Roberto Paci Dalò

Roberto Paci Dalò
Born (1962-01-27) January 27, 1962
Rimini, Italy
Nationality Italian
Awards Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction for Interactive Arts in 1994 and 1999. Djerassi Foundation Residency (1987). Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD Fellowship (1992-1993). Premio Napoli 2015.

Roberto Paci Dalò is an Italian composer and musician, film director and theatre director, visual artist. He is the co-founder and director of the performing arts ensemble Giardini Pensili and he is artistic director of Velvet Factory.

Life and career

After musical, visual, and architectural studies in Fiesole, Faenza and Ravenna, in 1993 he receives the Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD Fellowship.[1][2] He taught Media Dramaturgy and New Media at the University of Siena and currently teaches Interaction Design at UNIRSM Design Università della Repubblica di San Marino.[3]

In 1993 he conceives the project Publiphono – based on the public address system of the Rimini beach – used to created environmental audio performance along 15 km of the coast; several artists were commissioned to produce pieces for it.[4] In 1994 with Marina Abramović and Barbara Bloom he has been invited to the project “Bildende Kunst auf dem Theater” at Hebbel-Theater Berlin. In 1995 the Kronos Quartet premiered at the Vienna Opera House his composition Nodas. In 1997 he creates ''Trance Bakxai, a sort of artist's rave inspired by Euripides. This project has been presented several times in industrial archeology venues.[5] In 2001 he staged the performance work Metamorfosi created through a one-month film scanning of the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana in Roma EUR: the modernist icon from 1942.[6] The performance became then a film which has been part of the official selection of the 54th Locarno Film Festival. In the same year he presented the film RAX, dedicated to the artist Robert Adrian X,[7] at the Vienna Kunsthalle. In 2002 he created with the English artist and musician Philip Jeck the film and concert performance Mush Room. 2004 he co-creates the staged concert Italia anno zero after texts by Antonio Gramsci, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Giacomo Leopardi widely presented across Europe. 2006 he creates the music-theatre production Organo magico organo laico featuring Mouse on Mars and Icarus musicians at the REC Festival (Teatro Valli, Reggio Emilia).[8] In the same year he creates the music-theatre work Cenere after texts by Amelia Rosselli and Gabriele Frasca (Teatro Comunale di Monfalcone).[9] In 2007 he presents his solo exhibition City Works - urban explorations and interventions in the cities of Berlin, Ciudad de México, Linz, Napoli, Rimini, Rome, Vancouver - at the Gallery SESV (University of Florence - Department of Architecture).[10] In the same year he presents his solo exhibition Sparks (site-specific installation and drawings on paper) at the contemporary arts centre Palazzo delle Papesse Siena[11] and the videoinstallation Shadows at Studio Zero, the exhibition space of Duomo Hotel created by Ron Arad in Rimini.[12] In the same year he presents a triple project at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz. In that occasion he performed Napoli (the historical work created in 1993 and already presented in Linz in 1995). Napoli is an immersive multi-channel sound portrait of the Italian city. Within the festival he premiered the film IMA Fiction #3 Heidi Grundmann[13] (a portrait of the seminal figure in radio and telecommunication world) and the electronic performance Elektra. In 2008 as part of the Napoli Teatro Festival he directed and composed the cycle of 11 music-theatre performances L'assedio delle ceneri featuring actors like Umberto Orsini, Franco Branciaroli, Massimo Popolizio a.o. Paci Dalò created the sculpture "Sun Tzu" under invitation of the Galleria Civica di Modena (2010) and the work "Smallville#1" as part of the Bologna Art First 2011. In 2011 he presented the music-theatre work De bello Gallico - Enklave Rimini. In 2012 he creates in Shanghai the audio-visual performance Ye Shanghai; the project deals with several aspects of the Shanghainese life before 1949. At the core of this work is the story of the Shanghai Ghetto, an area of approximately one square mile located in the Hongkou District of Japanese-occupied Shanghai. It housed about 23,000 Jewish refugees relocated by the Japanese-issued Proclamation Concerning Restriction of Residence and Business of Stateless Refugees, after they fled from the German-occupied Europe before and during World War II. He produces a series of Berlin projects based on Heiner Müller's texts: Greuelmärchen - sound/video installation (Internationale Heiner Müller Gesellschaft, Berlin), Schwarzes Licht, Roter Schnee.[14] He collaborates with a number of institutions and research centres including University of Bologna, IULM University Milan, University of Newcastle Culture Lab (UK), Domus Academy Milan,[15] Brera Fine Arts Academy Milan, Ascoli Piceno and Rome universities, and Great Northern Way Campus, where he develops projects between technology, art, and the urban space in collaboration with designers, architects, city planners, artists, programmers, theoreticians and hackers. He is member of the Internationale Heiner Müller Gesellschaft Berlin.[16] He is artist-in-residence at Djerassi Foundation (San Francisco), STEIM (Amsterdam), Ars Electronica FutureLab (Linz), Montévidéo and GMEM (Marseille), La Bellone (Bruxelles), Western Front (Vancouver).


