
Author Steven D. Levitt
Stephen J. Dubner
Country United States
Language English
Subject Economics, Sociology
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher William Morrow
Publication date
May 12, 2014
Media type Print, e-book, audiobook
Pages 288 pp (hardback edition)
ISBN 978-0062218339
OCLC 870699040
Preceded by SuperFreakonomics
Followed by

Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain is the third non-fiction book by University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt and New York Times journalist Stephen J. Dubner. The book was published on May 12, 2014 by William Morrow.[1][2]


In one of the many wonderful moments in Think Like a Freak, Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner ask the question: Who is easier to fool—kids or adults? The obvious answer, of course, is kids. The cliché is about taking candy from a baby, not a grown man. But instead of accepting conventional wisdom as fact, the two sit down with the magician Alex Stone—someone in the business of fooling people—and ask him what he thinks. And his answer? Adults.

Think Like a Freak is not a book about how to understand magic tricks. That’s what Dubner and Levitt’s first two books—Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics—were about. It’s about the attitude we need to take towards the tricks and the problems that the world throws at us. Dubner and Levitt have a set of prescriptions about what that attitude comes down to, but at its root it comes down to putting yourself in the mind of the child, gazing upwards at the double lift: free yourself from expectations, be prepared for a really really simple explanation, and let your attention wander from time to time.

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Think Like a Freak on[3]


The title of their new book, the third in the series, is evidence of the falling off. Gone is the economics part of the equation. Now it's simply about thinking like a Freak. But without the hardcore economics, thinking like a Freak just means being willing to think outside the box, and there are plenty of people doing that already. Too much of this book is taken up with routine problem-solving advice and over-familiar stories repackaged by Dubner as though they were revelations.

—David Runciman, The Guardian[4]


External links

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