Theorems and definitions in linear algebra
This article collects the main theorems and definitions in linear algebra.
Vector Spaces
Let V be a set on which two operations (vector addition and scalar multiplication) are defined. If the listed axioms are satisfied for every , , and in V and every scalar c and d, then V is called a vector space:
Scalar Multiplication:
If W is a nonempty subset of a vector space V, then W is a subspace of V if and only if the following closure conditions hold:
Linear combinations
A vector in a vector space V is called a linear combination of the vectors in V if can be written in the form , where are scalars.
Systems of linear equations
A system of linear equations (or linear system) is a collection of linear equations involving the same set of variables.
Cramer's Rule
If a system of n linear equations in n variables has a coefficient matrix with a nonzero determinant |A|, then the solution of the system is given by
- ,
where Ai is the matrix A with the i-th column of A replaced by the column of constants in the system of equations.
Linear dependence
A set of vectors in a vector space V is linearly dependent if there exists a set of scalars, {x1, x2, ..., xk }, not all zero, so that the vector equation has a solution.
Linear independence
A set of vectors in a vector space V is linearly independent if the vector equation has only the trivial solution, .
A set of vectors in a vector space V is called a basis if the following conditions are true:
- spans .
- is linearly independent.
Linear transformations and matrices
Change of coordinate matrix
Coordinate vector relative to a basis
Dimension theorem
Dominance relation
Identity matrix
Identity transformation
Incidence matrix
Inverse of a linear transformation
Inverse of a matrix
Invertible linear transformation
Isomorphic vector spaces
Kronecker delta
Left-multiplication transformation
Linear operator
Linear transformation
Matrix representing a linear transformation
Nullity of a linear transformation
Null space
Ordered basis
Product of matrices
Projection on a subspace
Projection on the x-axis
Rank of a linear transformation
Reflection about the x-axis
Similar matrices
Standard ordered basis for
Standard representation of a vector space with respect to a basis
Zero transformation
P.S. coefficient of the differential equation, differentiability of complex function,vector space of functionsdifferential operator, auxiliary polynomial, to the power of a complex number, exponential function.
Definition of a Linear Transformation
Let and be vector spaces. The function is called a linear transformation of into if the following two properties are true for all and in and for any scalar .
N(T) and R(T) are subspaces
Let V and W be vector spaces and I: V → W be linear. Then N(T) and R(T) are subspaces of V and W, respectively.
R(T)= span of T(basis in V)
Let V and W be vector spaces, and let T: V→W be linear. If is a basis for V, then
- .
Dimension theorem
Let V and W be vector spaces, and let T: V → W be linear. If V is finite-dimensional, then
one-to-one ⇔ N(T) = {0}
Let be a linear transformation. Then is one-to-one if and only if .
one-to-one ⇔ onto ⇔ rank(T) = dim(V)
Let V and W be vector spaces of equal (finite) dimension, and let T:V → W be linear. Then the following are equivalent.
- (a) T is one-to-one.
- (b) T is onto.
- (c) rank(T) = dim(V).
∀ exactly one T (basis),
Let V and W be vector space over F, and suppose that is a basis for V. For in W, there exists exactly one linear transformation T: V→W such that for
Let V and W be vector spaces, and suppose that V has a finite basis . If U, T: V→W are linear and for then U=T.
T is vector space
Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, and let T, U: V→W be linear.
- (a) For all ∈ F, is linear.
- (b) Using the operations of addition and scalar multiplication in the preceding definition, the collection of all linear transformations form V to W is a vector space over F.
linearity of matrix representation of linear transformation
Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases β and γ, respectively, and let T, U: V→W be linear transformations. Then
- (a) and
- (b) for all scalars .
composition law of linear operators
Let V,W, and Z be vector spaces over the same field f, and let T:V→W and U:W→Z be linear. then UT:V→Z is linear.
law of linear operator
Let v be a vector space. Let T, U1, U2 ∈ (V). Then
(a) T(U1+U2)=TU1+TU2 and (U1+U2)T=U1T+U2T
(b) T(U1U2)=(TU1)U2
(c) TI=IT=T
(d) (U1U2)=(U1)U2=U1(U2) for all scalars .
Let V, W and Z be finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases α β γ, respectively. Let T: V→W and U: W→Z be linear transformations. Then
- .
