Soft microprocessor
A soft microprocessor (also called softcore microprocessor or a soft processor) is a microprocessor core that can be wholly implemented using logic synthesis. It can be implemented via different semiconductor devices containing programmable logic (e.g., ASIC, FPGA, CPLD), including both high-end and commodity variations.[1]
Most systems, if they use a soft processor at all, only use a single soft processor. However, a few designers tile as many soft cores onto an FPGA as will fit.[2] In those multi-core systems, rarely used resources can be shared between all the cores in a cluster, leading to Jan's Razor.
Jan's Razor: In a chip multiprocessor design, strive to leave out all but the minimal kernel set of features from each processing element, so as to maximize processing elements per die.[3]— Jan Gray
While many people put exactly one soft microprocessor on a FPGA, a sufficiently large FPGA can hold two or more soft microprocessors, resulting in a multi-core processor. The number of soft processors on a single FPGA is only limited by the size of the FPGA.[4] Some people have put dozens or hundreds of soft microprocessors on a single FPGA.[5][6][7][8][9]
Core comparison
Processor | Developer | Open Source | Bus Support | Notes | Project Home | Description Language |
MCL86 | MicroCore Labs | No | 8088 BIU provided. Others easy to create. | Cycle accurate 8088/8086 implemented with a microsequencer. Less than 2% utilization of Kintex-7. | MCL86 Core | |
TSK3000A | Altium | No Royalty-Free | Wishbone | 32-bit R3000 style RISC Modified Harvard Architecture CPU | Embedded Design on Altium Wiki | |
TSK51/52 | Altium | No Royalty-Free | Wishbone / Intel 8051 | 8-bit Intel 8051 instruction set compatible, lower clock cycle alternative | Embedded Design on Altium Wiki | |
OpenSPARC T1 | Sun | Yes | 64-bit | | Verilog | |
MicroBlaze | Xilinx | No | PLB, OPB, FSL, LMB, AXI4 | Xilinx MicroBlaze | ||
PicoBlaze | Xilinx | Yes | Xilinx PicoBlaze | VHDL, Verilog | ||
Nios, Nios II | Altera | No | Avalon | Altera Nios II | Verilog | |
Cortex-M1 | ARM | No | 70-200 MHz, 32bit RISC | Verilog | ||
eSi-RISC | EnSilica | No | AMBA AXI, AHB and APB | Configurable as 16 or 32-bit. Supports ASIC and FPGA. | EnSilica eSi-RISC | Verilog |
LatticeMico32 | Lattice | Yes | Wishbone | LatticeMico32 | Verilog | |
LEON2(-FT) | ESA | Yes | AMBA2 | SPARC V8 | ESA | VHDL |
LEON3/4 | Aeroflex Gaisler | Yes | AMBA2 | SPARC V8 | Aeroflex Gaisler | VHDL |
Navré | Sébastien Bourdeauducq | Yes | Direct SRAM | Atmel AVR compatible 8-bit RISC | Project page at Opencores | Verilog |
OpenRISC | OpenCores | Yes | Wishbone | 32-bit; Done in ASIC, Actel, Altera, Xilinx FPGA | OR1K | Verilog |
ARC | ARC International, Synopsys | No | 16/32-bit ISA RISC | DesignWare ARC | Verilog | |
pAVR | Doru Cuturela | Yes | Atmel AVR compatible 8-bit RISC | Project page at Opencores | VHDL | |
AEMB | Shawn Tan | Yes | Wishbone | MicroBlaze EDK 3.2 compatible | AEMB | Verilog |
OpenFire | Virginia Tech CCM Lab | Yes | OPB, FSL | Binary compatible with the MicroBlaze | [10] | Verilog |
SecretBlaze | LIRMM, University of Montpellier / CNRS | Yes | Wishbone | MicroBlaze ISA, VHDL | SecretBlaze | VHDL |
RISC-V | UC Berkeley | Yes | RISC-V ISA, Xilinx Zynq | | Chisel | |
SYNPIC12 | Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo | Yes MIT | PIC12F compatible, program synthesised in gates | | VHDL | |
PacoBlaze | Pablo Bleyer | Yes | Compatible with the PicoBlaze processors | PacoBlaze | Verilog | |
CPU86 | HT-Lab | Yes | 8088 compatible CPU in VHDL | cpu86 | VHDL | |
xr16 | Jan Gray | No | XSOC abstract bus | 16-bit RISC CPU + SoC featured in Circuit Cellar Magazine #116-118 | XSOC/xr16 | Schematic |
JOP | Martin Schoeberl | Yes | SimpCon / Wishbone (extension) | Stack oriented, hard real-time support, executes Java bytecode directly | Jop | VHDL |
ERIC5 | Entner Electronics | No | 9-bit RISC, very small size, C-programmable | ERIC5 | VHDL | |
YASEP | Yann Guidon | Yes AGPLv3 | Direct SRAM | 16 or 32 bits, RTL in VHDL & asm in JS, microcontroller subset : ready | (Firefox required) | VHDL |
Zet | Zeus Gómez Marmolejo | Yes | Wishbone | x86 PC clone | Zet | Verilog |
ZPU | Zylin AS | Yes | Wishbone | Stack based CPU, configurable 16/32 bit datapath, eCos support | Zylin CPU | VHDL |
ZPUino | Álvaro Lopes | Yes | Wishbone | Zylin's ZPU based SoC, 32 bit, Linux support. | ZPUino | VHDL |
See also
- SoC (System-on-a-chip)
- PSoC (Programmable System on a Chip)
- FPGA (Field-programmable gate array)
- Reconfigurable computing
- ↑ "Zet soft core running Windows 3.0" by Andrew Felch 2011
- ↑ "FPGA Architectures from 'A' to 'Z'" by Clive Maxfield 2006
- ↑ "Multiprocessors, Jan's Razor, resource sharing, and all that" by Jan Gray 2002
- ↑ MicroBlaze Soft Processor: Frequently Asked Questions
- ↑ István Vassányi. "Implementing processor arrays on FPGAs". 1998.
- ↑ Zhoukun WANG and Omar HAMMAMI. "A 24 Processors System on Chip FPGA Design with Network on Chip".
- ↑ John Kent. "Micro16 Array - A Simple CPU Array"
- ↑ Kit Eaton. "1,000 Core CPU Achieved: Your Future Desktop Will Be a Supercomputer". 2011.
- ↑ "Scientists Squeeze Over 1,000 Cores onto One Chip". 2011.
- ↑,openfire_core,overview
External links
- Soft CPU Cores for FPGA
- Detailed Comparison of 12 Soft Microprocessors - broken link?
- Freedom CPU website
- Microprocessor cores on (Expand the "Processor" tab)
- NikTech 32 bit RISC Microprocessor MANIK.