Smart city

Some definitions of a Smart City place emphasis on citizen engagement, such as at this hackathon in New York in 2013[1]

A smart city is defined as the ability to integrate multiple technological solutions in a secure fashion to manage the city’s assets – the city’s assets include, but not limited to, local departments information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, law enforcement, and other community services. The goal of building a smart city is to improve the quality of life by using technology to improve the efficiency of services and meet residents’ needs. Business drives technology and large-scale urbanization drives innovation and new technologies. Technology is driving the way city officials interact with the community and the city infrastructure. Through the use of real-time systems and sensors, data are collected from citizens and objects - then processed in real-time. The information and knowledge gathered are keys to tackling inefficiency. Technology can be used as an enabler to tell what is happening in the city, how the city is evolving, and how to enable a better quality of life.[2]

Smart City by Dr. Sam Musa

A smart city uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to improve contact between citizens and government.[3] Sectors that have been developing smart city technology include government services,[4] transport and traffic management, energy,[5] health care,[6] water, innovative urban agriculture and waste management.[7] Smart city applications are developed with the goal of improving the management of urban flows and allowing for real time responses to challenges.[8] A smart city may therefore be more prepared to respond to challenges than one with a simple 'transactional' relationship with its citizens.[9] Other terms that have been used for similar concepts include ‘cyberville, ‘digital city’’, ‘electronic communities’, ‘flexicity’, ‘information city’, 'intelligent city', ‘knowledge-based city, 'MESH city', ‘telecity, ‘teletopia’’, 'Ubiquitous city', ‘wired city’.

Major technological, economic and environmental changes have generated interest in smart cities, including climate change, economic restructuring, the move to online retail and entertainment, ageing populations, and pressures on public finances.[10] The European Union (EU) has devoted constant efforts to devising a strategy for achieving 'smart' urban growth for its metropolitan city-regions.[11][12] The EU has developed a range of programmes under ‘Europe’s Digital Agenda".[13] In 2010, it highlighted its focus on strengthening innovation and investment in ICT services for the purpose of improving public services and quality of life.[12] Arup estimates that the global market for smart urban services will be $400 billion per annum by 2020.[14] Examples of Smart City technologies and programs have been implemented in Milton Keynes,[15] Southampton,[4] Amsterdam,[5] Barcelona[16] and Stockholm.[17]


Due to the breadth of technologies that have been implemented under the smart city label, it is difficult to distil a precise definition of a smart city. Deakin and Al Wear[18] list four factors that contribute to the definition of a smart city:

  1. The application of a wide range of electronic and digital technologies to communities and cities
  2. The use of ICT to transform life and working environments within the region
  3. The embedding of such ICTs in government systems
  4. The territorialisation of practices that brings ICTs and people together to enhance the innovation and knowledge that they offer.

Deakin defines the smart city as one that utilises ICT to meet the demands of the market (the citizens of the city), and that community involvement in the process is necessary for a smart city.[19] A smart city would thus be a city that not only possesses ICT technology in particular areas, but has also implemented this technology in a manner that impacts the local community.

Alternative definitions include:


It has been suggested that a smart city (also community, Business cluster, urban agglomeration or region) use information technologies to:

  1. Make more efficient use of physical infrastructure (roads, built environment and other physical assets) through artificial intelligence and data analytics to support a strong and healthy economic, social, cultural development.[27]
  2. Engage effectively with local people in local governance and decision by use of open innovation processes and e-participation,[28] improving the collective intelligence of the city’s institutions through E-Governance,[8] with emphasis placed on citizen participation and co-design.[29][30][31]
  3. Learn, adapt and innovate and thereby respond more effectively and promptly to changing circumstances by improving the intelligence of the city.[8][32]

They evolve towards a strong integration of all dimensions of human intelligence, collective intelligence, and also artificial intelligence within the city.[33][34] The intelligence of cities "resides in the increasingly effective combination of digital telecommunication networks (the nerves), ubiquitously embedded intelligence (the brains), sensors and tags (the sensory organs), and software (the knowledge and cognitive competence)".[35]

These forms of intelligence in smart cities have been demonstrated in three ways:

