Rémy Ourdan

Rémy Ourdan is a French journalist, war correspondent for the newspaper Le Monde, and documentary filmmaker.


Le Monde

Rémy Ourdan began as a reporter in 1992, at the age of 23, in Sarajevo. He covered the siege of Sarajevo and the Bosnian war for four years, first as a freelance correspondent, then as a journalist for Le Monde. In the Balkans, he also covered Croatia, the Kosovo war, Serbia after the fall of Slobodan Milosevic, and the insurgency in Macedonia. He closed the decade with an account of his journey with Svetlana Broz, writer and granddaughter of Josip Broz Tito, though the former Yugoslavia, in search of Yugo-nostalgia.

In Africa, he wrote a long investigative story on the Rwandan genocide, and covered conflicts in the Great Lakes region and in Congo, as well as the Eritrean-Ethiopian war and the Sierra Leone civil war.

He also covered the rise of the international criminal justice and the trials for crimes against humanity and war crimes at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha.

After the September 11 attacks by Al-Qaeda in 2001, Ourdan covered the American wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and worked on Al-Qaeda and global jihad. He entered Kabul with the mujahideen (November 2001) and was in Baghdad during the American-led invasion of Iraq (March–April 2003).[1] He covered the Iraq war for two years, investigating the American war crimes committed during the invasion and the torture and prisoner abuse committed during the occupation, as well as the Fallujah Iraqi insurgency.

Ourdan has been Le Monde foreign editor (2005-2008) and deputy editor (2013).[2]

He covered the Arab Spring - Egypt at the fall of Hosni Mubarak and the Libyan Civil War -, the war in the Central African Republic, and the conflicts involving the Islamic State.

The Siege

Rémy Ourdan is the director of the documentary film The Siege (co-directed with Patrick Chauvel, 2016), [3] on the siege of Sarajevo. The film was awarded the Gold FIPA 2016 for best documentary.[4]


Ourdan organized on April 6, 2012, for the 20th anniversary of the war in Bosnia, a reunion called "Sarajevo 2012", for which hundreds of war reporters came back to Sarajevo.[5][6][7][8]

An international foundation on contemporary conflicts, WARM, started as a project during "Sarajevo 2012". WARM,[9] founded and headed by Ourdan, has been launched in Sarajevo in 2013[10][11][12][13] and is organizing an annual festival in Sarajevo.[14][15][16]

Other works

In France, Ourdan edited the collective book Après-guerre(s) (Autrement, 2001),[17] and the French edition of Crimes of War (edited by Roy Gutman and David Rieff),[18] Crimes de guerre (Autrement, 2002).[19]

In the United States, he wrote about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for the photo book WAR, edited by the VII photo agency (A War, and Ricochets, VII, WAR, de.MO, 2003),[20][21] and for Dispatches, edited by Gary Knight and Mort Rosenblum (America vs Al Qaeda: A Foe's Best Friend, dispatches, Beyond Iraq, 2008).[22]

He was, with Jon Jones and Gary Knight, one of the editors of the photo book Bosnia 1992-1995 (edited by Jon Jones, 2012),[23][24] for which he wrote the foreword Sarajevo, a love story,[25] published for the 20th anniversary of the war in Bosnia.



Ourdan is the founder and co-owner of a bar called 61,[29] in Paris, known for its photo exhibitions,[30] film screenings and book launches.

External links


  1. Mémoire de l'oubli - Rémy Ourdan - Irak 2003, La prise de Bagdad, Arte: http://info.arte.tv/fr/memoire-de-loubli-remy-ourdan
  2. Nominations au Monde, Le Monde: http://www.lemonde.fr/actualite-medias/article/2013/04/15/nominations-au-monde_3159821_3236.html?xtmc=ourdan&xtcr=3
  3. "The Siege", Agat Films & Cie : http://www.agatfilmsetcie.com/fiche-film_en.php?id=682
  4. FIPA : http://www.fipa.tv/fipa/uploads/Fipa_palmares-2016_def_ENG_site.pdf
  5. It’s not hard to fall in love for Sarajevo, Radio Sarajevo: http://www.radiosarajevo.ba/novost/77110/#
  6. Sarajevo was The Story Of Their Lives, The Cutting Edge: http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=72788
  7. Reporters de guerre(s), France Inter: http://www.franceinter.fr/emission-interception-reporters-de-guerres
  8. La guerre en Bosnie a provoqué un éveil des consciences, France Info: http://www.franceinfo.fr/societe/les-choix-de-france-info/remy-ourdan-la-guerre-en-bosnie-a-provoque-un-eveil-des-consciences-766431-2012-10-12
  9. WARM: http://www.warmfoundation.org/about
  10. WARM Launch Press Release: http://www.warmfoundation.org/news/08-04-2013-warm-launch-press-release
  11. War Reporters Network Launches in Sarajevo, BIRN: http://www.warmfoundation.org/news/war-reporters-network-launches-sarajevo-birn
  12. The WARM Foundation: Telling the Story of Modern War, The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kj-wetherholt/the-warm-foundation_b_3857148.html
  13. Telling their Story: Reflections on War, PCRC blog: http://p-crc.org/telling-their-story-reflections-on-war/
  14. The First World WARM Festival: http://www.warmfoundation.org/warm-festival-2014
  15. Libyan Rebels Fly to Bosnia to see Revolution Film, AP: http://www.warmfoundation.org/news/libyan-rebels-fly-to-bosnia-to-see-revolution-film-ap
  16. WARM Festival 2015 : http://www.warmfoundation.org/warm-festival-2015
  17. Après-guerre(s), Autrement, 2001: http://www.autrement.com/ouvrages.php?ouv=2746700611
  18. The Crimes of War Project: http://www.crimesofwar.org/index.html
  19. Crimes de guerre, Autrement, 2002: http://www.autrement.com/ouvrages.php?ouv=2746702703
  20. A War, and Ricochets, VII, WAR, de.MO, 2003: http://viiphoto.com/viistore/shop/war-vii
  21. WAR, VII Magazine: http://www.viistories.com/books/war.aspx
  22. America vs Al Qaeda: A Foe's Best Friend, dispatches, Beyond Iraq, 2008: http://viiphoto.com/viistore/shop/dispatches-beyond-iraq
  23. Bosnia 1992-1995, 2012: http://www.bosnia-book.com/en/
  24. Bosnia 1992-1995 : http://www.warmfoundation.org/project/bosnia-1992-1995
  25. Sarajevo, a love story, Bosnia 1992-1995, 2012: http://www.bosnia-book.com/en/foreword
  26. Bayeux Award for War Correspondents 2000: http://www.prixbayeux.org/index.php?id=49&L=0
  27. Bayeux Award for War Correspondents 2012: http://www.prixbayeux.org/?p=1176
  28. Mexique, Les damnés de Juarez, Le Monde, 2012: http://www.lemonde.fr/ameriques/article_archive/2012/02/23/les-damnes-de-juarez_1778248_3222.html
  29. 61: http://www.61paris.fr/61-61/
  30. 61 in Paris, The British Journal of Photography: http://www.bjp-online.com/british-journal-of-photography/blog-post/2083559/-61-paris
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