Standby: Lights, Camera, Action

Standby: Lights, Camera, Action! is an educational TV show that was aired on Nickelodeon from May 1982 to December 31, 1987. The executive producers, Roger Yager and Michael Bauhmol, created the series, and directed a majority of 'on location' segments. The show's main focus was to teach children of all ages about what occurs behind the scenes of movie productions.


The topics that were discussed on Standby: Lights, Camera, Action! [1] ranged from movie character costumes to script writing, to directing and producing, to filming and special effects. Standby: Lights, Camera, Action was hosted by Leonard Nimoy. On certain episodes of the show, Nimoy would interview movie production crew members, actors, and actresses. One interview was with film director George Lucas.

Some of the topics that had been shown on Standby: Lights, Camera, Action! included:


The show was rated Nickelodeon's #1 show in 1983, and went to #2 in the ratings in 1984 after You Can't Do That On Television became #1).


  1. "Standby: Lights, Camera, Action". Retrieved 27 February 2015.

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