Bletchley Park often considered to be the first smart community.
  1. Orchestration intelligence:[8] Where cities establish institutions and community-based problem solving and collaborations, such as in Bletchley Park, where the Nazi Enigma cypher was decoded by a team led by Alan Turing. This has been referred to as the first example of a smart city or an intelligent community.[36]
  2. Empowerment intelligence: Cities provide open platforms, experimental facilities and smart city infrastructure in order to cluster innovation in certain districts. These are seen in the Kista Science City in Stockholm and the Cyberport Zone in Hong Kong. Similar facilities have also been established in Melbourne.[37]
    Hong Kong Cyberport 1 and Cyberport 2 Buildings
  3. Instrumentation intelligence: Where city infrastructure is made smart through real time data collection, with analysis and predictive modelling across city districts. There is much controversy surrounding this, particularly with regards to surveillance issues in smart cities. Examples of Instrumentation intelligence have been implemented in Amsterdam.[5] This is implemented through:[8]
    1. A common IP infrastructure that is open to researchers to develop applications.
    2. Wireless meters and devices transmit information at the point in time.
    3. A number of homes being provided with smart energy meters to become aware of energy consumption and reduce energy usage
    4. Solar power garbage compactors, car recharging stations and energy saving lamps.

Some major fields of intelligent city activation are:

Innovation economy Urban infrastructure Governance
Innovation in industries, clusters, districts of a city Transport Administration services to the citizen
Knowledge workforce: Education and employment Energy / Utilities Participatory and direct democracy
Creation of knowledge-intensive companies Protection of the environment / Safety Services to the citizen: Quality of life

Platforms and technologies

The rise of new Internet technologies promoting cloud-based services, the Internet of Things (IoT), real-world user interfaces, use of smart phones and smart meters, networks of sensors and RFIDs, and more accurate communication based on the semantic web, open new ways to collective action and collaborative problem solving.

Online collaborative sensor data management platforms are on-line database services that allow sensor owners to register and connect their devices to feed data into an on-line database for storage and allow developers to connect to the database and build their own applications based on that data.[38][39]

The city of Santander in Cantabria, northern Spain, has 20,000 sensors connecting buildings, infrastructure, transport, networks and utilities, offers a physical space for experimentation and validation of the IoT functions, such as interaction and management protocols, device technologies, and support services such as discovery, identity management and security[40] In Santander, the sensors monitor the levels of pollution, noise, traffic and parking.

Electronic cards (known as smart cards) are another common platform in smart city contexts. These cards possess a unique encrypted identifier that allows the owner to log in to a range of government provided services (or e-services) without setting up multiple accounts. The single identifier allows governments to aggregate data about citizens and their preferences to improve the provision of services and to determine common interests of groups. This technology has been implemented in Southampton.[18]

Smart City Roadmap

A smart city roadmap consists of three major components: studying the community, developing a smart city policy, and engaging the community by fostering e-gov initiatives.[2]

Smart City Roadmap by Dr. Sam Musa

1.Study The Community: Before deciding to build a smart city, first we need to know why. This can be done by determining the benefits of such an initiative. Study the community to know the citizens, the business’s needs - know the citizens and the community’s unique attributes, such as the age of the citizens, their education, hobbies, and attractions of the city. 2.Develop a Smart City Policy: Develop a policy to drive the initiatives, where roles, responsibilities, objective, and goals, can be defined. Create plans and strategies on how the goals and objectives will be achieved/ implemented. 3.Engage The Citizens: This can be done by engaging the citizens through the use of e-government initiatives, open data, sport events, etc.

In short, People, Processes, and Technology (PPT) are the three principles of the success of a smart city initiative. Cities must study their citizens and communities, know the processes, business drivers, create policies, and objectives to meet the citizens’ needs. Then, technology can be implemented to meet the citizens’ need, in order to improve the quality of life and create real economic opportunities.


University research labs have developed prototypes and solutions for intelligent cities. MIT Smart Cities Lab [41] focuses upon intelligent, sustainable buildings, mobility systems (GreenWheel Electric Bicycle, Mobility-on-Demand, Citycar, Wheel Robots); the IntelCities [42] research consortium developed solutions for electronic government, planning systems and citizen participation; URENIO has developed a series of intelligent city platforms for the innovation economy [43] focusing on strategic intelligence, technology transfer, collaborative innovation, and incubation, while is offering, through its portal, a global watch on intelligent cities research and planning;[44] the Smart Cities Academic Network [45] is working on e-governance and e-services in the North Sea region. IGLUS is a global action research project led by EPFL that is focused on developing innovative governance systems for urban infrastructures as a necessary step for realization of the smart cities vision. The MK:Smart project[15] is focussing on issues of sustainable energy use, water use and transport infrastructure alongside exploring how to promote citizen engagement in Smart Cities[46] alongside educating citizens about the concept of Smart Cities.[47][48]


Large IT, telecommunication and energy management companies such as Cisco, Schneider Electric, IBM and Microsoft have developed new solutions and initiatives for intelligent cities as well. Cisco, launched the Global Intelligent Urbanization initiative [49] to help cities around the world using the network as the fourth utility for integrated city management, better quality of life for citizens, and economic development. IBM announced its SmarterCities [50] to stimulate economic growth and quality of life in cities and metropolitan areas with the activation of new approaches of thinking and acting in the urban ecosystem.