Roberto Paci Dalò has developed a multi-layered language out of his background in sound and visual arts, which combines the spoken language with body and architecture. His work uses new technologies in combination with an analysis on classical tragic drama. The areas of work of Roberto Paci Dalò includes robotics, cybernetics, man-machine interaction, psychoacoustics, realtime video and sound processing. He wrote, composed and directed since 1985 about 30 music-theatre works presented worldwide.[17] He composed music for acoustical ensembles, electronics, voices and a large number of radioworks produced by European broadcasting corporations.[18] His production of films and videos is regularly presented in international festivals.[19][20] His dramaturgical materials are frequently re-composed in sound and video installations – often site specific and interactive – presented in museums, galleries, and the public space.[21] As performer he developed extended techniques on the clarinet and with electronics and sampler. His performances range from solo to electro-acoustical ensembles and improvised music projects in collaboration with other artists. His interest in traditional cultures brought him into explorations and field researches through the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Balkans and the North West European islands. He works on expansions of radio language(s) especially through his long term collaboration with ORF Kunstradio.[22] Among his on-site/on-air/on-line projects: La Natura Ama Nascondersi (Kunstradio 1992), Napoli (Nantes 1994, official selection Prix Italia), La lunga notte (1993, award EBU/UER), Lost Memories (Graz 1994, official selection Prix Futura), Many Many Voices (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlino 1995, CD Edel Records / Akademie der Künste Berlin), Fuori Luogo (commissioned by SFB Sender Freies Berlin for the Prix Europa 98 opening), OZ (SFB / Sonambiente 1996), Italia anno zero (2005), L'assedio delle ceneri (RAI, 2008).[23] Urban explorations is a fundamental aspect of his work. He collects soundscapes since the beginning of the 80's. His interest in urban spaces brought him to the creation of a corpus of sound and visual work based on this research. Some of this activity is documented on-line in the permanent website Atlas Linz (since 1998) created in collaboration with the Ars Electronica Center Linz. The site is conceived as an open net space devoted to urban explorations and interventions.[24] He develops interfaces and software/hardware in different research centres & foundations.

Curatorial work

He establishes in 1985 the association and performing arts ensemble Giardini Pensili with Isabella Bordoni[25][26] and 1990 the non-profit organization Amici della Musica Rimini. Between 1991 and 1998 he creates and curates in Rimini the International radio + art festival LADA L’Arte dell'Ascolto. He brigs to Rimini artists like Heiner Goebbels, Ensemble Modern, Llorenç Barber, Soldier String Quartet, Scanner, David Moss, Rupert Huber (Tosca), Sam Auinger, Hannes Strobl, Tibor Szemzo a.o.[27][28] Since 1990 he is curator and co-ordinator of international projects based on telecommunication systems and the Internet as working places (i.e. trustee of the Mediterranean network of Horizontal Radio, Ars Electronica 1995; Rivers & Bridges). In 1995 opens the Giardini Pensili Web Site.[29][30] In 1995 he creates Radio Lada - web art radio.[31] Between 1999 and 2001 he is the curator of Itaca - the electronic stage of the Teatro di Roma - working together with Mario Martone and he is co-curator of the project Aria-Net (Marseille, Lisbon, Rimini, Vienna). In 2000 he curates — invited by RAI — part of the Radio and Internet programme within the Prix Italia (Bologna-Rimini) and in 2004 he creates the label LADA L’Arte dell’Ascolto devoted to electronics, spoken words, soundscape and urban explorations. Since 2006 he is the artistic director of the contemporary arts centre Velvet Factory (Rimini),[32] a large-scale creation lab and a residence space in Rimini. The multidisciplinary centre hosts events from sound to cinema (with a particular attention to documentary, animation and live cinema), passing through performing arts (dance, music, theatre), radio, visual arts, design, architecture, words, fashion, philosophy and it is conceived as a centre promoting culture, a creative city and the cultural district, mixed media and dramaturgy, contemporary arts’ language and electronics within a Time Based Arts approach. Within Velvet Factory operates the Velvet-Lab think-tank and creative studio.[32]

