Tarek bin Laden

Tarek bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden[1] (born 1947) is half-brother of Osama bin Laden, and a noted member of the Saudi-Arabia business community.

He was once called "the personification of the dichotomy (conservativism and change) of Saudi Arabia."[2] He once started a textile business with Swedish actor Kjell Bergqvist, intending to make use of some of the large state-owned textile mills in Egypt, and then sell the clothing in the West. "It didn't work out. The factories in Egypt produced for the Soviet Union and they were poorly designed," Bergqvist recalls.[3] Tarek Bin Laden is currently chairman at Middle East Development LLC, a Dubai-based company.

Current affiliations

See also


  1. Sometimes spelled Tarik bin Laden, bin Ladin, Binladin, etc.
  2. Kenneth C. Crowe (May 26, 1976). "The Dichotomy of Saudi Arabia".
  3. David Bartal (September 15, 2001). "Suspicious future trading investigated". Dagens Industri.Retrieved from Google Cache, February 20, 2007

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