Social Democrats (Denmark)

Social Democrats
Leader Mette Frederiksen
Founded 1871 (1871)
Headquarters Vester Voldgade 96
1552 Copenhagen
Student wing Frit Forum - Social Democratic Students of Denmark
Youth wing Social Democratic Youth of Denmark (DSU)
Membership  (2011) 44,764[1]
Ideology Social democracy
Political position Centre-left[2]
European affiliation Party of European Socialists
International affiliation Progressive Alliance,
Socialist International
European Parliament group Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Nordic affiliation SAMAK
Colours Red
47 / 179
European Parliament:
3 / 13
67 / 205
773 / 2,444
Election symbol
Politics of Denmark
Political parties

The Social Democrats (Danish: Socialdemokraterne or Socialdemokratiet), is a social-democratic[2][5] political party in Denmark. It was the major coalition partner in government from the 2011 parliamentary election, with then-party leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt as Prime Minister. After the 2015 parliamentary election, the party is no longer in government, though it is still the largest party in the Danish parliament, the Folketing, with 47 of 179 seats. Helle Thorning-Schmidt withdrew as party leader on the night of the election as a direct consequence of the loss of government control, and she was succeeded on 28 June 2015 by the former vice leader, Mette Frederiksen.

Founded by Louis Pio in 1871, the party first entered the Folketing in 1884. By the early 20th century it had become the party with the largest representation in the Folketing, a distinction it would hold for 77 years. It first formed a government in 1924 under Thorvald Stauning, the longest-serving Danish Prime Minister of the 20th century. During Stauning's government, the Social Democrats exerted a profound influence on Danish society, laying the foundation of the Danish welfare state.

A member of the Party of European Socialists (PES), the Social Democrats have three MEPs in the European Parliament.


Since its foundation the lemma of the party has been "Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood", and these values are still described as central in the party program.[6] In the political program of the party these values are described as being consistent with a focus on solidarity with the poorest and social welfare to those who need it, with individual responsibility in relation to other members in society, and with an increased involvement in the European political project.

Political leadership

The leader of the party is Mette Frederiksen. She succeeded Helle Thorning-Schmidt, who stepped down after the left bloc's defeat in the 2015 General Election. Deputy leaders are Frank Jensen, Lord Mayor of Copenhagen; and Mogens Jensen. The secretary general is Henrik Dam Kristensen, the party secretary is Lars Midtiby and the political speaker is Magnus Heunicke.[7]

In the Cabinet of Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the party had ten ministers including the Prime Minister.[8]

Cabinet of Helle Thorning-Schmidt in front of Amalienborg
Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Minister for Finance Bjarne Corydon
Minister for Justice Karen Hækkerup
Minister for Defence Nicolai Wammen
Minister for the City, Housing and Rural Affairs Carsten Hansen
Minister for Employment Mette Frederiksen
Minister for Children and Education Christine Antorini
Minister for Business and Growth Henrik Sass Larsen
Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Dan Jørgensen
Minister for European Affairs Nick Hækkerup

Founding and History through the 20th century

Social Democratic election poster, October 1945

The party was founded in 1871 by Louis Pio, Harald Brix og Paul Geleff.[9] The goal was to organize the emerging working class on a democratic and socialist basis. The industrialization of Denmark had begun in the mid 19th century and a period of rapid urbanization had led to an emerging class of urban workers. The social democratic movement emerged from the desire to give this group political rights and representation in parliament.

In 1876 the Party held an annual conference, adopting the first party manifesto. The stated policy was that:

"The Danish Social Democratic Labour Party works in its national form, but is convinced of the international nature of the labour movement and ready to sacrifice everything and fulfill all obligations to provide: Freedom, equality and brotherhood among all nations

In 1884 the Social Democracy party (Socialdemokratiet), as it was called then, had their first two members of parliament elected, P. Holm and Chr. Hørdum.

In the 1924 parliamentary elections the Social democratic party won the majority with 36.6 percent of the vote, and its first government was put in place with Thorvald Stauning as prime minister.[10] The same year he appointed the world's first female minister Nina Bang, nine years after women's suffrage had been given in Denmark. Stauning stayed in power until his death in 1942, his party laying the foundations for the Danish welfare state, based on a close collaboration between labor unions and the government.