Authors and writings

Since the end of the 80's he composes and directs radio works commissioned by European broadcasting corporations (RAI, ORF, DeutschlandRadio, WDR among others), working on texts by Predrag Matvejevic', Samih al-Qasim, Yehuda Amichai, Ingeborg Bachmann, Walter Benjamin, Giorgio Agamben, Antonio Pizzuto, Heiner Müller, Giacomo Leopardi, Antonio Gramsci. He has been working on texts by Samuel Beckett, Euripides, Shakespeare, Gabriele Frasca, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Alexandra Petrova, Colette Tron, Tommaso Ottonieri, Emily Dickinson, Daniel Varujan, Amelia Rosselli, Alessandro Dal Lago, Jolanda Insana, Tommaso Ottonieri, Lello Voce, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Stefano Boeri, Giacomo Lubrano, Patrizia Valduga.


His music has been performed by musicians like David Moss, Kronos Quartet, Philip Jeck, Rupert Huber, Esti Kenan-Ofri, Giorgio Magnanensi, Sainkho Namtchylak, Icarus Ensemble, Gerfried Stocker, Giancarlo Cardini, Stefano Scodanibbio, Tenores di Bitti, Gordon Monahan, Joelle Leandre, Roberto Lucanero. Other collaborations include musicians Alvin Curran, Andrea Felli, Robert Lippok, Fred Frith, Jon Rose, Robin Rimbaud aka Scanner, Tom Cora, Mouse on Mars, Terry Riley; artists Peter Courtemanche, Kurt Hentschläger, Horst Hörtner, Richard Long, Tullio Brunone, Oreste Zevola, Maurizio Cattelan, Robert Adrian X, Paolo Rosa; writers Yehuda Amichai, Samih al-Qasim, Predrag Matvejevic', Gabriele Frasca, Giorgio Agamben, Patrizia Valduga; dancer Caterina Sagna. He directed actors like Umberto Orsini, Massimo Popolizio, Saverio La Ruina, Enzo Moscato, Franco Branciaroli, Silvio Orlando, Nicoletta Fabbri, Anna Bonaiuto, Sandro Lombardi, Rita Maffei, Fabiano Fantini, Marcello Sambati, Heiko Senst, Roberto Latini.

Theatre and Music-Theatre

  • Sentieri Segreti, 1985
  • Corrispondenze Naturali, 1986
  • Sound House, 1986
  • Un cantico / partiture sonore, 1986
  • A Harmonic Walk, 1987
  • Cave di pietra, 1987
  • Il calore della terra, 1987
  • Nel fondo del giardino, 1987
  • Terre Unite, 1988
  • Terre Separate, 1988
  • Temporale, 1989
  • Terrae Motvs, 1991
  • Niemandsland, 1992
  • Terra di Nessuno, 1993
  • Auroras, 1994
  • Metrodora, 1996
  • Scanning Bacchae, 1997
  • Trance Bakxai, 1997
  • Nishmat Hashmal, 1998
  • Cieli altissimi retrocedenti, 1998
  • Enigma, 1998
  • Stasimi, 1998
  • Sophon Sophia, 1998
  • Il Cartografo, 1999
  • Affreschi / due porte per Tebe, 1999
  • Sirene, 2000
  • Shir, 2000
  • Animalie, 2002
  • Blue Stories, 2001
  • Metamorfosi, 2001
  • Local & Long Distance, 2003
  • Petrolio / Rose, 2003
  • Stelle della sera, 2004
  • Filmnero, 2004
  • Altri fuochi, 2005
  • Porpora, 2005
  • Italia anno zero, 2005
  • Petroleo México, 2005
  • Tremante omaggio, 2005
  • Qual è la parola, 2006
  • Organo magico organo laico, 2006
  • Words, 2006
  • Cenere, 2006
  • L'assedio delle ceneri, 2008
  • Roter Schnee, 2009
  • Black Beauty, 2011
  • De bello Gallico - Enklave Rimini, 2011[33]
  • Ye Shanghai, 2012

