Tara Duncan

Tara Duncan is the heroine of a series of bestselling novels in French written by Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian. The English translation by William Rodarmor of Volume 1, Tara Duncan and the Spellbinders, was published by Sky Pony Press in June 2012. Volume 2, Tara Duncan and the Forbidden Book, was published in January 2013. An animated series that premiered in France in 2010 aired in the U.S. on the "Girls Rule" division of Kabillion.

The central character of the series is a girl named Tara Duncan who discovers that she is a powerful "spellbinder," possessing magic powers. Her adventures begin when she is 12 and take her to the planet OtherWorld and beyond. Magic is present in those worlds, as are evil wizards, giants, "vampyrs," dwarves, elves, sirens, and two-headed business administrators.

Tara's companions in her adventures include her fellow Earthling Fabrice and the friends she makes on OtherWorld: a half-elf called Robin M'angil, the licensed thief in training Caliban Dal Salan, a shapeshifting princess Gloria Daavil nicknamed "Sparrow", and a short-tempered but warm-hearted female dwarf named Fafnir.

Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian, who is also the author of other series, has so far written eleven Tara Duncan volumes in French. William Rodarmor has translated two of her books into English. Some of the books have also been translated into Japanese, Korean, and Italian.


Tara's gang

Tara's gang is composed of Tara's closest friends, who always follow her in her adventures.

Tara Duncan is the main character of the series. She has dark blue eyes and blond hair with a white lock. Her magic skills are incredibly powerful without her doing anything about it or even knowing why, and she has to fight with a mysterious dark spellbinder, while learning to be the heiress of a whole empire. In fact, Tara has been genetically manipulated by a renegade dragon, who significantly increased the strength of her powers. However, Tara uses her magic to help people, by doing things that were called impossible before, such as curing vampyrs who drank human blood. Tara is brave and strong-willed, she doesn't hesitate before diving into an adventure that could cost her her life. She would do anything for her friends, and she loves them a lot. Her familiar is a large pegasus named Gallant.

Robin M'angil is the son of T'andilus M'angil, head of secret services of Lancovit, and Mevora, a human who is passionate about books and politics. Being half elven is pretty rare on Otherworld, since the elves don't want to make their race weaker by mixing it with human's genes. Robin really suffers because of this and is rejected by other elves. He is a great warrior and owns the arc of Llilandril, a ferocious elf warrior whose spirit still lives in the arc. He has silver hair with black highlights, crystal eyes and pointy ears. He would do anything to protect and save Tara. They broke up in volume 9 but Robin still loves Tara more than anyone.

Caliban Dal Salan "Cal" is a Patented thief in training (kind of a spy in operation for the government). Cheeky, daring, brave and agile, he always makes jokes, having a great sense of humour and of sarcasm. He is small and thin, has black messy hair and grey eyes. He is described as having an angelic face. He was also madly in love with Eleanora, another licensed thief, who believed that Cal has killed her cousin and tried to get revenge. His familiar is a red fox named Blondin. He became Tara's boyfriend in volume 10.

Gloria Daavil "Sparrow" is a princess of Lancovit, but she will never be queen, only being the niece of king Bear and queen Titania. She is nicknamed "Sparrow" because she is really shy, but she becomes more confident. Her ancestors are Beauty and the Beast which causes Sparrow to be able to change from human to beast. She is pretty and has long and curled brown hair. Sensitive and reasonable, she is Tara's best friend. Her familiar is a white panther named Sheeba. She is Fabrice's girlfriend.

Fafnir is a dwarf from Hymlia, strong and ferocious warrior. She can fight with an axe like nobody else. As other dwarfs, she hates magic and tries to avoid it the best as she can. She also hates the fact that she has magic powers, and would really want to get rid of them. Fafnir really likes Tara because there are always great fights around the young heiress. Little and redheaded, she always has a great amount of weapons with her. She is often dressed in red leather.