In January 1933 Stauning's government entered into what was then the most extensive settlement yet in Danish politics — the Kanslergade settlement (Danish: Kanslergadeforliget) — with the liberal party Venstre.[11] The settlement, which was named after Stauning's apartment in Kanslergade in Copenhagen, included extensive agricultural subsidies and reforms of the legislation and administration in the social sector.[12] In 1935, Stauning was reelected with the famous slogan "Stauning or Chaos".[13]

Stauning's second cabinet lasted until the Nazi occupation of Denmark in 1940, when the cabinet was widened to include all political parties, called the Cabinet of Thorvald Stauning III, and the Danish government pursued a collaborative policy with the German occupiers.

Through the 1940s and until 1972 Denmark was governed by the following Social Democratic prime ministers.

Social Democrat Prime Ministers

1939 – 1955: Hans Hedtoft (Prime minister 1947-55) (Alsing Andersen as de facto leader in 1941-1945)

1955 – 1960: H. C. Hansen (Prime minister 1955-60)

1960 – 1962: Viggo Kampmann (Prime minister 1960-62)

1962 – 1972: Jens Otto Krag (Prime minister 1962-68, 1971–72)(Erling Dinesen as de facto leader from October 1972 to September 1973)

1972 – 1987: Anker Jørgensen (Prime minister 1972-73, 1975–82)

Recent history

In government 1993–2001

The Social Democrats' social policy through the 1990s and continuing in the 21st century involved a significant redistribution of income and the maintenance of a large state apparatus with collectively financed core public services such as public healthcare, education and infrastructure.

Social Democrat-led coalition governments (the Cabinets of Poul Nyrup Rasmussen I, II, III, IV) implemented the system known as flexicurity (flexibility and social security), mixing strong Scandinavian unemployment benefits with deregulated employment laws, making it easier for employers to fire and rehire people in order to encourage economic growth and reduce unemployment.[14]

The Cabinets of Poul Nyrup Rasmussen maintained a parliamentary majority during the period from 1993 to 2001 by virtue of their support from the Socialist People's Party and the Red-Green Alliance.

Towards the end of the 1990s, a trade surplus of 30 billion kroner (USD 4.9 billion) turned into a deficit. To combat this, the government increased taxes, limiting private consumption. The 1998 initiative, which was dubbed the Whitsun Packet (Danish: Pinsepakken) from the season it was issued, was not universally popular with the electorate, which may have been a factor in the Social Democrats' defeat in the 2001 parliamentary election.

In opposition 2001–2011

After being defeated by the Liberal Party in the 2001 election, the party chairmanship went to former finance and foreign minister Mogens Lykketoft. Following another defeat in the January 2005 election, Lykketoft announced his resignation as party leader, and at an extraordinary congress on 12 March, it was decided that all members of the party would cast votes in an election of a new party leader. The two contenders for the leadership represented the two wings in the party, with Helle Thorning-Schmidt being viewed as centrist and Frank Jensen being viewed as slightly more left-wing. On 12 April 2005 Helle Thorning-Schmidt was elected as the new leader.

In government 2011–2015

At the 2011 elections the Social Democrats gained 44 seats in parliament, the lowest number since 1953.[15] Nonetheless the party succeeded in establishing a minority government with the People's Socialist Party, and the Social-Liberal party.

The incumbent centre-right coalition led by the Liberal Party lost power to a centre-left coalition led by the Social Democrats making Helle Thorning-Schmidt the country's first female Prime Minister. The Social Liberal Party and the Socialist People's Party became part of the three-party government. The new parliament convened on 4 October. The government has rolled back anti-immigration legislation enacted by the previous government,[16] and passed a tax-reform with support from the liberalist-conservative opposition.[17] The tax reform raised the top tax threshold, effectively lowering tax rates for the wealthiest citizens.[18] The aim of the tax reform has been to increase labor output to fend off a projected labor shortage within the next decades. The stated goal is to entice Danes to work more in order to compensate for the decreasing workforce, by lowering tax on wages and gradually lowering welfare payments to those outside of the labor market to increase the economic benefit of working relative to receiving welfare.[19]