Radio and Telematic Projects

Kunstradio Live radio version in conjunction with the on site installation in Vienna. From studio RP4, Vienna Broadcastinghouse. Klangtheater Live radio. March 24.3.2002 Bayern2Radio/ hr2 /WDR 3/ Oe1/ NordwestRadio/ SR2. Intermedium 2 - radio broadcast (mix from the Klangtheater installation in Vienna). ZKM Radio/Intermedium2 Radio piece. Oesterreich 1 and Radio Oesterreich International. March 31.3.2002

Selected Discography


Critical response

His work has won him international admiration from among others, John Cage[34] and Aleksandr Sokurov.

“Roberto Paci Dalò's concert at the Experimental Intermedia (NYC) was a surprise and a pleasure for me. His attention to details is exactly what we need right now. The concert was a wonderful example in the nuances intonation and in the representation of the clarinet as a solo instrument and in the joining of music to words”. Robert Ashley

"...if the new multimedia is going anywhere at all, Paci Dalò's "Animalie" is leading the way, a truly great show!!!!" Alvin Curran

"I enjoyed your music very much and wish you great success in your future projects. With best regards and much respect". John Zorn

" ... The most important thing is that everything works for the music. Music indefinitely simple and beautiful. This is an opera for me! An indefintely simple, beautiful, and serious opera! "(about the opera Auroras, Berlin Hebbel-Theater). Giya Kancheli


  2. Berliner Künstlerprogramm
  3. [ Research & Development ]
  4. Silvio Mini, Soundscape, cacciatori di straordinario nella Rimini di tutti i giorni in UNIBO magazine, 14/07/2006.
  6. Metamorfosi
  7. RAX a video Roberto Paci Dalo'
  8. ORGANO LAICO > home
  9. cenere > home
  10. ::: C I T Y W O R K S :::
  11. S P A R K S
  12. ::: S H A D O W S :::
  13. » portrait #3 07
  14. Greuelmaerchen
  15. Scuola di Design e Moda - Master in Design e Moda - Domus Academy
  16. Internationale Heiner Müller Gesellschaft - Gesellschaft - Mitglieder
  17. spettacoli / performing arts
  18. Opere radiofoniche, Radioworks, Hörspiele, and Telematic Radio Projects
  19. Roberto Paci Dalò: Films & Documentaries
  20. Roberto Paci Dalò - Biography
  21. roberto paci dalò ||| shows & installations 1982-2006
  22. Biography of Roberto Paci Dalò on Kunstradio
  25. The New Music Theater : Seeing the Voice, Hearing the Body: Seeing the Voice, Hearing the Body, Oxford University Press, 2008, p. 199.
  26. Judy Malloy, Women, Art, and Technology, MIT Press, 2003, p. 66.
  28. Tatiana Bazzichelli, Networking, Milano: Costa & Nolan, 2007, p. 99-100.
  30. Michele Coralli, Roberto Paci Dalò: Drammaturgo dei media in altremusiche, 11/2003.
  32. 1 2 Velvet Club & Velvet Factory / space for the arts
  33. De bello Gallico - Enklave Rimini, 2011 on youtube
  34. Handwritten note by John Cage publish on the artist's website Roberto Paci Dalò Web Site

Further reading

External links

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