The Amazing Race 2 (China)

The Amazing Race 2
Season run July 10, 2015
September 25, 2015
Filming dates June 2, 2015
August 16, 2015
Winning team Han Geng & Wu Xin
Continents visited 4
Countries visited 8
Distance traveled 39,600 kilometres (24,600 mi)
No. of legs 10
Season Chronology
Season 1 ◄ Chronology

The Amazing Race 2 (Chinese: 极速前进第二季) is the second installment of the Chinese reality television series The Amazing Race (Chinese: 极速前进; pinyin: Jísù Qiánjìn). Loosely based on the American reality TV series The Amazing Race, it initially features six teams of two in a race around the world.

The season premiere was aired on July 10, 2015.


Development and filming

This season introduced a new twist that allows several teams to join in the game as intruders. The intruders will be starting the race at the start of a given leg. In their invasion leg, the intruders must place in the top two to continue racing - if they fail their invasion, they may be eliminated from the race. If they succeed, the last team to check-in may be eliminated, and the intruders will keep on racing in future legs.

This season also introduced the Intersection with Integration Versus, which is basically included Intersection and Versus into some task. Both of the Intersection and Versus came together As two teams will be intersected and fight for the other two teams. Where first, four teams will need to chose which team they want to be intersected by "voting". Once both teams have choice each other at the same time, it is successfully intersected. Then, teams will need to complete the task at some point by using head-to-head or timing. The team that wins the head-to-head challenge or the faster time will win two points. After five rounds, the team with the most points will be automatically be in first place. The second team will have to do the head-to-head challenge again. The winning team will keep racing while the losing team will be eliminated.


Similar to the first season, this season featured celebrities who were chosen to race on the show.


The following teams participated in the Race, each listed along with their placements in each leg and relationships as identified by the program. Note that this table is not necessarily reflective of all content broadcast on television, owing to the inclusion or exclusion of some data. Placements are listed in finishing order:

Team Relationship Position (by leg) Roadblocks
1 2 3 4+ 5+ 6 7 8 9 10
韩庚 & 吴昕 Han Geng & Wu Xin Friends 2nd 4th 2nd4 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 1stθ 4th10 11 1st Han Geng 6, Wu Xin 1
杨千嬅 & 丁子高 Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao Married 1st 2nd 1st 3rdε5 2nd 3rd9 4th 1stθ 3rd10 2nd Yang Qianhua 1, Ding Zigao 6
肖央 & 王太利 Xiao Yang & Wang Taili Partners 5th 5th3 4th4 4th 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd^ 1st 3rd Xiao Yang 63, Wang Taili 1
金鐘國 & 李光洙 Jin Zhongguo & Li Guangzhu Partners 2nd∇10 Jin Zhongguo 0, Li Guangzhu 1
原子鏸 & 原和玉 Yuan Zihui & Yuan Heyu Siblings 1st 4th^ Yuan Zihui 0, Yuan Heyu 0
邓紫棋 & 张芸京 Deng Ziqi & Zhang Yunjing Friends 6th2 3rd 5th 1st 4th 4th Deng Ziqi 3, Zhang Yunjing 2
曾志伟 & 曾宝仪 Zeng Zhiwei & Zeng Baoyi Father & Daughter 4th1 1st 3rd 5thə6,7,8 Zeng Zhiwei 21, Zeng Baoyi 1
冯喆 & 朱珠 Feng Zhe & Zhu Zhu Dating 3rd 6th Feng Zhe 1, Zhu Zhu 1
  1. ^ Zeng Zhiwei & Zeng Baoyi quit the Roadblock challenge and received a 1-hour penalty before they could continue racing. Zeng Zhiwei originally chose to attempt the task before quitting and this is reflected in the Roadblock count.
  2. ^ Deng Ziqi & Zhang Yunjing quit the Detour challenge and received a 1-hour penalty at the Pit Stop.
  3. ^ Xiao Yang & Wang Taili quit the Roadblock challenge and received a 1-hour penalty before they could continue racing. Xiao Yang originally chose to attempt the task before quitting and this is reflected in the Roadblock count.
  4. ^ Han Geng & Wu Xin and Xiao Yang & Wang Taili each received a 15-minute penalty before starting the Detour because they both received money from locals earlier in the leg, violating the rules of leg 3.
  5. ^ Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao used their Express Pass to skip the Water Detour on Leg 4.
  6. ^ Zeng Zhiwei & Zeng Baoyi were forced to quit the double-battle because of an injury Zeng Zhiwei received during the double-battle. The received a 15 minutes penalty which start after the last teams of the double-battle finishes the 15 minutes penalty.
  7. ^ Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao gave their second Express Pass to Zeng Zhiwei & Zeng Baoyi at the start of Leg 4. They later used it to bypass the underground city task on the same leg.
  8. ^ Zeng Zhiwei & Zeng Baoyi initially arrived 2nd. However, they received a 1-hour penalty for not completing the first task of Leg 4 which involved finding a local's house and spending the night there.
  9. ^ Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao quit the Detour challenge and received a 1-hour penalty before they could continue racing.
  10. ^ Due to modification to the "Intruders" rule on Leg 9, Jin Zhongguo & Li Guangzhu were required to be in 1st position in order to continue racing. Since they were placed 2nd, they were eliminated. The placement at the end of the leg did not affect Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao and Han Geng & Wu Xin.
  11. ^ Han Geng & Wu Xin occurred a time penalty as they had failed to deliver a chicken to Allan. However, since they were in last place, the penalty was not carried out. Also, since Jin Zhongguo & Li Guangzhu failed their Invaders mission, Han Geng and Wu Xin are safe from elimination.

