Spherical mean

The spherical mean of a function u (shown in red) is the average of the values u(y) (top, in blue) with y on a "sphere" of given radius around a given point (bottom, in blue).

In mathematics, the spherical mean of a function around a point is the average of all values of that function on a sphere of given radius centered at that point.


Consider an open set U in the Euclidean space Rn and a continuous function u defined on U with real or complex values. Let x be a point in U and r > 0 be such that the closed ball B(x, r) of center x and radius r is contained in U. The spherical mean over the sphere of radius r centered at x is defined as

\frac{1}{\omega_{n-1}(r)}\int\limits_{\partial B(x, r)} \! u(y) \, \mathrm{d} S(y)

where B(x, r) is the (n1)-sphere forming the boundary of B(x, r), dS denotes integration with respect to spherical measure and ωn1(r) is the "surface area" of this (n1)-sphere.

Equivalently, the spherical mean is given by

\frac{1}{\omega_{n-1}}\int\limits_{\|y\|=1} \! u(x+ry) \, \mathrm{d}S(y)

where ωn1 is the area of the (n1)-sphere of radius 1.

The spherical mean is often denoted as

\int\limits_{\partial B(x, r)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\,  u(y) \, \mathrm{d} S(y).

The spherical mean is also defined for Riemannian manifolds in a natural manner.

Properties and uses

r\to \int\limits_{\partial B(x, r)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\,  u(y) \,\mathrm{d}S(y)
is continuous, and its limit as r\to 0 is u(x).
u(x)=\int\limits_{\partial B(x, r)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\,  u(y) \,\mathrm{d}S(y).
This result can be used to prove the maximum principle for harmonic functions.


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