Fabrice is Tara's oldest friend from Earth, son of the Transfer Door's guardian. He discovers that he also has magic powers because her mother was exposed to the emanations of the Transfer Door during her pregnancy. However, his magic is weaker than his friend's, and he's obsessed with the idea of gaining more power, sometimes by flirting with dark magic and forbidden spells. Described as really handsome, he is tall, has blond hair and dark eyes. He also really loves charades and often ends his sentences with one. In love with Sparrow, his quest for more powers complicates their relationship. His familiar was a blue mammoth named Barune, but was killed in volume 6 by Wiberns(type of dragon).

Tara's enemies

Magister is the master of all bloodgraves, Tara's worst enemy and the one who kidnapped her mother Selena when Tara was four years old. Magister's goal is to free the demons, and he needs Tara's blood to do it. He wants to rule the world and is pretty cruel, but sometimes he also shows more human feelings, such as his love for Selena. He always wears a mask that changes color according to his humor. It is not known who he really is and one won't know it until the end of the series.

Selenba is a terrible vampyr who drinks human blood. She is particularly cruel and violent with her victims, and has pleasure by making them suffer the most as she can. She is willing to do whatever Magister tells her to do; it is later revealed that she is secretly in love with him. She has long white hair and red eyes, is thin and tall, and has really pale skin. She used to be the fiancée of Safir Dragosh, who is still in love with her and is willing to do anything for her.

The Red Queen is a red female dragon, self-proclaimed the queen of the Forbidden Continent. Bigger than other dragons that Tara has met, she uses humans as her slaves and organizes fight between werewolves, dragons and humans.

Secondary Characters

Lisbeth Tylanhem is the Empress of Omois. She is Tara's aunt and Danviou's sister. Like Tara, she has long blond hair with a white lock and dark blue eyes. Bad-tempered, she has the reputation of being Otherworld's prettiest woman. Often coloring her long hair to match her dresses and tiaras, her beauty is legendary and devastating.

Sandor is Lisbeth's half brother and Emperor of Omois. He replaced Danviou when he died. He also has long blond hair, often tied in a low ponytail. He is a really good warrior, leader of Omois army, and also teaches Tara how to fight.

Selena Duncan is Tara's mother. She has been prisoner of Magister during 10 years, she is set free by Tara in the first book. Selena has long curly brown hair and green eyes.

Isabella Duncan is Tara's grandmother and also the woman who raised her. She's very ambitious, which sometimes makes her a bit selfish and even cruel. She is known as being a great spellbinder and bad-tempered.

Jar and Mara are the twin little brother and sister of Tara, children of Selena and Danviou. They were born shortly after Selena's kidnapping (she was then pregnant since two months), and Magister raised them to believe that he was their father. Thus, the twins have been infected by demonic magic and Magister's way of thinking, and they consider their mother as being weak. Jar is really cold and ambitious, more like Isabella, and his biggest wish is to become the emperor instead of Tara (he's even ready to kill her if he needs to). Mara is kinder and more like Selena, though she also doesn't bond with Selena that much. She is in love with Cal, who she admires a lot, and wants to become a licensed thief just like him.

Chemnashaovirodaintrachivu "Master Chem" is a blue and silver dragon who works in Lancovit and helps Tara's gang. He often takes the form of an old wiseman, but Tara and her friends later discover that his real age is equivalent to a thirty years old man in human years.

Sylver, a new character in the 7th book, is a handsome and mysterious boy with long blond hair and a skin covered of cutting scales. Raised by the dwarfs, he's a fierce and formidable warrior. Kind, shy and a bit clumsy, he's immediately willing to help Tara in her quest, at the risk of his life. Only problem: When he's asleep, Sylver changes into a dangerous and strong creature who wants to kill and destroy everything. SPOILER: it is revealed that Sylver is the son of Magister and a female dragon called Ama, who was the daughter of Dragons' previous king.


Tara Duncan and the Spellbinders

In the first book, Tara discovers that she is a spellbinder, the-one-who-know-how-to-bind-spells. She also finds out that her mother is not dead but kept prisoner on another planet called Otherworld, where there are unicorns, elves, dragons and many other creatures. The situation gets even worse when a man with a mask, Magister, tries to kidnap her. Tara has no choice but to go to Otherworld, where she makes incredible new friends: Robin, the handsome half-elf, Cal the licensed thief, Gloria the descendant of Beauty and the Beast, Fafnir the short-tempered dwarf, and Master Chem the blue and silver dragon.