Voting History

Similar to the Israeli, Australian and Philippine versions, teams on the second leg voted for who should receive the U-Turn. The team who has the most votes must complete the other option of the Detour they did not select.

Leg #: 2
U-Turned: Feng Zhe & Zhu Zhu
VoterTeam's Vote
Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao Feng Zhe & Zhu Zhu
Xiao Yang & Wang Taili Feng Zhe & Zhu Zhu
Zeng Zhiwei & Zeng Baoyi Feng Zhe & Zhu Zhu
Feng Zhe & Zhu Zhu Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao
Han Geng & Wu Xin Yang Qianhua & Ding Zigao
Deng Ziqi & Zhang Yunjing Xiao Yang & Wang Taili


The prize for each leg is awarded to the first place team for that leg.

Race summary

The route map of The Amazing Race: Jísù Qiánjìn 2015.
Destinations Air travel    Rail travel    Water travel    Bus travel
Route Markers 绕道 (Detour)    路障 (Roadblock)    快进 (Fast Forward)    让路 (Yield)
联合 (Intersection)    回转 (U-Turn)    减速带 (Speed Bump)    中继站 (Pit Stop)

Leg 1 (Australia)

Airdate: July 10, 2015

The starting point of the second season of The Amazing Race: Jisu Qianjin took place in Watsons Bay in Sydney, Australia. Teams had to given their first task and where they had to grab a flag, then pull a sailing boat and had to search around a vintage boat or finish lacing a damsel-in-distress on board's corset for their next clue.

The clue turned out to be on the first Detour of the Race: Slippery (滑溜溜 Huáliuliū) or Soft (软棉棉 Ruǎnmiánmián). Both Detours must travel to Centennial Parklands. In Slippery, one team member wears the helmet, the slipping suit and the watermelon track shoes. The other team member collaborates with a coach to lug the rope. Once the trio successfully "surf" 40 metres (130 ft), the team would be given the next clue. In Soft, Team members have to catch 3 sheep and cover their eyes with cowboy hats. Once all three sheep stay calm for 3 seconds, the team will be given the next clue.

The clues after the Detour instructed teams to travel to Farm Cove and search with their next clue, that was for the first Roadblock of the race, asking "Who wants to dive?". One team member had to wear a diving suit and take inside the cage to dive down in the sea. They have to unravel five ropes in the cage to let the key drop to the bottom of the cage. Then, they use the key to unlock the door to escape from the cage. Once it opened, the diver would get their next clue.

The post-Roadblock clue must travel to the North Square at Sydney Opera House where they have to take seven tourists to perform a square dance with a crowd consisting of seven passers-by. Once the dance is satisfied, a dance instructor would get their next clue, sending them to the Pit Stop at Hyde Park.

Leg 2 (Australia)

Airdate: July 17, 2015

Before departing from their overnight stay at the Hotel, teams had to vote for who would be U-Turned on this leg of the race.