Because of the government's minority status and because of its dependency on the support of the Liberal party, the government had to jettison many of the policies that the Social Democrat - Socialist Peoples party coalition had given during the campaign. Although critics have accused the government of breaking its promises, other studies argue that it has already accomplished half of its stated goals, blaming instead poor public relations strategies for its increasingly negative public image.[20]

The government has pursued a centrist compromise agenda, building several reforms with support from both sides of the parliament. This has caused friction with the supporting Red-Green Alliance, which has been kept outside of influence.[17]

In opposition 2015-present

In the 2015 election, the Social Democrats gained seats and became the biggest party in the parliament again, yet lost government because the parties of the Right had a majority.

Electoral performance

The Social Democrats governed Denmark for most of the 20th century, with a few intermissions, such as the Conservative-led government of Poul Schlüter in the 1980s. It continued to be Denmark's largest party until 2001 when Anders Fogh Rasmussen's liberal Venstre Party gained a landslide victory, becoming the largest party and forming a centre-right government.

Folketing election Number of votes Share of votes (%) Number of seats
18847,000 4.9
2 / 102
18878,000 3.5
1 / 102
189017,000 7.3
3 / 102
189220,000 8.9
2 / 102
189524,510 11.3
8 / 114
189831,870 14.2
12 / 114
190138,398 17.8
14 / 114
190348,117 21.0
16 / 114
190676,612 25.4
24 / 114
190993,079 29.0
24 / 114
191098,718 28.3
24 / 114
1913107,365 29.6
32 / 114
1915 N/A N/A
32 / 114
1918262,796 28.7
39 / 140
April 1920300,345 29.2
42 / 140
July 1920285,166 29.8
42 / 140
September 1920389,653 32.2
48 / 149
1924469,949 36.6
55 / 149
1926497,106 37.2
53 / 149
1929593,191 41.8
61 / 149
1932660.839 42.7
62 / 149
1935759,102 46.4
68 / 149
1939729,619 42.9
64 / 149
1943894,632 44.5
66 / 149
1945671,755 32.8
48 / 149
1947836,231 41.2
57 / 150
1950813,224 39.6
59 / 151
April 1953836,507 40.4
61 / 151
September 1953894,913 41.3
74 / 179
70 / 179
19601,023,794 42.1
76 / 179
19641,103,667 41.9
76 / 179
19661,068,911 38.2
69 / 179
1968974,833 34.2
62 / 179
19711,074,777 37.3
70 / 179
1973783,145 25.6
46 / 179
1975913,155 29.9
53 / 179
19771,150,355 37.0
65 / 179
19791,213,456 38.3
68 / 179
19811,026,726 32.9
59 / 179
19841,062,561 31.6
56 / 179
1987985,906 29.3
54 / 179
1988992,682 29.8
55 / 179
19901,221,121 37.4
69 / 179
19941,150,048 34.6
62 / 179
19981,223,620 35.9
63 / 179
20011,003,023 29.1
52 / 179
2005867,350 25.8
47 / 179
2007881,037 25.5
45 / 179
2011879,615 24.8
44 / 179
2015925,288 26.3
47 / 179

Municipal Councils

Date Seats
# ±
1,840 / 11,289
1,957 / 11,329
Increase 117
2,218 / 11,424
Increase 261
2,496 / 11,425
Increase 278
2,713 / 10,569
Increase 217
2,975 / 11,488
Increase 262
2,960 / 11,499
Decrease 15
3,139 / 11,505
Increase 179
3,023 / 11,529
Decrease 116
2,196 / 11,414
Decrease 827
2,638 / 10,005
Increase 442
1,769 / 4,677
Decrease 769
1,532 / 4,735
Decrease 237
1,704 / 4,759
Increase 172
1,601 / 4,769
Decrease 103
1,722 / 4,773
Increase 121
1,753 / 4,737
Increase 31
1,700 / 4,703
Decrease 53
1,648 / 4,685
Decrease 52
1,551 / 4,647
Decrease 97
900 / 2,522
Decrease 651
801 / 2,468
Decrease 99
773 / 2,444
Decrease 28