Corollary. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space with an ordered basis β. Let T,U∈(V). Then [UT]β=[U]β[T]β.
law of matrix
Let A be an m×n matrix, B and C be n×p matrices, and D and E be q×m matrices. Then
- (a) A(B+C)=AB+AC and (D+E)A=DA+EA.
- (b) (AB)=(A)B=A(B) for any scalar .
- (c) ImA=AIn.
- (d) If V is an n-dimensional vector space with an ordered basis β, then [Iv]β=In.
Corollary. Let A be an m×n matrix, B1,B2,...,Bk be n×p matrices, C1,C1,...,C1 be q×m matrices, and be scalars. Then
- .
law of column multiplication
Let A be an m×n matrix and B be an n×p matrix. For each let and denote the jth columns of AB and B, respectively. Then
(b) , where is the jth standard vector of Fp.
Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces having ordered bases β and γ, respectively, and let T: V→W be linear. Then, for each u ∈ V, we have
- .
laws of LA
Let A be an m×n matrix with entries from F. Then the left-multiplication transformation LA: Fn→Fm is linear. Furthermore, if B is any other m×n matrix (with entries from F) and β and γ are the standard ordered bases for Fn and Fm, respectively, then we have the following properties.
(a) .
(b) LA=LB if and only if A=B.
(c) LA+B=LA+LB and LA=LA for all ∈F.
(d) If T:Fn→Fm is linear, then there exists a unique m×n matrix C such that T=LC. In fact, .
(e) If W is an n×p matrix, then LAE=LALE.
(f ) If m=n, then .
Let A,B, and C be matrices such that A(BC) is defined. Then A(BC)=(AB)C; that is, matrix multiplication is associative.
T−1is linear
Let V and W be vector spaces, and let T:V→W be linear and invertible. Then T−1: W →V is linear.
Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases β and γ, respectively. Let T:V→W be linear. Then T is invertible if and only if is invertible. Furthermore,
Lemma. Let T be an invertible linear transformation from V to W. Then V is finite-dimensional if and only if W is finite-dimensional. In this case, dim(V)=dim(W).
Corollary 1. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space with an ordered basis β, and let T:V→V be linear. Then T is invertible if and only if [T]β is invertible. Furthermore, [T−1]β=([T]β)−1.
Corollary 2. Let A be an n×n matrix. Then A is invertible if and only if LA is invertible. Furthermore, (LA)−1=LA−1.
V is isomorphic to W ⇔ dim(V)=dim(W)
Let W and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces (over the same field). Then V is isomorphic to W if and only if dim(V)=dim(W).
Corollary. Let V be a vector space over F. Then V is isomorphic to Fn if and only if dim(V)=n.
Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces over F of dimensions n and m, respectively, and let β and γ be ordered bases for V and W, respectively. Then the function : (V,W)→Mm×n(F), defined by for T∈(V,W), is an isomorphism.
Corollary. Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces of dimension n and m, respectively. Then (V,W) is finite-dimensional of dimension mn.
Φβ is an isomorphism
For any finite-dimensional vector space V with ordered basis β, Φβ is an isomorphism.
Let β and β' be two ordered bases for a finite-dimensional vector space V, and let . Then
(a) is invertible.
(b) For any V, .
Let T be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space V,and let β and β' be two ordered bases for V. Suppose that Q is the change of coordinate matrix that changes β'-coordinates into β-coordinates. Then
- .
Corollary. Let A∈Mn×n(F), and le t γ be an ordered basis for Fn. Then [LA]γ=Q−1AQ, where Q is the n×n matrix whose jth column is the jth vector of γ.
Principal Axes Theorem
For a conic whose equation is , the rotation given by eliminates the -term if is an orthogonal matrix, with , that diagonalizes . That is,
- ,
where and are eigenvalues of . The equation of the rotated conic is given by
- .
p(D)(x)=0 (p(D)∈C∞)⇒ x(k)exists (k∈N)
Any solution to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients has derivatives of all orders; that is, if is a solution to such an equation, then exists for every positive integer k.
{solutions}= N(p(D))
The set of all solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients coincides with the null space of p(D), where p(t) is the auxiliary polynomial with the equation.
Corollary. The set of all solutions to s homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is a subspace of .
derivative of exponential function
For any exponential function .
{e−at} is a basis of N(p(D+aI))
The solution space for the differential equation,
is of dimension 1 and has as a basis.
Corollary. For any complex number c, the null space of the differential operator D-cI has {} as a basis.
is a solution
Let p(t) be the auxiliary polynomial for a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients. For any complex number c, if c is a zero of p(t), then to the differential equation.
