Student Peace Alliance

The Student Peace Alliance is a nonpartisan student action organization advocating peace across the United States of America. Founded at Brandeis University in the Spring of 2006 by Aaron Voldman and Julia Simon-Mishel,[1] Student Peace Alliance is a 501(c)4 organization, and has 100 chapters in the United States at high schools, colleges, and community youth organizations.[2]

Mission statement

Student Peace Alliance engages in, and develops support for, peace and non-violent initiatives across the United States in all levels of American life; including the local, state, and federal governments. These initiatives involve: grassroots awareness, research, volunteering, community service, activities with spiritual centers, violence prevention programs, conflict resolution, peace education, as well as raising awareness through the internet and popular culture.[3]


The Student Peace Alliance calls for a U.S. Department of Peace to effectively and efficiently implement policies that would centralize and unify peace building efforts domestically and abroad. With a legislative bill in the U.S. House of representatives (H.R. 808) that currently has 70 co-sponsors, Student Peace Alliance coordinates supportive efforts on a local and national level through various actions including, policy suggestions, research, citizen lobbying efforts, and peaceful non-violent demonstrations.

Valentine's Day Action : On Valentine's Day congressional offices all over the nation are visited by Student Peace Alliance members with Valentine's letters from constituents of their congressional district.[4]

Peace of the Pie Action : The annual Mother’s Day “Peace of the Pie” National Action Day! On May 11 (the Friday before Mother's Day), members of SPA and Peace Alliance take pies to their local Congressional offices, letting members of Congress know that “Peace wants a Piece of the Pie, which is 2% of the Federal Defence Budget.[5]


  1. Nonviolence: The Peace Alliance will uphold the highest level of regard for all individuals and organizations. We commit to operate with integrity, with open communication and with respect for people, environment, and process. We will endeavor to communicate our message in ways that do not do violence to the message itself.
  2. Cooperation: We will maintain an attitude of support and appreciation while working together on behalf of the common good. Our behavior will be consistent with our mission and core values as we strive to participate in a shared responsibility and shared leadership model.
  3. Harmlessness: We will strive never to compromise our core values and principles, and will maintain our nonviolent focus in all things.
  4. Clarity & Simplicity: We will maintain our focus as we keep things simple and work for the practical application of the vision and principles we share.
  5. Interconnectedness: We acknowledge that we live in a world of interconnected relationships; one world, and we take responsibility for the presentation and influence of our work. We will do what we can to support one another in our various areas of responsibility. It is our intention that all will experience success and be supported in their work.
  6. Inclusivity: We will endeavor to resolve all questions and challenges by taking a long view and making choices that meet the needs of all concerned to the best of our ability. When faced with a choice of focusing narrowly over expanding, we will include all in the process as we choose wisely and strive to create a world that works for everyone and is sustained as well.
  7. Understanding: We seek to work with loving understanding and a conscious realization of how we impact others and our environment, thus making wise choices.
  8. Honest Communications: We acknowledge that communication is key to manifesting peace, healthy relationships, and effective cooperation.
  9. Living a Culture of Peace: We will strive to live in a Culture of Peace based on the principles of nonviolence and cooperation.[6]

The Greater Alliance

The Greater Alliance, all of which have the goal of promoting peace and policies for peace, consists of the Peace Alliance, Student Peace Alliance, and Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace. Founded in 2004 by Maryanne Williamson, the Peace Alliance is an organization dedicated to, in coordination with national efforts, raising grassroots awareness in local communities about violence prevention and peace programs in order to influence congressional decisions.[7] Established in 2005, and operating in over 30 countries around the world, The Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace works on an international level promoting peaceful dialogue between nations through peace summits and global initiatives to establish Departments and Ministries of Peace.[8]

See also


  1. The Brandies Chapter website.
  2. The Peace Alliance Website.
  3. Information about the "Mission" of SPA
  4. The Valentines Day Action.
  5. Burlington Free Press
  6. Peace Alliance Principles
  7. The Peace Alliance goals
  8. People for the departments of peace.
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