Telephone numbers in Palau

Country Code: +680
International Call Prefix: 011 or 012

IDD service

011 (PNCC – Palau National Communications Corporation)
012 (PMC – Palau Mobile Corporation)

National Significant Numbers (NSN)

seven digits (fixed)
seven digits (mobile)

Area codes in Palau

Long distance call service (PNCC)

Prefix Location
+680 544 XXXX Aimeliik State
+680 587 XXXX Airai State
+680 277 XXXX Angaur State
+680 876 XXXX Kayangel State
+680 488 XXXX Koror State
+680 654 XXXX Melekeok State
+680 824 XXXX Ngaraard State
+680 855 XXXX Ngarchelong State
+680 747 XXXX Ngardmau State
+680 535 XXXX Ngatpang State
+680 622 XXXX Ngchesar State
+680 733 XXXX Ngaremlengui State
+680 679 XXXX Ngiwal State
+680 345 XXXX Peleliu State
+680 255 XXXX Sonsorol State
+680 255 XXXX Hatohobei State

Mobile service

PNCC – Mobile: 770XXXX, 771XXXX, 772XXXX, 773XXXX, 774XXXX, 775XXXX, 776XXXX, 777XXXX, 778XXXX, 779XXXX
PMC – Mobile: 620XXXX, 630XXXX, 640XXXX, 660XXXX, 680XXXX, 690XXXX

Emergency call service


Local call service


Company Code (Carrier Code)

Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC)
Palau Mobile Corporation (PMC)


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