For any differential operator p(D) of order n, the null space of p(D) is an n_dimensional subspace of C∞.
Lemma 1. The differential operator D-cI: C∞ to C∞ is onto for any complex number c.
Lemma 2 Let V be a vector space, and suppose that T and U are linear operators on V such that U is onto and the null spaces of T and U are finite-dimensional, Then the null space of TU is finite-dimensional, and
- dim(N(TU))=dim(N(U))+dim(N(U)).
Corollary. The solution space of any nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is an n-dimensional subspace of C∞.
ecit is linearly independent with each other (ci are distinct)
Given n distinct complex numbers , the set of exponential functions is linearly independent.
Corollary. For any nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients, if the auxiliary polynomial has n distinct zeros , then is a basis for the solution space of the differential equation.
Lemma. For a given complex number c and positive integer n, suppose that (t-c)^n is athe auxiliary polynomial of a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Then the set
is a basis for the solution space of the equation.
general solution of homogeneous linear differential equation
Given a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients and auxiliary polynomial
where are positive integers and are distinct complex numbers, the following set is a basis for the solution space of the equation:
- .
Definition of an Orthogonal Matrix
A square matrix is called orthogonal if it is invertible and if
- .
Real Spectral Theorem
If is an symmetric matrix, then the following properties are true:
- is diagonalizable.
- All eigenvalues of are real.
- If is an eigenvalue of with multiplicity , then has linearly independent eigenvectors. That is, the eigenspace of has dimension .
Also, the set of eigenvalues of is called the spectrum of .
Elementary matrix operations and systems of linear equations
Elementary matrix operations
The three elementary row operations are the following:
- Interchange two rows.
- Multiply a row by a nonzero constant.
- Add a multiple of a row to another row.
Elementary matrix
An matrix is called an elementary matrix if it can be obtained from the identity matrix by a single elementary row operation.
Rank of a matrix
The rank of a matrix A is the number of pivot columns after the reduced row echelon form of A.
Invertible Matrices
is a 2×2 matrix with entries form a field F, then we define the determinant of A, denoted det(A) or |A|, to be the scalar .
*Theorem 1: linear function for a single row.
*Theorem 2: nonzero determinant ⇔ invertible matrix
Theorem 1: The function det: M2×2(F) → F is a linear function of each row of a 2×2 matrix when the other row is held fixed. That is, if and are in F² and is a scalar, then
Theorem 2:
Let A M2×2(F). Then thee deter minant of A is nonzero if and only if A is invertible. Moreover, if A is invertible, then
Characteristic polynomial of a linear operator/matrix
diagonalizable⇔basis of eigenvector
A linear operator T on a finite-dimensional vector space V is diagonalizable if and only if there exists an ordered basis β for V consisting of eigenvectors of T. Furthermore, if T is diagonalizable, is an ordered basis of eigenvectors of T, and D = [T]β then D is a diagonal matrix and is the eigenvalue corresponding to for .
Let A∈Mn×n(F). Then a scalar λ is an eigenvalue of A if and only if det(A-λIn)=0
characteristic polynomial
Let A∈Mn×n(F).
(a) The characteristic polynomial of A is a polynomial of degree n with leading coefficient (-1)n.
(b) A has at most n distinct eigenvalues.
υ to λ⇔υ∈N(T-λI)
Let T be a linear operator on a vector space V, and let λ be an eigenvalue of T.
A vector υ∈V is an eigenvector of T corresponding to λ if and only if υ≠0 and υ∈N(T-λI).
vi to λi⇔vi is linearly independent
Let T be a linear operator on a vector space V, and let be distinct eigenvalues of T. If are eigenvectors of t such that corresponds to (), then {} is linearly independent.
characteristic polynomial splits
The characteristic polynomial of any diagonalizable linear operator splits.
1 ≤ dim(Eλ) ≤ m
Let T be alinear operator on a finite-dimensional vectorspace V, and let λ be an eigenvalue of T having multiplicity . Then .
S = S1 ∪ S2 ∪ ...∪ Sk is linearly independent
Let T be a linear operator on a vector space V, and let be distinct eigenvalues of T. For each let be a finite linearly independent subset of the eigenspace . Then is a linearly independent subset of V.
⇔T is diagonalizable
Let T be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space V that the characteristic polynomial of T splits. Let be the distinct eigenvalues of T. Then
(a) T is diagonalizable if and only if the multiplicity of is equal to for all .