Flagship cases

Major strategies and achievements related to the spatial intelligence of cities are listed in the Intelligent Community Forum awards from 1999 to 2010, in the cities of Suwon (South Korea), Stockholm (Sweden), Gangnam District of Seoul (South Korea), Waterloo, Ontario (Canada), Taipei (Taiwan), Mitaka (Japan), Glasgow (Scotland, UK), Calgary (Alberta, Canada), Seoul (South Korea), New York City (USA), LaGrange, Georgia (USA), Tehran (Iran) and Singapore, which were recognized for their efforts in developing broadband networks and e-services sustaining innovation ecosystems, growth, and inclusion.[51]

There are a number of cities actively pursuing a smart city strategy:


Street lamps in Amsterdam have been upgraded to allow municipal councils to dim the lights based on pedestrian usage.[52]

The Amsterdam Smart City initiative[5] which began in 2009 currently includes 79 projects collaboratively developed by local residents, government and businesses.[19] These projects run on an interconnected platform through wireless devices to enhance the city’s real time decision making abilities. The City of Amsterdam (City) claims the purpose of the projects is to reduce traffic, save energy and improve public safety.[53] To promote efforts from local residents, the City runs the Amsterdam Smart City Challenge annually, accepting proposals for applications and developments that fit within the City’s framework.[54] An example of a resident developed app is Mobypark, which allows owners of parking spaces to rent them out to people for a fee.[55] The data generated from this app can then be used by the City to determine parking demand and traffic flows in Amsterdam. A number of homes have also been provided with smart energy meters, with incentives provided to those that actively reduce energy consumption.[8][56] Other initiatives include flexible street lighting[57] which allows municipalities to control the brightness of street lights, and smart traffic management[58] where traffic is monitored in real time by the City and information about current travel time on certain roads is broadcast to allow motorists to determine the best routes to take.


A new bus network was implemented in Barcelona due to smart city data analytics.

Barcelona has established a number of projects that can be considered ‘smart city’ applications within its "CityOS" strategy.[59] For example, sensor technology has been implemented in the irrigation system in Parc del Centre de Poblenou, where real time data is transmitted to gardening crews about the level of water required for the plants.[16][60] Barcelona has also designed a new bus network based on data analysis of the most common traffic flows in Barcelona, utilising primarily vertical, horizontal and diagonal routes with a number of interchanges.[61] Integration of multiple smart city technologies can be seen through the implementation of smart traffic lights[62] as buses run on routes designed to optimise the number of green lights. In addition, where an emergency is reported in Barcelona, the approximate route of the emergency vehicle is entered into the traffic light system, setting all the lights to green as the vehicle approaches through a mix of GPS and traffic management software, allowing emergency services to reach the incident without delay. Much of this data is being developed into practical solutions in the 22@Barcelona District,[63] and has been enhanced by an opensource data pooling middleware called Sentilo.


The Kista Science City from above.

Stockholm’s smart city technology is underpinned by the Stokab dark fibre system [64] which was developed in 1994 to provide a universal fibre optic network across Stockholm.[65] Private companies are able to lease fibre as service providers on equal terms. The company is owned by the City of Stockholm itself.[17] Within this framework, Stockholm has created a Green IT strategy.[66] The Green IT program seeks to reduce the environmental impact of Stockholm through IT functions such as energy efficient buildings (minimising heating costs), traffic monitoring (minimising the time spent on the road) and development of e-services (minimising paper usage). The e-Stockholm platform is centred on the provision of e-services, including political announcements, parking space booking and snow clearance.[67] This is further being developed through GPS analytics, allowing residents to plan their route through the city.[67] An example of district-specific smart city technology can be found in the Kista Science City region.[68] This region is based on the triple helix concept of smart cities,[27] where university, industry and government work together to develop ICT applications for implementation in a smart city strategy.

Santa Cruz

An alternative use of smart city technology can be found in Santa Cruz, California, where local authorities analyse historical crime data in order to predict police requirements and maximise police presence where it is required.[69] The analytical tools generate a list of 10 places each day where property crimes are more likely to occur, and then placing police efforts on these regions when officers are not responding to any emergency. This use of ICT technology is different to the manner in which European cities utilise smart city technology, possibly highlighting the breadth of the smart city concept in different parts of the world.

Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes has a commitment to making itself a Smart City. Currently the MK:Smart initiative,[15] a collaboration of local government, businesses, academia and 3rd sector organisations, is the mechanism through which this ambition is being realised. The focus of the initiative is on making energy use, water use and transport more sustainable whilst promoting economic growth in the city. Central to the project is the creation of a state-of-the-art ‘MK Data Hub’ which will support the acquisition and management of vast amounts of data relevant to city systems from a variety of data sources. These will include data about energy and water consumption, transport data, data acquired through satellite technology, social and economic datasets, and crowdsourced data from social media or specialised apps.

The MK:Smart initiative has two aspects which extend our understanding of how Smart Cities should operate. The first, Our MK,[46] is a scheme for promoting citizen-led sustainability issues in the city. The scheme provides funding and support to engage with citizens and help turn their ideas around sustainability into a reality. The second aspect is in providing citizens with the skills to operate effectively in a Smart City. The Urban Data school[47] is an online platform to teach school students about data skills while the project has also produced a MOOC[48] to inform citizens about what a Smart City is.


The criticisms of smart cities revolve around:[27]

See also


  1. "Cities hack their way to livability gains". Smart Cities Council. Hackathons bring together the good hackers in an organized competition to see who can make the biggest contribution to the community in 24 hours or less.
  2. 1 2
  4. 1 2 Southampton City Council. "SmartCities card". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  5. 1 2 3 4 Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ Projects". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  6. Solanas, A.; Patsakis, C.; Conti, M.; Vlachos, I.; Ramos, V.; Falcone, F.; Postolache, O.; Perez-Martinez, P.; Pietro, R.; Perrea, D.; Martinez-Balleste, A. (2014). "Smart health: A context-aware health paradigm within smart cities". IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (8): 74. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2014.6871673.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Komninos, Nicos (2013-08-22). "What makes cities intelligent?". In Deakin, Mark. Smart Cities: Governing, Modelling and Analysing the Transition. Taylor and Francis. p. 77. ISBN 978-1135124144.
  9. Dept Business(2013) Page 7 "As consumers of private goods and services we have been empowered by the Web and, as citizens, we expect the same quality from our public services. In turn, public authorities are seeking to reduce costs and raise performance by adopting similar approaches in the delivery of public services. However, the concept of a Smart City goes way beyond the transactional relationships between citizen and service provider. It is essentially enabling and encouraging the citizen to become a more active and participative member of the community"
  10. Dept Business(2013) Page 5 "Challenges Faced by Cities and the Need for Smarter Approaches"
  11. Komninos(2009) Pages 337–355
  12. 1 2 Paskaleva, K (25 January 2009). "Enabling the smart city:The progress of e-city governance in Europe". International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 1 (4): 405–422(18). doi:10.1504/ijird.2009.022730.
  13. European Commission. "Digital Agenda for Europe". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  14. Dept Business(2013) Page 3 Arup estimates that the global market for smart urban systems for transport, energy, healthcare, water, food and waste will amount to around $400 Billion pa. by 2020
  15. 1 2 3 "The MK:Smart Project". Retrieved 2015-10-27.
  16. 1 2 Ajuntament de Barcelona. "Barcelona Smart City". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  17. 1 2 City of Stockholm. "The Smart City". Stockholms stad. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  18. 1 2 Deakin, Mark; Al Waer, Husam. "From Intelligent to Smart Cities". Journal of Intelligent Buildings International: From Intelligent Cities to Smart Cities 3 (3). doi:10.1080/17508975.2011.586671.
  19. 1 2 Deakin, Mark (2013-08-22). "From intelligent to smart cities". In Deakin, Mark. Smart Cities: Governing, Modelling and Analysing the Transition. Taylor and Francis. p. 15. ISBN 978-1135124144.
  20. Giffinger, Rudolf; Christian Fertner; Hans Kramar; Robert Kalasek; Nataša Pichler-Milanovic; Evert Meijers (2007). "Smart cities – Ranking of European medium-sized cities" (PDF). Smart Cities. Vienna: Centre of Regional Science.
  21. "Definitions and overviews". Smart Cities Council. The smart city sector is still in the "I know it when I see it" phase, without a universally agreed definition. The Council defines a smart city as one that has digital technology embedded across all city functions
  22. Caragliu, A; Del Bo, C.; Nijkamp, P (2009). "Smart cities in Europe". Serie Research Memoranda 0048 (VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics).
  23. Sarwant Singh (19 June 2014). "Smart Cities -- A $1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity". Forbes. Retrieved 4 November 2014.
  24. "About". IEEE Smart Cities.
  25. "Smart City - Definition".
