List of thermodynamic properties

Within thermodynamics, a physical property is any property that is measurable, and whose value describes a state of a physical system. Some constants, such as the ideal gas constant, R, do not describe the state of a system, and so are not properties. On the other hand, some so-called constants, such as Kf (the freezing point depression constant, or cryoscopic constant), depend on the identity of a substance, and so may be considered to describe the state of a system, and so may be considered physical properties.

"Specific" properties are expressed on a per mass basis. If the units were changed from per mass to, for example, per mole, the property would remain as it was (i.e., intensive or extensive).

Regarding Work and Heat

Work and heat are not thermodynamic properties, but rather process quantities: flows of energy across a system boundary. Systems do not contain work, but can perform work, and likewise, in formal thermodynamics, systems do not contain heat, but can transfer heat. Informally, however, a difference in the energy of a system that occurs solely because of a difference in its temperature is commonly called heat, and the energy that flows across a boundary as a result of a temperature difference is "heat".

Altitude (or elevation) is usually not a thermodynamic property. Altitude can help specify the location of a system, but that does not describe the state of the system. An exception would be if the effect of gravity needed to be considered in order to describe a state, in which case altitude could indeed be a thermodynamic property.

Thermodynamic properties and their characteristics
Activity a   Green tick
Chemical potential \mu_i kJ/mol Green tick Particle
number N_i
Compressibility (adiabatic) \beta_S, \kappa Pa−1 Green tick
Compressibility (isothermal) \beta_T, \kappa Pa−1 Green tick
Cryoscopic constant[1] K_f K·kg/mol
Density \rho kg/m3 Green tick
Ebullioscopic constant K_b
Enthalpy H J Green tick Green tick
    Specific enthalpy h J/kg Green tick
Entropy S J/K Green tick Temperature T Green tick (entropic)
    Specific entropy s J/(kg K) Green tick
Fugacity f N/m² Green tick
Gibbs free energy G J Green tick Green tick
    Specific Gibbs free entropy g J/(kg K) Green tick
Gibbs free entropy \Xi J/K Green tick Green tick (entropic)
Grand / Landau potential \Omega J Green tick Green tick
Heat capacity (constant pressure) C_p J/K Green tick
    Specific heat capacity
      (constant pressure)
c_p J/(kg·K) Green tick
Heat capacity (constant volume) C_v J/K Green tick
    Specific heat capacity
      (constant volume)
c_v J/(kg·K) Green tick
Helmholtz free energy A, F J Green tick Green tick
Helmholtz free entropy \Phi J/K Green tick Green tick (entropic)
Internal energy U J Green tick Green tick
    Specific internal energy u J/kg Green tick
Internal pressure  \pi _T Pa Green tick
Mass m kg Green tick
Particle number N_i   Green tick Chemical
potential \mu_i
Pressure p Pa Green tick Volume V
Temperature T K Green tick Entropy S
Thermal conductivity k W/(m·K) Green tick
Thermal diffusivity \alpha m²/s Green tick
Thermal expansion (linear) \alpha_L K−1 Green tick
Thermal expansion (area) \alpha_A K−1 Green tick
Thermal expansion (volumetric) \alpha_V K−1 Green tick
Vapor quality[2] \chi   Green tick
Volume V m3 Green tick Pressure P
    Specific volume v m3/kg Green tick

See also


  1. Aylward, Gordon; Findlay, Tristan (2002), SI Chemical Data 5th ed. (5 ed.), Sweden: John Wiley & Sons, p. 202, ISBN 0-470-80044-5
  2. Cengel, Yunus A.; Boles, Michael A. (2002). Thermodynamics: an engineering approach. Boston: McGraw-Hill. p. 79. ISBN 0-07-121688-X.
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