Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic–Venezuela relations

Sahrawi–Venezuelan relations

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic


Sahrawi Republic–Venezuela relations refers to the current and historical relations between the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Venezuela recognized the SADR in August 3, 1982,[1] and formal diplomatic relations were established in December that year,[2] during the Luis Herrera Campins government. A Sahrawi embassy was opened in Caracas in 1982, and the Venezuelan embassy in Algiers was accredited to the SADR.[3]

On 5 October 2004, an Integral Cooperation Convention was signed by Venezuelan Minister of Energy and Mines Rafael Ramírez and Sahrawi Cooperation Minister Salek Baba.[4] On 31 January 2007, eleven Sahrawi students arrived in Venezuela to made oil refining studies in Cumaná, within the scope of the International Scholarship Program of Venezuela.[5] In April 2010, the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Viceminister for Africa Reinaldo Bolívar met in the framework of the convention with Sahrawi ambassador Omar Emboirik Ahmed, reviewing the possibilities of educational cooperation.[2] On 27 October 2011, the complementary accord to the Integral Water Resources Cooperation Convention was signed by Viceminister of Water of the Venezuelan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Cristóbal Francisco Ortiz and the Sahrawi ambassador.[6]


  1. "States recognizing the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic" (in Arabic). Official Website of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. Archived from the original on 2007-10-31. Retrieved 2008-04-21.
  2. 1 2 "Venezuela y la República Saharaui continúan cooperación bilateral" (in Spanish). Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores - Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela. 2010-04-28. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
  3. "Embajada en la República Argelina Democrática y Popular - Concurrencia: República Árabe Saharaui Democrática" (in Spanish). Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores - Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela. Retrieved 2012-03-19.
  4. "VENEZUELA Y REPUBLICA DE SAHARAUI SUSCRIBEN CONVENIO DE COOPERACIÓN INTEGRAL" (in Spanish). Venezuelan Ministry of Communications and Information. 5 October 2004. Retrieved 17 March 2013.
  5. "Estudiantes de Saharaui arribaron a Venezuela para cursar estudios en el área petrolera" (in Spanish). Venezuelan Ministry of Communications and Information. 31 January 2007. Retrieved 17 March 2013.
  6. "Repúblicas de Venezuela y Saharaui acuerdan cooperación en recursos hídricos" (in Spanish). 27 October 2011. Retrieved 17 March 2013.

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