(b) If T is diagonalizable and is an ordered basis for for each , then is an ordered for V consisting of eigenvectors of T.
Test for diagonlization
Inner product spaces
Inner product, standard inner product on Fn, conjugate transpose, adjoint, Frobenius inner product, complex/real inner product space, norm, length, conjugate linear, orthogonal, perpendicular, unit vector, orthonormal, normalization.
properties of linear product
Let V be an inner product space. Then for x,y,z ∈ V and c ∈ F, the following statements are true.
(d) if and only if
(e) If for all V, then .
law of norm
Let V be an inner product space over F. Then for all x,y ∈ V and c ∈ F, the following statements are true.
(a) .
(b) if and only if . In any case, .
(c)(Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality).
(d)(Triangle Inequality).
orthonormal basis, Gram–Schmidt process, Fourier coefficients, orthogonal complement, orthogonal projection
span of orthogonal subset
Let V be an inner product space and be an orthogonal subset of V consisting of nonzero vectors. If ∈span(S), then
Gram-Schmidt process
Let V be an inner product space and S= be a linearly independent subset of V. DefineS'=, where and
Then S' is an orhtogonal set of nonzero vectors such that span(S')=span(S).
orthonormal basis
Let V be a nonzero finite-dimensional inner product space. Then V has an orthonormal basis β. Furthermore, if β = and x∈V, then
- .
Corollary. Let V be a finite-dimensional inner product space with an orthonormal basis β =. Let T be a linear operator on V, and let A=[T]β. Then for any and , .
W⊥ by orthonormal basis
Let W be a finite-dimensional subspace of an inner product space V, and let ∈V. Then there exist unique vectors ∈W and ∈W⊥ such that . Furthermore, if is an orthornormal basis for W, then
- .
S=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_k\} Corollary. In the notation of Theorem 6.6, the vector is the unique vector in W that is "closest" to ; thet is, for any ∈W, , and this inequality is an equality if and onlly if .
properties of orthonormal set
Suppose that is an orthonormal set in an -dimensional inner product space V. Than
(a) S can be extended to an orthonormal basis for V.
(b) If W=span(S), then is an orhtonormal basis for W⊥(using the preceding notation).
(c) If W is any subspace of V, then dim(V)=dim(W)+dim(W⊥).
Least squares approximation, Minimal solutions to systems of linear equations
linear functional representation inner product
Let V be a finite-dimensional inner product space over F, and let :V→F be a linear transformation. Then there exists a unique vector ∈ V such that for all ∈ V.
definition of T*
Let V be a finite-dimensional inner product space, and let T be a linear operator on V. Then there exists a unique function T*:V→V such that for all ∈ V. Furthermore, T* is linear
Let V be a finite-dimensional inner product space, and let β be an orthonormal basis for V. If T is a linear operator on V, then
- .
properties of T*
Let V be an inner product space, and let T and U be linear operators onV. Then
(a) (T+U)*=T*+U*;
(b) (T)*= T* for any c∈ F;
(c) (TU)*=U*T*;
(d) T**=T;
(e) I*=I.
Corollary. Let A and B be n×nmatrices. Then
(a) (A+B)*=A*+B*;
(b) (A)*= A* for any ∈ F;
(c) (AB)*=B*A*;
(d) A**=A;
(e) I*=I.
Least squares approximation
Let A ∈ Mm×n(F) and ∈Fm. Then there exists ∈ Fn such that and for all x∈ Fn
Lemma 1. let A ∈ Mm×n(F), ∈Fn, and ∈Fm. Then
Lemma 2. Let A ∈ Mm×n(F). Then rank(A*A)=rank(A).
Corollary.(of lemma 2) If A is an m×n matrix such that rank(A)=n, then A*A is invertible.
Minimal solutions to systems of linear equations
Let A ∈ Mm×n(F) and b∈ Fm. Suppose that is consistent. Then the following statements are true.
(a) There existes exactly one minimal solution of , and ∈R(LA*).
(b) The vector is the only solution to that lies in R(LA*); that is, if satisfies , then .
- Linear Algebra 4th edition, by Stephen H. Friedberg Arnold J. Insel and Lawrence E. spence ISBN 7-04-016733-6
- Linear Algebra 3rd edition, by Serge Lang (UTM) ISBN 0-387-96412-6
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications 4th edition, by Gilbert Strang ISBN 0-03-010567-6