Teams all departed on this leg of the race at the same time.Using the order of previous leg, teams would have to chose the animal that they want to with for the starting line additional task. There are six cages with mice, grashoppers, lizards, butterflies, rotten fish and spiders. Teams must chose one team member put their head in to one of these six cages that they choice and bite out their next clue with need them to go into the rain forest. The only water refill station is at the boat boarding zone.

After teams get into the rain forest, teams will see the result of the vote U-Turn. Then without any know clues expect fish and lance at the detour road, teams must chose between Fish (烤魚 Kǎoyú) or Lance (長矛 Chángmáo). In Fish, teams must first get fire from the local people, then teams must build a fire to cook the fish. Once the fish is completely cooked, they must perform it to the master. In Lance, teams must use 10 lance to hit the target board, 5 for each member. There are 3 target boards. The board closest to the teams earns 1 point, middle one earns 3 points and the farthest earns 6 points. once teams hit 6 points, they would receive their next clue. However, if teams uses all of the Lance in 1 round, they would need to take a 3 minutes penalty before continue on at next round, but the points from last round wont be deducted.

After the detour, the clue will need the teams travel back to the starting point, where teams departed at the start of the leg. Teams must perform a kangaroo dance while on the route of the dance, there are kangaroo patterns around them, teams must perform the dance correctly and also count the kangaroos patterns correctly. If the team's dance is good and then get the number 27, they will receive their next clue which review the Roadblock Who wants to go up and look far away?. which will lead the teams to the AJ Hackett Cairns Bungy. Apon arriving to the counter, teams will need to do a lucky draw, which will determent their bungee jump style. There are double jump, which need to jump with their partners who is not performing the challenge, front 45 which need the coach get the team member 45 degree front to the air, 45 back which is same as 45 front but in lying position. And also the superman jump which need teams to jump with a superman suit. Once teams finish those bungee jump style and returned to the ground, they will receive a certificate and their next clue witch tell teams to get on the Infiniti QX70 and watch a video witch tells them to make their way to Cazaly's Stadium to their next pit stop.

After arriving to Cazaly's Stadium, there is a speed bump for Deng Ziqi & Zhang Yunjing. They must make their way to the Cairns Zoom and then booth team members must go on to the cable and walk or slide to the other end. Also, there is a meat hanging at both team members feet, which the crocodiles below the teams may eat it. When teams make it to the other side, they may make their way back to Cazaly's Stadium and check in at the pitstop.

Leg 3 (Australia → Turkey)

Airdate: July 24, 2015

After staying overnight at the Sura Hagia Sophia Hotel, teams will have a breakfast at 6:00 am and depart in 3 minute intervals depending on last Leg's team position. All of the remaining money on the teams will be taken. They are informed that no money will be given on the leg. They were told that only one challenge can earn their leg money; earning money from other places will be penalized.

Teams receive a clue that tell them walk to the Haseki Hürrem Sultan Hamamı. Then, one member from each team must use the soap to wash the other team member. They are only allowed to use the soap on the skin and cannot break off the soap unintentionally or not. Once teams use it up, they will get a small picture of the Galata Tower, where teams must walk there or use public transportation without any money.

After arriving the Galata Tower, the only water refill station is there. Then, teams face a detour where need teams to chose between Crafts (手艺 Shǒuyì) or Arts (才艺 Cáiyì). Both detours need teams to make their way to the İstiklal Avenue. In Crafts, teams work as a street shoe shiner. Teams must shine leather shoes and each pair of shoes shined earns 4 Turkish lira. Once teams get ₺40, they may receive their next clue. Surplus money earned by the end of the detour is the team's allowance. In Arts, teams must chose between 5 performance equipment: Chinese dancing clothes and pieces of cloth, a guitar, clown clothes and twisting balloons, a sword and a Turkish musical instrument. Teams must earn ₺40 using one of these five sets of items, all of which are to be in coinage.

Then, teams must make their way to the Rumelihisarı where they face a roadblock. "Who is a warrior?" requires teams to climb the ladders up 33 metres (108 ft) to the top and sound the gong in 5 minutes, while the other team member who is not performing the roadblock will be rappelled down to a tub of dirty water below after 5 minutes. If teams can not finish the roadblock, they will get a 15-minute penalty.

Once teams arrived at Hasanpasa Bakery, teams had to deliver three orders of the traditional Turkish bagel known as simit to three different vendors, stacking 100 simits carefully on a delivery board that both team members have to wear on their heads; if any simit dropped, they would have to restart that delivery. Once they had proof of delivery from the three vendors, the baker would give them their next clue.

