
Early peoples and kingdoms of Ireland, c.800

The Senchineoil was the name of the pre-Gaelic inhabitants of what is now central and east County Galway and south County Roscommon.


The term Senchineoil (sen = old; chineoil = people/tribe/kindred) was used by the Uí Maine to described aithechtuatha - unfree, enslaved vassal peoples - who they subjugated during the founding of their kingdom sometime prior to the fifth century AD. They are described as:

"Seincheinéal of the old plain of Soghan/stretched eastward over [the river] Suck/until it reached Delbhna of Dealbhaoth; manly were the good heroes, like a flame."

It is not know by what term the Senchineoil described themselves, or even if it was in Gaelic. Their last recorded ruler was Cian d'Fhearaibh Bolg.

See also


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