Strongylus vulgaris

Strongylus vulgaris
Close-up of Strongylus vulgaris mouthparts.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Chromadorea
Order: Strongylida
Family: Strongylidae
Genus: Strongylus
Species: S. vulgaris
Binomial name
Strongylus vulgaris

Strongylus vulgaris, commonly known as the blood worm,[1] is a common horse parasite in the phylum Nematoda. It generally lives in the large intestine with larvae that migrate into the mesenteric arteries.[2] This nematode is considered to be one of the "most pathogenic" of the large strongyles subphylum and is distributed worldwide, wherever there are grassland and temperate environment.[3] Clinical signs of this parasite do not show up until the horse is strongly infected and cause extreme diareaha or colic.[4] Treatment requires specific, effective anthelmintic dewormers.[5] A deworming schedule should be discussed with a veterinarian.


Horses are able to pick up this parasite from feces contaminated food and water. To avoid this, it is best to clean water tanks and pick out pastures often, avoid feeding on the ground, and avoid overstocking pastures.[6] As foals can be extremely susceptible to this parasite, it is best to treat broodmares before they give birth and move them to uninfected pastures to avoid transfer.


  1. Disease Information. 2001. “Merial”
  2. De Ley, P. & Blaxter, M. "Systematic Position and Phylogeny.” The Biology of Nematodes. Lee D. L. (Ed.). London & New York: Taylor & Francis, 2002. 1-30.
  3. Johnstone, C. Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Domestic Animals. 24 Jan. 2000. University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine & Merck.
  4. Wood, C. Strongyles in Horses. 29 Oct. 2014. University of Kentucky Extension.
  5. Strongylus spp. 13 Aug. 2010. The University of Sydey Centre for Veterinary Education.
  6. Large Strongyles, Equine. 2015. Veterinary Medical Clinic.

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