After teams arrived at the pit stop, teams must choose between 5 locals and stay the night at their house. While the last team must stay in a store and sleep on the ground.

Leg 4 (Turkey)

Airdate: July 31, 2015

When start, teams originally must fly a hot air balloon. Due to the air condition, the task was changed to pack up an air balloon to receive their next clue. There will have people help them to pack it up. Once teams have finished packing up, they receive a clue with a detour, which teams must chose between Horse (上馬 Shàngmǎ) or Salt (下水 Xiàshuǐ). First, teams must take an Infiniti which will drove them to the detour point. In Horse, teams must ride on a horse. First, teams must practice archery, then, each team member must get on a horse. Each team member will have 3 arrow to shot each time. Both team member must each at least get one red dot and the total of 3 hits in a try to get their next clue. In salt,teams must take a pool and stick their name on. Then, teams had to carry bags of salt which is 25 kg each and dump them into a pool in order to reach neutral buoyancy. Once they were floating on the surface well enough with hands and feet up in to the water and no touching anything to read the newspaper about themselves on the race, The judge would give teams their next clue.

Once finishes the detour, teams will face a Versus at Avanos Square. Which teams must wait another team face-to-face battle with the other teams. The teams must first change clothes and then but a belt represent their team color on. Then, teams must but oil all over their body and battle with other teams. Using the rules of traditional Turkish Wrestling and take of the other teams belt. When both belt of the other team has been took of, they will receive their next clue. The team loses will need to wait till the other team. The last team left behind will receive a 15-minutes penalty before continue racing.

Once teams left Avanos Square, teams must make their way to the Evranos Restaurant and change into Traditional Turkish belly dance costume and practice and perform the belly dance. When the judge fill its good, they will receive their next clue leading them to Özkonak Underground City. After arriving Özkonak Underground City, teams must get 3 items. By solving the 3 pictures at the entrance, Teams must get these 3 scenario's people to get up and get an item from them. The first cave will need teams to get 4 peoples name speaking correctly in Chinese to get their first item. The second item will need teams to use grapes to make wine and make two cups full to be getting their second item. And the final room will need teams to eat all 5 foods and kiss a girl to get their final item. Once three items was got by the team, they will receive their next clue. Each time teams get into the cave and solve the puzzle time is 5-minutes, teams may keep the item they get if the time is over. Also, teams may chose to solve the pictures in any orders. The next clue leads teams to their next pit stop: Uçhisar Castle.

Leg 5 (Turkey → Spain)

Airdate: August 7, 2015

At the start of the leg, the host will need teams using the last leg order to chose between 5 items, including Lance, tennis, pillow, Chinese fan or pork leg. Then, teams must head-to-head using the last leg order 1 team vs 1 team and get on the balance beam and knock the other teams out the beam to receive their next clue.The losing teams must battle with the next team and the last team will be receive a 5-minutes penalty.

After the versus, teams face a detour, where teams must chose between Rampage (横冲直撞 Héngchōngzhízhuàng) or Descent (天旋地转 Tiānxuándìzhuǎn). In Rampage, teams must make their way to Plaza de Toros, then, one team member must make the cattle to be running around and the other team member must get the door to be build and make the cattle go through. When it can goes through, they will receive their next clue. In Descent, teams must make their way to the Aranjuez Constitution Square. Then, teams must where a shuit which have 4 colors on each of the team member, one with Black, Red, Blue and yellow and the other one with White, Red, Blue and yellow. Teams must find these five colors stickers and stick it on the same place of the colors at their body. Once all colors has collected, they will get their next clue. There is time limit of 5-minutes on the challenge. If teams cannot finish on time they can still keep the colors they collected to their next round.

Once the team finish the detour, teams must walk to the Virgen del Puerto Preschool where they must determent if they use the U-Turn or not. Then, teams must get on to the Infiniti and make their way to the Polideportivo Pinar de las Rozas, the Spanish national football training center. Once their, teams must perform on 3 training of the football course. The order of the games is chose by teams. The first training is need teams to get a ball over obstacles and kick to the line. Second mission will need one team member give the ball to the other team member and kick it in to the soccer gantry. When 5 balls are scored and they are kicking before the white line, they will receive an item. Third course will need teams to be getting balls from 6 soccer players. When teams get the ball, that team member must kick it to the other player to catch it by foot. Once teams have done these three task without not following the rules of the soccer. They will get a card in each Task. Once three cards collected, they will receive their next clue.

