Radical 209
Radical 209 meaning "nose" is 1 of 2 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 14 strokes.
In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 49 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.
Characters with Radical 209
strokes | character |
without additional strokes | 鼻 |
2 additional strokes | 鼼 鼽 |
3 additional strokes | 鼾 鼿 |
5 additional strokes | 齀 齁 |
8 additional strokes | 齂 |
9 additional strokes | 齃 齄 |
10 additional strokes | 齅 齆 |
11 additional strokes | 齇 |
13 additional strokes | 齈 |
22 additional strokes | 齉 |
- Fazzioli, Edoardo (1987). Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters. calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko. New York: Abbeville Press. ISBN 0-89659-774-1.
See also