Spondylosis deformans
Spondylosis deformans is a disease of spine. Some think it falls under the group of osteoarthritis of the spine but since spondylosis deformans does not involve a joint, it is just a degenerative disease of the spine. Spondylosis deformans comes from the anulus fibrosus buldging against the Sharpey's fibers stretching them resulting in traction on the bony attachment of the vertebrae causing osteophyte formation on the anterior and lateral sides of the vertebral body. The traction causes osteophytes that rising several millimeters from the end-plates that may bridge the disc spaces.[1]
In laymans terms with spondylosis deformans the tissue targeted is the annular fibers of the intervertebral disc. Key findings are osteophytes on the vertebral endplate aka spondylophyte.[2]