Tara will have much to do, trying to deliver her mother while avoiding getting caught by Magister, who needs her to set free the demons.

Tara Duncan and the Forbidden Book

In the second book, after escaping Magister, the terrible master of bloodgraves, Tara, the young sortceliere, back on Earth! But the respite is short-lived: his friend Cal, the young thief, is tried for the murder of a sortcelier, accidentally disappeared in the previous episode. Tara starts so to Otherworld, where terrible dangers the threaten! With the help of his loyal friends, she must outwit dark conspiracies by the empress's uncle, prince Bandiou, combat the devourer of souls, a fierce giant slug and a Vampyr bloodthirsty... But the minutes are counted!

can time Arrive in time to save Cal?

Tara Duncan and the Cursed Scepter

The third book, in which Tara Duncan, the young Princess magician, must hurriedly leave the Earth to OtherWorld: her mother, Selena, was injured in an assassination attempt. And the cruel Magister, master of the bloodgraves, all believed extinct, is back. With the help of a huge and formidable army of demons, he claims to capture the Omois Empire. And perhaps then eradicate the race of dragons... Besides, who could resist the power of the cursed Sceptre which he now holds and which deprives their magic the sortceliers of Otherworld? The Empress and the Emperor captured, Tara finds herself alone, at fourteen, at the head of the Empire for a lost war in advance. Assisted by her friends, the (Elf) Robin, Fabrice, Sparrow 'Gloria', Cal, the clever thief,the dwarf Fafnir, and her great-grandfather the Manitou, the young spellbinder must take all the risks. Once again, she must face Magister, his hordes and his spies as well as his terrifying killer: the Hunter. Tara Duncan's powers continue to grow but can her magic prevent the army of demons sweep across the universe?

Tara Duncan and the Renegade Dragon

In the fourth book, Tara goes on-site megalithic Stonehenge in England, accompanied by her great-grandfather Manitou the dog, half-Elf Robin, Fafnir the mighty dwarf, Sparrow the beast, Fabrice and Cal the clever thief. It will attempt to protect the Earth from enemies that threaten and bring relief to a young Terran to superhuman powers.

Tara Duncan and the Forbidden Continent

This is the fifth book, where Betty, Earth friend Tara, was kidnapped by Magister holding the prisoner on the forbidden Continent. This continent is governed by the dragons, allies of Omois, prohibiting access. But Magister has succeeded in forcing the magical barrier and poisoned Betty. There are only a few hours to live the young woman, and only blood amended heiress may save it... However, Tara has still not found its powers. Without magic, impossible to fight against his enemy. Braving the dangers of Otherworld, Tara returned to the Palace of Omois and convenes emergency his friends who faithfully responded to the call. Apart from Robin, who has mysteriously disappeared... Escorted by the most formidable warriors of the Queen of the elves, the Elves purple, Tara puller dragons permission to go on the forbidden Continent. But, arriving at destination, she discovers that the Red Queen Bloodroot took power and that the dragons are willing to let it die to hide their horrible secret. Tara will manage to save Betty from the clutches of the Red Queen and defeat his enemy Magister? Most importantly, will Robin, victim of the shenanigans of the Empress of Omois due?

Tara Duncan into the Trap of Magister

Volume six of the series is about beautiful Tara, real name Taratylanhnem Duncan, is at a turning point in her young life. Long, it merely adorn the machinations of Magister, master of demonic magic, which continues to devastate her life. He killed her father, he forced her to grow up hidden, has attacked her friends, without mention of its projects to become master of Otherworld. But today, Tara has fifteen years. It takes more and more to heart its role as heir to the Empire. She has enough to be passive. When Magister tries to seize Selena, her mother, her mother has feelings for magister, Tara takes high resolution. It will move to the attack. It will flush out Magister and RID Otherworld of his hateful influence and the darkness of her magic. This is the beginning of an adventure where the lurking betrayals, perils and pretense...

