The Mythology of All Races

The Mythology of All Races is a 13 volume book series edited by Louis Herbert Gray between 1916-1932 with George Foot Moore as consulting editor.


Volume Year Author Title References
1 1916 William Sherwood Fox Greek and Roman -
2 1930 John Arnott MacCulloch Eddic -
3 1918 John Arnott MacCulloch and Jan Máchal Celtic and Slavic -
4 1927 Uno Holmberg Finno-Ugric and Siberian -
5 1931 Stephen Herbert Langdon Semitic -
6 1917 Arthur Berriedale Keith and Albert Joseph Carnoy Indian and Iranian -
7 1925 Mardiros Harootioon Ananikian and Alice Werner Armenian and African -
8 1918 John Calvin Ferguson and Masaharu Anesaki Chinese and Japanese -
9 1916 Roland Burrage Dixon Oceanic -
10 1916 Hartley Burr Alexander North American -
11 1920 Hartley Burr Alexander Latin American -
12 1918 Wilhelm Max Müller and James George Scott Egyptian and Indo-Chinese -
13 1932 A. Marshall Jones Complete Index -

See also

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