Self blended model of learning


In this model of Blended learning the students in addition to their normal traditional learning, they take online courses as well. This model is commonly practiced among American high school students. It is one of the most popular model of blended learning at moment and student follow this approach because it gives them the freedom to supplement what they have learnt and teacher have taught in the class.[1] Students take the online course either in the brick and mortar campus or off site. Self blend model of learning is generally approached by the students opting to take online courses outside of the time they spend on the traditional courses.[2] It tackles the problem of the courses or subjects which are not provided by the school due to various reasons like lack of fund, lack of student's interest or lack of time. It is not necessary to have computers at home for the students who use self blend model of learning as they can access the internet at their own school computer labs or they can head to local libraries to complete their work. They can also go to their nearby cyber lounge as well.

Who uses this model?

Self blend learning of model is often use by high school going students as it requires students to monitor their learning process and take initiatives at some point of time, which the younger level of students may difficulty in managing. Therefore, in this way it differs from rotational model of learning which is quite often use in elementary schools. Where as many high school students are taking additional math, English and social studies courses online in addition to their courses offered at school.[1]


  1. There are number of advantages to the self blend model of learning:
  2. It is very helpful and ideal for the dropout students to recover, earning college/AP credit or to recover credits.
  3. It not only enhances the classroom learning but it also provides access to the online course which are otherwise not offered in the school due to various reasons like lack of fumd, time and resources.
  4. In addition to the access to the online courses, it also enhances the digital literacy of the students which is very important for the students who will be entering 21st century workforce.
  5. Taking online courses is more affordable to the students.
  1. Provides opportunities to take up specialized courses like college preparatory skill and life skills courses.
  2. It can be used for professional development as well as for instructional purposes.


  1. The main disadvantage of self blend model is that the students will not receive face to face instruction for that particular course.
  2. It involves lack of formal structure for the undiscilpined and unmotivated students.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 "6 Models of Blended Learning - DreamBox Learning". Retrieved 2015-09-25.
  2. Dr. Aline Sarria and Elizabeth Carrandi Molina (13 November 2013). "An Innovation Sensation: Shifting Charter Schools from traditional to Blended Learning Models" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-09-25.
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