Tara Duncan and the Ghost Invasion

Book seven in the series where A gap opened in the Beyond-world, where dead spirits are by Tara's failed attempt to reincarnate her father. Millions of ghosts invade Otherworld, the planet of Tara, eager to find a body to reincarnate. Magister, killed in book 6, comes back in a form of a ghost and invades Lisbeth's body. One of the ghosts invade Robin and nearly kills him. Tara is the only one able to escape them. Ensconced in a secret corner, she desperately seeks a way to counter this invasion. She joins with a mysterious warrior named Sylver,and her old enemy Angelica Brandaud to find a machine that will send the ghosts back to Beyond-world. Meanwhile, Fabrice has betrayed them for power, Sparrow, Cal, and other members of the Gang are in the 'Resistance', fighting the ghosts, and Tara's mother is desperately trying to ignore Magister (In the form of Lisbeth'tylannehm) who wants her to marry him.

Tara Duncan and the Evil Empress

In book eight where, Banned on Earth for failing to destroy Otherland, Tara is cut of any of her past life. No news of her friends, Robin the Elf, Cal the licensed thief, nor Sparrow the sweet... Away from its MagicGang, the time seems long to the girl. But the day of its sixteen years, terrible news reach him in his exile: on Otherworld, the Magister and Sangraves lead a simultaneous attack against the leaders of the States and the members of the MagicGang. There are wounded, we are still without news of some... The girl includes with terror that Magister wants to destroy her family. Without her friends, it is nothing, and she knows. When it will be neutralized, it shall have the power at hand. Except that the offender is not Magister. The reality that discovers Tara is much worse. Mad anxiety and rage, she decided to go into hiding: it will illegally enter the magical territory to go to the aid of Otherworld. Even if the only way to achieve this is to cross dangerous demonic limbo...

Tara Duncan versus the Black Queen

In book nine, leads to "Certainly not!" The general amazement, Tara, the day of her sixteen years, refuses to become Empress of Omois, so that her aunt, Lisbeth, announces that she abdicated in her favour. And stupor becomes terror when Tara is embodied in... Queen black! Demonic, ready to do anything to gain power, she was lurking at the bottom of Tara since she has used the magic in limbo, and was waiting for her hour... Tara is obliged to flee Otherland, because she wants to block the Black Queen. She must go on Earth, and stop Magister who tries to bring Selena Duncan back. She also knows that, sooner or later, it will have to face that lives in it. What is a demonic entity? Or the darkest part of itself? Which will eventually dominate the other?Love, humor and magic are the appointment of this new adventure, Tara Duncan and her friends. More than ever, Tara must face her destiny. Will be the future Empress of Omois? Or the evil Magister there reason it?

Tara Duncan and the Dragons VS Demons

The tenth book, Otherland is in turmoil: the Empress invited demons! Taking pretext the betrothal of Tara, who has slap ' intention to marry that whatsoever, Lisbeth suggested the hand of his niece to the magnificent Archangel, King of the demons, but also to master Chem, the great blue dragon.Good fight into perspective. Except that this is probably as a gigantic conspiracy, where mysterious and elusive assassins working in the shadows.The first victims are Cal and Robin. Cal, who declared his love to Tara, and Robin, that it makes lashes that schemes Selenba, vampyr at the orders of Magister, who suddenly decided to come back to Omois. As by chance just at the point where the demons arrive, Tadix, one of Otherworld's moons, became the casino stage, where the future of Otherworld will play out with demons. Tara prepares to face, alone, without the magic gang, her destiny. At the risk of losing her virginity. And her own life...

Tara Duncan and the War of the Planets

The eleventh book in the series.

About the Author

Princess Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian was born in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France and grew up in the Basque Country where she first heard the tales and legends that fuel her imagination. She is married and has two daughters, Diane and Marine. She holds a M.A. in diplomacy and strategy. She currently divides her time between family and writing. She is a contributor to Children's Health Fund Children's Health Fund, founded by Paul Simon and Dr. Irwin Redlener, and the Princess SAM Foundation for Armenia. She currently lives in Paris. Sophie's first writing attempts were sketches of fantasy fiction. She wrote the fantasy novel series Tara Duncan between 1987 and 1990, but only found a publisher in 2003, when the Harry Potter books helped make magic and fantasy in books popular in France. A real princess, Sophie is a member of the royal house of Armenia and in line for the throne.

External links

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