Then, teams must make their way to the San Isidro Park, Miro Square. Then, teams face a roadblock. "Who wants to wear red clothes?" The roadblock performer must stand on the performer zone and get a bucket of Tomato juice on their head for each minute until the other team member who is not performing the roadblock had thrown a tomato in to a tomato board's mouth, they will get their next clue, which will lead then to their next pit stop: Royal Palace of Madrid.

Leg 6 (Spain → France)

Airdate: August 14, 2015

At the start of the leg, the host asked "Who is more better to make romance?" Teams must chose one member to make their way to the garden and cook a dishes in 30-minutes. While the other team member wait at inside. After cooked, teams will put their dishes and need the other team member to taste using last leg order. The team member who taste must guess which is their team member cook. If wrong or the cook team member talked, they will receive 10-minutes penalty. If it is correct, team will need to get into the church and got blessed to receive their next clue.

Once teams arrived Arles Amphitheatre, teams will face a roadblock. Where team member must get in to a road and which teams must make themselves like Raiders of the Lost Ark and cross the Road without touching ant lazes. Once teams have across it, they will get their treasure: their next clue.

Teams then told to make their way to the Quai Jean Jaurès which teams must chose between 4 couples. Then, using camera to take photos with the couple they chose. The photo that provide to teams is more than 30 years ago and teams must find these couples. Also, if teams chose one couple to take photo with, they must give it to the judge before they may take the second photo.

As the last team to arrive, The last team must perform a speed bump, where they must get a picnic box and ride a bike to the marked area and finish all foods inside the picnic box by feeding each other.

Then, team must make their way to the Sault Lavender fields where teams must ride on swings. one side of the swings have water which teams must get it with a cup and then transfer to the other team member and put it into the bowl of ping pong balls. When at least one ping pong balls falls off, they will get their next clue which tell teams to run to the end of the field and check in at the pit stop.

Leg 7 (France → Namibia)

Airdate: August 21, 2015

At the start of the leg, the invade team was coming up to the starting point and join the teams. Then, all teams must get on a Infiniti QX80 and make there way to the Naankuse Wildlife Sanctury. When teams arrived their, teams will need to chose between one of four choices, which each includes two different kinds of animals. While one team member drive themselves to the animals shelter they chose, another team member will need to guid that person to the point. Each team will need to do some of the task about these two animals (take photo, get their footprint etc.). Once both task of their choice done, they must drive back to the task starting point and give the item required for each team to complete the task to be receiving a clue.

Leg 8 (Namibia → Mauritius)

Airdate: August 28, 2015

Note: There is no Roadblock or Detour in this leg. The whole episode was intersected with the other team. There are 5 Versuses that teams must do. On the board, If the task is a "Versus", it means that it is performed head-to-head with the other pair of intersected teams. If it is a "Timing Versus", the two teams work together to post a lower time than the other pair of intersected teams. Each task that a pair of intersected teams wins gives them two points. After three tasks, the pair of intersected teams with the highest score wins the leg and can continue to the Pit Stop, where they claim first place. The losing intersected teams must perform one more Versus which is shown as Versus 4 on the board. The first team to complete this task claims third place and the other team will be eliminated from the Race.

Before the start, when all teams are flying to Mauritius, the first place team of the previous leg will be on first class, the second and third will be on business class, and the last team will be on economy class as a punishment being last at the non-elimination leg.

Leg 9 (Mauritius → Thailand)

Airdate: September 11, 2015

Leg 10 (Thailand → China)

Airdate: September 25, 2015


 China Shenzhen Television premiere ratings (CSM50)
Episode Date Rating Share Ranking
2/01 10 July 2015 0.667 2.22 7
2/02 17 July 2015 0.752 2.37 7
2/03 24 July 2015 0.732 2.34 7
2/04 31 July 2015 0.689 2.37 9
2/05 7 August 2015 0.729 2.287 8
2/06 14 August 2015 0.777 2.45 6
2/07 21 August 2015 0.672 2.08 9
2/08 28 August 2015
2/09 11 September 2015
2/10 25 September 2015
  1. The data determined by CSM.
  2. Ratings ranked above not including CCTV.
  3. Information source:卫视小露电.


      External links

      This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, January 05, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.