  26. "Draft Concept Note on Smart City Scheme" (PDF). Government of India - Ministry of Urban Development.
  27. 1 2 3 4 Hollands(2008) Pages 303–320
  28. Ballon, P; Glidden, J.; Kranas, P.; Menychtas, A.; Ruston, S.; Van Der Graaf, S. (2011). Is there a Need for a Cloud Platform for European Smart Cities? (PDF). eChallenges e-2011. Florence, Italy.
  29. Deakin, M (2007). "From city of bits to e-topia: taking the thesis on digitally-inclusive regeneration full circle". Journal of Urban Technology 14 (3): 131–143.
  30. Deakin, M; Allwinkle, S (2007). "Urban regeneration and sustainable communities: the role of networks, innovation and creativity in building successful partnerships". Journal of Urban Technology 14 (1): 77–91. doi:10.1080/10630730701260118.
  31. Gooch, Daniel; Wolff, Annika; Kortuem, Gerd; Brown, Rebecca (2015-01-01). "Reimagining the Role of Citizens in Smart City Projects". Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. UbiComp '15 (New York, NY, USA: ACM): 1587–1594. doi:10.1145/2800835.2801622. ISBN 978-1-4503-3575-1.
  32. A, Coe; Paquet, G.; Roy, J. (2001). "E-governance and smart communities: a social learning challenge" (PDF). Social Science Computer Review 19 (1): 80–93.
  33. Komninos(2008) Pages 112-113
  34. Atlee, T. and Pór, George (2006). Evolutionary Nexus: connecting communities for emergence.
  35. Mitchell,W. (2007). "Intelligent cities". e-Journal on the Knowledge Society.
  36. Komninos, Nicos. "Intelligent cities: Variable geometries of spatial intelligence.". In Deakin, Mark; Al Waer, Husam. From Intelligent to Smart Cities. Journal of Intelligent Buildings International: From Intelligent Cities to Smart Cities 3. doi:10.1080/17508975.2011.586671.
  37. Department of Sustainability and Environment (2005). "Melbourne 2030". State Government of Victoria. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  38. Boyle, D.; Yates, D.; Yeatman, E. (2013). "Urban Sensor Data Streams: London 2013". IEEE Internet Computing 17 (6): 1. doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.85.
  39. "WikiSensing: An Online Collaborative Approach for Sensor Data Management". doi:10.3390/s121013295.
  40. Schaffers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Trousse, B., and Nilsson M. (2011). The Future Internet. Vol. 6656. pp. 431–446. ISBN 9783642208973.
  41. "MIT Cities". MIT.
  42. "IntelCities". Intelcities project.
  43. "Intelligent City Platforms". URENIO.
  44. "Home". URENIO.
  45. "AIM". Smart Cities project.
  46. 1 2 "Our MK: Helping make Milton Keynes a smarter, greener city". Retrieved 2015-10-27.
  47. 1 2 "The Urban Date School". The Urban Data School. Retrieved 27 October 2015.
  48. 1 2 "Smart Cities". FutureLearn. Retrieved 2015-10-27.
  49. "Network as the Next Utility for "Intelligent Urbanisation"". CISCO.
  50. "About IBM". IBM.
  51. "The Intelligent Communities of the Year 1999-2010".
  52. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ Climate Street". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  53. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ About ASC". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  54. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ Do you have smart solutions for your city?". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  55. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ Smart Spotlight: Manuel Cayre". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  56. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ The smart home". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  57. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ Flexible street lighting". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  58. Amsterdam Smart City. "Amsterdam Smart City ~ Smart traffic management". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  60. Laursen, Lucas (2014-11-18). "Barcelona’s Smart City Ecosystem". MIT Technology Review. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  61. BCN Smart City. "New bus network". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  62. BCN Smart City. "Smart traffic lights". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  63. Ajuntament de Barcelona. "Urban Innovation". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  64. Stockholm: the capital of Scandinavia. "This is stokab". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  65. ICT Regulation Toolkit. "Models for Infrastructure Sharing: Sweden’s Stokab". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  66. Stockholm: the Capital of Scandinavia. "Green IT" (PDF) (Press release). Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  67. 1 2 Stockholm: the Capital of Scandinavia. "e-sthlm" (PDF) (Press release). Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  68. Kista Science City Online. "Kista Science City". Retrieved 2015-05-30.
  69. Baxter, Stephen (2012-02-26). "Modest gains in first six months of Santa Cruz's predictive police program". Santa Cruz Sentinel. Retrieved 2015-05-26.
  70. Greenfield, A. (2013). Against the Smart City. London: Verso. ASIN B00FHQ5DBS.
  71. Graham, S.; Marvin, S. (1996). Telecommunications and the city: electronic spaces, urban place. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780203430453.

Further reading

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External links

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