Scott Horton (radio host)

Not to be confused with Scott Horton (lawyer).

Scott Horton is the host of Antiwar Radio for Pacifica Radio's KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles, KAOS Radio 95.9 FM in Austin, Texas, KUCR in Riverside, California and, where he is also assistant editor. Horton conducts interviews with journalists, politicians, pundits, lawyers and experts on foreign policy and war-time law. Guests have included Eric Margolis, Michael Scheuer, Ron Paul, Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg, Russell Means, Harry Browne, John Cusack, Pat Buchanan, Noam Chomsky, Lew Rockwell, Patrick Cockburn, James Bamford, Sibel Edmonds, Glenn Greenwald, pseudonymous Matthew Alexander, Andrew Bacevich, Robert A. Pape, and near weekly appearances by Gareth Porter.

Horton won the Austin Chronicle's "Best of Austin" award "Best Iraq War Insight and Play by Play" for Antiwar Radio in 2007.

Horton hosted six shows in Austin, Texas before hosting Antiwar Radio, including Say it Ain't So on controversial micro broadcast station Free Radio Austin which was followed by The Way Sh*t Is, The Best I Can Tell, the Philip Dru Interviews, the Weekend Interview Show and KAOS Report.

In 2004, Horton served as foreign policy adviser to Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik.

On July 4, 2012, Justin Raimondo of announced the departure of Horton from where he currently serves as the assistant editor.

See also

External links

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