Romula (castra)

Location within Romania
Known also as Castra of Reșca
Founded during the reign of Trajan [1]
Founded 2nd century AD
Abandoned c. 6th-7th century
Attested by Tabula Peutingeriana
Place in the Roman world
Province Dacia
Capital of Dacia Malvensis
Administrative unit Dacia Malvensis
Administrative unit Dacia Inferior
Directly connected to
— Stone structure —
Size and area 216 m x 183 m (3,9 [1] ha)
— Wood and earth structure —
Built during the reign of Trajan [1]
Size and area 100 m x 100 m (1 [1] ha)
Stationed military units
I Flavia Commagenorum [2]
Town Reşca
County Olt
Country  Romania
Site notes
Condition Ruined
Excavation dates 1900 [3]
Archaeologists Pamfil Polonic [3]

Romula was a fort in the Roman province of Dacia.

See also

External links


  1. 1 2 3 4 Academia Română: Istoria Românilor, Vol. 2, Daco-romani, romanici, alogeni, 2nd. Ed., București 2010, ISBN 978-973-45-0610-1
  2. Tactica, strategie si specific de lupta la cohortele equitate din Dacia Romana, Petru Ureche
  3. 1 2 "Manuscrisele lui Pamfil Polonic". Retrieved 15 December 2012.

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