Amt & Regional Councils

Date Seats
# ±
85 / 299
92 / 299
Increase 7
94 / 299
Increase 2
89 / 299
Decrease 5
97 / 299
Increase 8
96 / 303
Decrease 1
100 / 301
Increase 4
99 / 303
Decrease 1
162 / 366
Increase 63
135 / 370
Decrease 27
144 / 370
Increase 9
140 / 370
Decrease 4
143 / 374
Increase 3
146 / 374
Increase 3
136 / 374
Decrease 10
136 / 374
Steady 0
129 / 374
Decrease 7
77 / 205
Decrease 52
68 / 205
Decrease 9
67 / 205
Decrease 1

European Parliament

Election year # of
overall votes
% of
overall vote
% of
Danish vote
# of
overall seats won
# of
Danish seats won
1979 382,487 21.9 (#1)
3 / 16
1984 387,098 19.4 (#3)
3 / 16
Steady 0
1989 417,076 23.3 (#1)
4 / 16
Increase 1
1994 329,202 15.8 (#3)
3 / 16
Decrease 1
1999 324,256 16.5 (#2)
3 / 16
Steady 0
2004 618,412 32.6 (#1)
5 / 14
Increase 2
2009 503,982 21.5 (#1)
4 / 13
Decrease 1
2014 435,245 19.1 (#2)
3 / 13
Decrease 1

Leaders of the Social Democrats

International affiliations

The party was a member of the Labour and Socialist International between 1923 and 1940.[21] It is now a member of the Socialist International,[22] an association of socialist and social democratic parties. The Social Democrats are also a member of the Party of European Socialists, while the party's MEPs sit in the Socialists & Democrats group.

See also


  1. "LO's faglige politiske beretning : 2011". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  2. 1 2 Wolfram Nordsieck. "Parties and Elections in Europe". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  3. "AKVA3: Valg til regions råd efter område, parti og stemmer/kandidater/køn". Statistics Denmark. Retrieved 13 June 2010.
  4. "VALGK3: Valg til kommunale råd efter område, parti og stemmer/kandidater/køn". Statistics Denmark. Retrieved 13 June 2010.
  5. Merkel, Wolfgang; Alexander Petring; Christian Henkes; Christoph Egle (2008). Social Democracy in Power: the capacity to reform. London: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0-415-43820-9.
  6. "Handen Pa Hjertet". Retrieved 16 November 2013.
  7. Ledelse og ordførere
  8. "Here are Denmark’s new ministers". The Copenhagen Post. 3 October 2011. Retrieved 4 October 2011.
  9. "Socialdemokraterne - Socialdemokratiet - Det Kongelige Bibliotek". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  10. 2. "Den skjulte forskel | Kristeligt Dagblad". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  11. Skou, p. 367
  12. Mørch, Søren (2002). 24 statsministre (Danish). Copenhagen: Gyldendal, p. 165. ISBN 87-02-00361-9.
  13. SVENSSON, P. (1974), Support for the Danish Social Democratic Party 1924–39 — Growth and Response. Scandinavian Political Studies, 9: 127–146.
  14. Volkesn, Andrea. 2004. Policy Changes of European Social Democrats 1945-98. in Giuliano Bonoli (ed.) "Social Democratic Party Policies in Contemporary Europe". Psychology Press.
  15. "Socialdemokraterne - English version - Votes and seats". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  16. Lee, William (6 October 2011). "Denmark's New Government Rolls Back an Anti-Immigrant Legacy |". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  17. 1 2 "Government defends tax deal with opposition | The Copenhagen Post | The Danish News in English". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  18. "PM supports call to raise top tax threshold | The Copenhagen Post | The Danish News in English". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  19. "Helle Thorning-Schmidt: Danes must work more — Nordic Labour Journal". 6 October 2011. Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  20. "Government on track but off message | The Copenhagen Post | The Danish News in English". Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  21. Kowalski, Werner. Geschichte der sozialistischen arbeiter-internationale: 1923 - 19. Berlin: Dt. Verl. d. Wissenschaften, 1985. p. 290
  22. "Member Parties". Socialist International. Retrieved 2 September 2012.

External links

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