Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service

The famous En svensk tiger image/slogan, used after WWII as a semi-official symbol of MUST up to at least 2008.[1]

Military Intelligence and Security Service (Swedish: MilitÀra underrÀttelse- och sÀkerhetstjÀnsten), MUST, is a division of the Swedish Armed Forces Central Command. It is the main foreign intelligence agency in Sweden and as such is responsible for providing intelligence to both the Government of Sweden and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces. It is also the Military Security Service which means that it is managing the security for vital divisions and agencies of the Swedish Armed Forces.

MUST consists of three known departments, UnderrĂ€ttelsekontoret UNDK (Intelligence Office), SĂ€kerhetskontoret SÄKK (Security Office) and Kontoret för SĂ€rskild InhĂ€mtning KSI (Office for Special Collection).

MUST also co-operates with other defence intelligence agencies, such as the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA), the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). In contrast to common belief, FRA is not a part of MUST, but a civil agency.

Current Director of MUST is Major General Gunnar Karlson. Even though MUST is technically a part of the military, a majority of the staff is civilian.[2]

Known MUST directors

See also


  1. ↑ TT. "Tvisten om En svensk tiger Ă€r över". Aftonbladet 24 september 2008. LĂ€st 24 september 2008.
  2. ↑ Swedish Armed Forces. "Folder om militĂ€ra underrĂ€ttelse- och sĂ€kerhetstjĂ€nsten" (PDF). Retrieved 19 October 2013.

External links

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