Somaek is a Korean drink. Making a So maek is easy. We only need to mix Soju, korean alcohol, with beer. Some people have preferences over other beers, and it doesn't matter what kind of beer one adds.
Because these two are different types of drinks, there's a certain ways of mixing these two. One can add more soju over beer and vice versa. The most common soju cosists of 20% ABV, and beer with 5% ABV; Adding more soju will make So maek contain more ABV. Because So maek is so popular in Korea, some restaurants in Korea carry so maek glass, which tells one how much soju one can add, and how much beer one can add. In fact, some of them contains funny comments like "What is this, and where am I 5:5," indicating when one mixes too much soju over beer, one can get intoxicated fast.